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ALTARS (Australia) / HEAVING EARTH (Cze) Split tape out now!

Expect Dark and twisted Death metal!

ALTARS are incaged in Australia and unleash some twisted, abstract obscure Death metal.

HEAVING EARTH suffer in Czech republic and offer two new songs of burning satanic Death metal.


Released as a black tape with violet cover.
Available against 2 Euros + postage from this webshop:

More infos:

Other releases available for trade or sale:
-WRITHING (Usa)/ AD PATRES (Fra) Split tape. Fast, kicking and darkened Death metal.
-HERPES (Fra) Doomsday Demo CDr. Morbid Death metal influenced by Autopsy, with Death breath and early Death touches...
-NERLICH (Fin) Innards Demo tape. 4 tracks of Death metal from the grave!
-NECROS (Fra)/ ABNORM (Fra) Split tape. Upcoming Death black from France the obscure way!
Ask for the complete tradelist.

Prepare to underground Death metal explosions!


Here's the first review of the split tape,
coming from dutch webzine CHOCKING ON BILE:

Met de revival van het vinyl, komt in de schaduw hiervan ook de cassette enigszins terug. Het formaat mag dan niet van deze tijd zijn, Nihilistic Holocaust weet wel leuke bands aan elkaar te koppelen voor deze splits. Dat gaat zeker op voor het Tsjechische Heaving Earth en het Australische Altars. Laatstgenoemde levert de eerste twee tracks, waarin het een moderne, maar duistere interpretatie van de Morbid Angel-sound laat horen. Hoewel de uitvoering behoorlijk lijdt onder een slecht geluid, is Altars een uitermate interessant gezelschap. Goeie ideeën, goeie opbouw, goeie songs. De band moet alleen met spoed een goeie studio opzoeken en een full length opnemen. Heaving Earth is een iets ander verhaal. In de recensie van hun full length Diabolic Prophecies noemde ik de band al een bastaardkind van Hate Eternal en Immolation en die stelling blijft wat mij betreft kaarsrecht overeind. De lekker geproduceerde tracks herbergen nog steeds de typische hoekige Immolation-groove en ook de dissonante snelle partijen keren in het nieuwe materiaal terug. De band blijft dus duidelijk bij z'n formule, maar lijkt alleen maar sterker voor de dag te komen. Beide tracks zijn van sublieme klasse en ik kan dan ook niet wachten op een nieuwe full length. Het is jammer dat het geen toegankelijk formaat is, want deze split hoort eigenlijk bij iedere liefhebber in de kast te staan. Heaving Earth is gewoon een band van topklasse, maar ook Altars verdient zeker je aandacht! 4/5

The amount of tapes in circulation keeps on growing, it is or will be available soon from various distros from every continents.

New transmission from the moist cave.

A review of the split tape was published on LORDS OF METAL Webzine:

Fasten your seatbelts! Engulfed is a fucking gory underground split death metal tape that holds Altars from Adelaide / Australia and Heaving Earth from Prague / Czech Republic. Both bands donated two tracks to Nihilistic Holocaust that released this cassette in a limited edition as a black tape with violet cover. Engulfed is available for only TWO uros plus postage, so be sure to check the labels webstore before theyre gone.
Altars plays a kind of nihilistic death metal with a genuine underground rehearsal room sound. This is the kind of death metal that is not for the faint of heart. With an improved sound, these guys are ready to take the world by storm on their next release.
Heaving Earth blasts away with I Am Nothing and Intro The Depths Of Damnation if they are using an Uzi Assault Weapon. Both tracks are also available on their self released Redemption Ablaze EP. Deicide fans could buy this tape instantly and if youre too lazy or too cheap to buy this one, just check Nihilistic Holocausts Bandcamp page where you can listen to this cassette in its entirety. 78/100

Also an interview of ALTARS is still available at this adress:

Read you soon,


A new review of the split tape is available on the FATAL GRIND Blog (Germany)

Auf der roten Liste der aussterbenden Bild und Tonträger steht das Audiomagnetband gleich hinter der Videokassette und gilt somit als schützenswertes Relikt ohne Lobby. Die Schellackplatte übrigens ist schon ins Reich der Mythen abgetaucht und wird nur noch vereinzelt von unwissenschaftlichen Kryptomusikern gesichtet. Um dem Tape dieses Schicksal der Lächerlichkeit zu ersparen, machen sich immer wieder Enthusiasten auf und widmen ihre Freizeit der Nachzüchtung und des gezielten Artenschutzes. Vereinzelte Musiker wie auch mutige (oder konsequent traditionelle) Label nehmen den Faden auf und erinnern daran, wie der Metal eigentlich in der Szene zu seinem Status gekommen ist, Bands, die heute Geldberge umstapeln, populär geworden sind, das Licht erblickten, und zwar durch Tapetrading. Also ist diese Plattform unbedingt erhaltenswert. Aufgrund dessen, oder wegen starren Tunnelblicks, so genau lässt sich das nun auch nicht sagen, treffen sich nun ALTARS aus Australien und HEAVING EARTH aus Tschechien zu einem Duell A – Seite gegen B – Seite. Im direkten Vergleich ist schnell klar, dass das A, sonst überall die Führungsposition, nicht zwangsläufig tonangebend ist. ALTARS spielen einen straighten Death Metal auf ganz gesundem Niveau, aber auch ohne nun wirklich für Muskelkater und Kopfschmerzen zu sorgen. Immer ordentlich zackig auf die Trommel gekloppt, ab und an Breaks und dann das Gummiband am Hosenbund. Also um Variablen in ihrer Musik sind sie absolut bemüht, die eine zündende Idee ist aber nicht wirklich dabei. ALTARS, die schon einige Jahre durch das Outback trotten, sind auch nicht die produktivsten ihre Spezies, vielleicht fehlt ihnen etwas der Druck, um besser als die namenlose Masse zu sein. Ganz anständige Exerzierübung, ohne fühlbares Potential für den großen Schritt. HEAVING EARTH tanzen da schon auf ganz anderen Bühnen. Bereits ihr 2010er Debüt war, international möglicherweise aufgrund der Unmengen an Releases untergegangen, ein Paukenschlag in punkto Technik und Brutalität. Mit ihrem Part auf dem Band setzen sie das fort, was sie begonnen haben. Dabei werden die Stücke noch verschachtelter, blenden hinter jeder Biegung mit neuen metaphorischen Lichtorgeln. Das komplette Paket ist einfach satter und viel flexibler als das ihrer australischen Kollegen. Straff gepacktes Songwriting mit viel Inhalt sorgt dafür, dass HEAVING EARTH auf ansprechende Weise vreichlich Kurzweil garantiert. Die Produktion ist übrigens auch besser, wo ALTARS, ohne das verurteilen zu wollen, zu sehr nach „Alles In Einem“ im Studio eingetrommelt klingen, machen HEAVING EARTH einen wesentlich besseren Schnitt mit ausgewogenem und druckvollem Sound. Aber das nur als Randnotiz. Also, B hat mehr zu bieten als A, aber auch A haben nicht wirklich billig und gedankenlos irgendwas in den Boden gestanzt. Daraus ergibt sich eine recht fruchtbare Mischung, die sich zur Seele zu führen und verderben zu lassen, kein Fehler sein dürfte. Der Fairness halber muss gesagt sein, dass die 2 Songs von HEAVIN EARTH bereits im Sommer auf einer 7er erschienen sind und hier auf anderem Medium quasi die 2. Luft kriegen. Somit besteht nicht unbedingt Handlungsbedarf, das Tape auch wirklich noch beim Schlittenlenker anzumelden. Aber als Verteidiger gefährdeter Arten, kann man das für sehr kleines Geld ruhig machen.

The tape is still available from
Or in exchange of other demos, on tape, CDr or others...

For trade requests: gabsk(a)


Three new reviews have appeared,
here it is:

This is an excellent split of two heavy-weight Death Metal bands, namely ALTARS and HEAVING EARTH, offering two tracks each. ALTARS from Australia were unknown to me and I'm glad to have their acquaintance because they absolutely reign. Formed in 2005, they have released one demo "Altars" in 2008 and a split with TZUN TZUN. They perform heavy and brutal US Death Metal and what makes them awesome is that the two songs 'Husk' and 'Descent (Paramnesia, Part I)' offer a lot of dynamics and variation combined with the best of everything you can wish for. The riffs of guitarist Lewis Fisher are excellent. Vocalist Cale Schmidt delivers some perfect grunts. Drummer Alan Cadman who's also featured in TZUN TZU probably plays the biggest role here with some original fills and putting the appropriate gear to the right section to keep the stream of intensity flow faster. This guy is excellent and (just listen to the snare in 'Descent (Paramnesia, Part I)' at 0:40) both tracks belong to the greatest of 2012. The production sounds as raw as a rehearsal without losing any details and adds some spontaneity on top of the brutality. It reminded a bit of the BLOODY SIGN "The Will Of Nature" EP. Fans of IGNIVOMOUS, DRAWN AND QUARTERED, DEAD CONGREGATION, (a faster) OCEAN OF ZERO and INCANTATION ("Diabolical Conquest") should definately check this out. HEAVING EARTH are a good sparring partner and the better known of these two, offering a different approach both musicwise and production-wise, while keeping the brutality flourishing. Their style sounds like a mix of VITAL REMAINS, IMMOLATION, HATE ETERNAL and ZYKLON. Especially the guitars have a similar mania as late IMMOLATION, but it sounds solid and would go too far to accuse them of copying. The production is cleaner than the one of ALTARS but still heavy enough to blow you away. Formed in 2008, these guys have released a few demos, an EP and a very cool debut in "Diabolica Prophecies" in 2010. The vocals could use some variation and more aggression, but part from that these track 'I Am Nothing' and 'Into The Depth Of Abomination' are flawless. Their progression demands more attention and these two will make you eager for the next full-length. These guys know when to slow down and especially then, the quality of guitarist Lewis Fischer lifts the quality even higher. This excellent split on the French Nihilistic Holocaust is released on tape, but maybe for those who got rid of their decks, when the demand is high enough it will be released on vinyl and silver in near future. Michael Tak

Peu de temps après la split tape Writhing/Ad Patres, le label nordiste Nihilistic Holocaust remet ça. Cette fois, ce sont les Australiens de Altars qui font équipe avec (ou se battent contre, suivant l'idée que l'on se fait des splits) les Tchèques de Heaving Earth. Au programme: 2 titres chacun pour 20 minutes de death metal sombre et chaotique.
C'est à Altars que revient le droit d'ouvrir les hostilités. Ceux qui suivent la scène death metal australienne ont peut-être déjà croisé le chemin de ce combo d'Adélaïde, formé en 2005 et devenu trio depuis 2011 suite au départ de leur bassiste Jon Dewar, sur leur démo éponyme de 2008 ou sur le split sorti l'année suivante avec Tzun Tzu. C'est sur ce dernier que j'ai fait la connaissance du groupe. Le batteur d'Altars Alan Cadman a d'ailleurs été récemment intégré au line-up de Tzun Tzu en remplacement de Selen Gol. Voilà pour les présentations. En ce qui concerne la musique, on a affaire à du death metal assez bordélique, raw, occulte et bestial à la production crue et à l'ambiance des plus sombres, auréolé même de quelques influences black metal (Archgoat). Le modèle principal n'est autre qu'Immolation mais avec cette touche torturée assez typique des formation australiennes comme Portal et Impetuous Ritual. J'y trouve également un petit côté Adversarial niveau production et riffing dark et chaotique mais non dénué de mélodie. Le rendu est assez foutraque tout en restant audible, efficace et intéressant, Altars jouant bien avec les différentes rythmiques, entre fournées de gros blasts dévastateurs, moments plombés bien lourds et séquences thrashy entraînantes. Si le premier morceau "Husk" nous colle d'emblée dans le bain en nous montrant les qualités de la formation, c'est surtout le deuxième titre "Descent (Paramnesia, part I)" qui me fout la trique, notamment dès ce début tonitruant où les gros blasts sont de sortie. Une bonne première partie de split donc pour un groupe qui fait encore honneur à l'Australie et qui me convainc plus que sur le split avec Tzun Tzu.
Heaving Earth:
Décidément, Nihilistic Holocaust aime bien Heaving Earth, lui qui m'avait déjà fait découvrir le groupe sur la démo Vision Of The Vultures chroniquée dans ses pages tout comme le full-length Diabolic Prophecies. Les deux nouveaux titres présents sur le split sont issus de l'EP Redemption Ablaze self-released en août dernier et que m'avait gracieusement donné le patron du label tchèque Lavadome Productions. Si vous connaissez déjà le trio slave, vous ne serez pas dépaysés par "I Am Nothing" et "Into The Depths Of Abomination" puisque les deux compositions auraient très bien pu figurer sur Diabolic Prophecies. Là aussi, Immolation n'est jamais loin mais le death metal de Heaving Earth se fait plus propre et plus carré que Altars tout en se montrant tout aussi brutal avec pléthore de blast-beats. La différence se joue également dans le riffing radical et bouillonnant plus dans un esprit à la Hate Eternal et Morbid Angel, sur les solos plus techniques et mélodiques (ça sweepe!) ainsi que sur la longueur plus travaillée des morceaux. Si les Tchèques sont ici égaux à eux-mêmes en nous proposant du brutal death sombre, chaotique et légèrement dissonant de bonne facture, je regrette un peu le manque de surprise par rapport à l'album. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore le groupe, ce split est cependant un bon moyen de découvrir et d'apprécier la musique des Tchèques.

Bilan positif pour ce Engulfed qui après le très sympathique Writhing/Ad Patres dans un genre moins evil, confirme le nez fin de Nihilistic Holocaust. Après, on pourra toujours discuter de l'intérêt de sortir des tapes quitte à perdre un public potentiel mais en tout cas, la qualité est là. Engulfed nous propose deux groupes à la fois proches car jouant tous les deux un death metal influencé par Immolation et différents par l'approche qu'ils en ont. Altars se montre plus désordonné et plus underground quand Heaving Earth fait davantage dans la précision et la maîtrise technique. Si j'apprécie toujours beaucoup les Slaves, je dois dire que ce sont les Australiens qui m'ont le plus surpris ici, notamment sur "Descent (Paramnesia, part I)", clairement la meilleure piste du split, grâce à leur progression bien plus marquée que Heaving Earth, groupe plus jeune mais déjà arrivé à maturité. Si vous avez un lecteur K7 chez vous, n'hésitez donc pas à vous procurer la bête. Pour 2 euros, c'est cadeau! Keyser

METALLAND Webzine (Fra)
Nouvelle tape en tirage ultra-limité chez Nihilistic Holocaust, qui fait suite au très bon split entre WRITHING et AD PATRES chroniqué dans nos pages... Sans changer sa ligne de conduite, le label/distro signe deux nouveaux combos death méconnus, aux antipodes l'un de l'autre : Australie pour ALTARS, et République Tchèque pour HEAVING EARTH ! Le rejeton du pays des kangourous officie dans ce qu'on pourrait appeler une sorte d' "abstract death-metal", en référence à la structure anarchique des riffs, recouverts par le voile d'une production lo-fi totalement cryptique, d'où la sensation de ne jamais pouvoir saisir la véritable substance de ces deux morceaux. Les
imaginatifs se feront l'image d'un IMMOLATION jammant d'improbables démos au milieu d'un hangar mal sonorisé. Si on retient volontiers l'influence du Malin et l'atmosphère pesante qui se dégage ici, on attend cependant d'être un poil plus convaincus sur le fond des compositions, une fois passé l'effet de surprise qu'elles procurent.
De son côté, bien que HEAVING EARTH profite d'un son plus clair et compact, son brutal-death est également de facture très classique. Growls plus bas que terre, mid-tempos blasphématoires et blasts amenés avec intelligence, les amateurs seront conquis en un rien de temps et on se mettrait le doigt dans l'œil à croire que la musique des tchèques s'adresse à un autre public que celui des indéfectibles passionnés. Les deux morceaux proposent ainsi suffisamment ainsi de variations dissonantes et de breaks assassins pour retenir l'attention durant la dizaine de minutes escomptée, sans devoir crier au génie pour autant... Du bel artisanat en somme, ni plus ni moins. S'il vous venait donc l'idée d'abandonner 2 malheureux brouzoufs à la grande cause de l'Underground, vous savez ce qu'il vous reste à faire. Head!

Also most of my distro is now available on Discogs:

Here are two good new reviews of the split tape!

This one is still available against 2 euros + postage on this webshop:
Take one while it is available!


The prime purveyors of obscure brutality in the underground, Nihilistic Holocaust, once again deliver the goods by releasing this split between this duo of butchers. Each one of them delivers two tracks of unrelenting destruction.
Up first is Australia's Altars. Their style combines quirky thick riffs a la Immolation with varied doses of blazing speed. They start with Husk which begins with a short bit of Immolation-esque riffage before exploding into warp-speed riffs and rapid-fire drums that leave your eardrums battered and ruined. Descent immediately dashes out to a full sprint with a flurry of blast beats and deep guttural vocals. There are hints of Altars era Morbid Angel buried in spastic violence occurring on your stereo. The track then shifts gears into lumbering, sludgy riffs and deep, commanding vocals. A plodding pace rises from the murk and then once again the pace leaps into a blinding tempo that leaves you exhausted.
Taking their turn second is the Czech Republic's Heaving Earth. Their production is somewhat more "professional" as they have a much fuller sound. I Am Nothing gets their portion underway with a blizzard of merciless drum lines and big, thick riffs. The vocals are more out front than Altars and Some interesting soloing makes an appearance. A determined groove accented by guitar squeals takes the song towards its conclusion. Into The Depths Of Abomination brings the split to a close. Furious drums lines and militant vocal phrasing command your attention before the song takes off at full racing speed. Heaving Earth once again shift gears as a meaty groove creates maximum carnage. Circular riff patterns and an unrelenting segment of intense drums serve to wipeout any remaining sanity. However a guitar solo of technical skill brings back some clarity at the 3:44 mark. Another sinister groove surfaces afterwards and fills you with dread.
Nihilistic Holocaust have a good ear for interesting and true death metal within the underground. Altars and Heaving Earth are no exception. Though i would say I found Altars less polished approach more appealing and in some ways both of these bands take me back to the nostalgia of the early 90s tape trading scene. UGH

Eigentlich ist es ja ein wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten. Wenn der Gab über sein Hauptlabel Nihilistic Holocaust etwas veröffentlicht, dann überzeugt dies meist mit hervorragender Qualität. Und wenn er dann noch großartige Bands wie ALTARS und HEAVING EARTH für eine gemeinsame Split zusammen bekommt, steht außer Frage: “Engulfed” ist ein absoluter Pflichtkauf für den Death Metal Maniac!
Wenige dürften ALTARS bisher kennen. Eine wahre Schande, doch das mag auch daran liegen, dass die Band vergleichsweise faul ist. Der letzte Output der Australier, war die gemeinsame Split mit Tzun Tzun, mit denen man sich auch den grandiosen Drummer Alan Cadman teilt. Dies war im Jahre 2009 und seither wartete man vergebens auf neues Material. Da kommt “Engulfed” gerade recht, enthält es doch zwei neue Lieder in gut acht Minuten. Im direkten Vergleich sind ALTARS nun roher als auf “Nephenthe… Sepulcher / Ko’ muso“. Doch gerade diese neue, ungehobelte Art steht dem aberwitzigen Trio verdammt gut zu Gesicht! Die Musik ist noch wahnsinniger, noch zerstörerischer, noch brutaler und schlichtweg obskur.
Die Riffs sind messerscharf und zersägen einfach alles. Mürbende Monotonie wird ebenso geschickt eingesetzt, wie waghalsige Breaks und finsterster Groove. Dabei stützt das originelle Drumming von Cadman die Musik, bricht immer wieder in unterschiedlichste Blastgeschwindigkeiten aus und setzt sehr eigenständige Akzente. Wenn man die Band mit anderen Bands beschreiben müsste, dann klingt es so, als ob Tzun Tzun mit Bloody Sign eine unheilige Messe abhalten.
Die Produktion ist gleichermaßen ziemlich roh. Dennoch kann man alle Instrumente, inklusive dem Bass, gut heraushören. Und irgendwie stützt dieser archaische Klang auch die infernalische Atmosphäre dieses Splitbeitrags. Ein absoluter Gewinner, der mehr als zuvor Lust auf weitere Musik von ALTARS macht!
HEAVING EARTH sind bereits etwas bekannter als ihre Splitpartner. Zum einen über das Demo “Visions Of The Vulture“, das gleichermaßen von Nihilistic Holocaust auf CDr veröffentlicht wurde, wie auch über ihr Full-Length “Diabolic Prophecies“. Oder man kennt vielleicht die andere Band von Tomas und Michal, Brutally Deceased.
Wer bereits die diesjährige EP “Redemption Ablaze” kennt, bekommt auf “Engulfed” leider nichts Neues geboten. Denn die beiden Songs “I Am Nothing” und “Into The Depth Of Abomination” finden hier lediglich ihre Wiederverwertung.
Wem diese zwei Songs hingegen noch nicht geläufig sind, der hat an dieser Stelle den zweiten Grund, warum “Engulfed” eine Pflichtveranstaltung ist! Besonders der Song “I Am Nothing” ist Death Metal in Perfektion! Anfänglich mit Technik und wahnwitziger Geschwindigkeit der Marke Hate Eternal, wechselt der Track ab der Hälfte in Immolation-mäßige Majestätik. Spätestens ab dem Instrumentalpart kann man nur noch von kompositorischer Kunst sprechen, die absurde Welten erschafft, derweil sie die uns bekannte niederreißt. Ein grandioser Song!
An diese Intensität kommt “Into The Depth Of Abomination” zwar nicht ran, ist aber immer noch ein verdammt düsterer Song, so wie Death Metal sein sollte. Zwischen Immolation und Morbid Angel sind HEAVING EARTH einfach eine verdammt mächtige Band, die locker aus der Hüfte zwei tödliche Geschosse rausgehauen hat.
Auf lila Papier, ist das Booklet dieser Split-Kassette auch mit einem sehr obskuren Artwork versehen, passend zur Musik Auch die beiden anderen Flaps dieses einseitig bedruckten Einlegers, haben die entsprechende Ästhetik und runden das Gesamtbild ab. Für günstige zwei Euro zuzüglich Porto und Verpackung, ist “Engulfed” wahrlich ein essentieller und gegenwertiger Release des dahingeschiedenen Jahres 2012. Ein Nichterwerb wäre unverzeihlich!


Here are two new reviews of the split tape.

BRUTAL CRUSH Webzine (Ita)
Metallosamente parlando questo 2013 è iniziato come speravo, bello putrido e underground. Ve le ricordate le vecchie cassette? Si, le famose MC sopra cui copiavi l’impossibile e che qualche casa discografica misconosciuta produceva per tirare fuori gli split e le compilation più impensabili, le ricordate? Se pensavate fossero memorie di un passato lontano, vi sbagliavate. Alcuni giorni fa Aldo mi ha passato 2 split su cassetta! L’emozione è stata tanta, sono rimasto per alcuni minuti in silenzio di fronte a queste autentiche reliquie, che poi reliquie non sono, ma per il sottoscritto si tratta di merce pregiata. Con le cassette non puoi fare skip quando ti rompi il cazzo, i brani te li devi ciucciare tutti, questo è il bello. Se poi si tratta degli split di qualche band underground come in questo caso, allora sono cazzi da cagare, perché se non sono gagliardi ti puoi tranquillamente tritare i coglioni. Fortunatamente, lo dico con soddisfazione, i 2 split che mi ha passato il Capo sono da paura! Partiamo con la coppia che vede insieme gli americani Writhing ed i francesi Ad Patres. I primi suonano un feroce e classicissimo death metal a metà strada tra Morbid Angel periodo “Altar Of Madness” e Malevolent Creation prima maniera, perciò roba violenta e ragionata con un certo gusto negli arrangiamenti. Gli Ad Patres, invece, sono una furiosa e ragionata mazzata fra capo e collo, suonano un brutal death alla Suffocation/Fleshtized, qualcosa di apocalittico. La cassetta è limitata a 500 copie, non fatevela scappare, ne vale la pena anche perché costa solo 2,00 euro! Andiamo avanti e concludiamo con la coppia che vede gli australiani Altar ed i cechi Heaving Earth. I primi ci propongono un death metal canonico, non eccezionale, ma gradevole, se avete apprezzato i Morbid Angel di “Covenant” non vi dispiaceranno affatto. A seguire, gli Heaving Earth sono uno di quei nomi che scommetto faranno parlare molto in futuro, sempre se qualcuno si accorgerà di loro. La band suona un death oscuro, brutale ed evocativo, la colonna sonora perfetta per un film gore a tinte esoteriche, roba da panico. Il prezzo anche in questo caso è sempre 2,00 euro, ma non si tratta di un’edizione limitata, cosa indifferente visto che solo per la presenza degli Heaving Earth è da prendere a scatola chiusa. Per info o acquistare i 2 split potete tranquillamente cliccare qui, e mi raccomando: stay brutal! (Massimiliano Lodigiani)

BRUTALISM Webzine (Hol)
This is a split release between the Czech Republic’s Heaving Earth and Australia’s Altars. This opens with Altars whose sound is very raw and very much like a demo recording. The drums sound like a tin can being beaten and the guitars that you can just make out. The songs themselves are cool and furious, a mix of the brutal bunch and some traditional US death metal. Apart from the furious blast beats every now and again, this is an admirable attempt, but nothing to really jump up and down about because you simply cannot hear the music over the overbearing drum sound, production values have certainly been missed on these two tracks although ‘Descent (Paramnesia, Part I)’ does fair better.
Heaving Earth are more in tune with both Immolation and Hate Eternal, both very fast and very brutal and if anyone heard their 2010 release ‘Diabolic prophecies’ then you will know what I mean. ‘I Am Nothing’ is furious barrage of ideas and riffs that sweep away any lesser guitarist in one foul swoop of the plectrum across the strings, this is hair raising, this is very cool. ‘Into the Depths of Abomination’ continues in the same vein by being close to an utter bombardment, it is simply a shame they have a spilt with a lesser quality band. In Summary, Heaving Earth receive a 4/5 and Altars are only awarded a 2/5.

Keep it morbid,

Quite a lot of news occured at the level of the split tape recently.

Find enclosed 5 new reviews.

ALTARS have found two labels for their future recording: Their full-length album will be released by Nuclear winter and Blood harvest, on CD and Lp.

The tape is still available for 2 € + postage:


DEAF SPARROW Webzine (Usa)
Back in the day we gave Altars 2008 self-titled demo 3 and a half sparrows and made a point to shed a light on their brutal skills and not so much on their claim of being an atmospheric death metal band. Now since, times have changed and we know now what they meant. Classifying Altars as a meat and potatoes death metal band, like we did back in the day, is like classifying Portal as a boring fucking death metal band. I call bullshit on myself fellas. In fact, there is a connection there, both bands do not only hail from the same side of the world, but both share some sonic aesthetics.
What we are talking about is the same curled up and twisty thing. Some may call it Lovecraftian and others opt for the word oppressive. Whatever term or adjective you use to describe what a band like Altars does is irrelevant. The effect of their music is always the same, disorientation and the uneasy feeling of having been possessed by one hundred demons. The exorcism has been performed by a dimwit, therefore you are scarred for life. As Altars’ half starts with “Husk”, it is obvious that there is nothing straightforward here. Yeah, it is all fast, it is all convoluted but is also fluent, dexterous, intelligent and well-laid out. There is also the complexity, the forward thinking structures, the intricate drum patterns and the guitars which pummel, recede and stay in the foreground most times and in the background at others, but they are always menacing. Man, how wrong was I!
Their second song is called “Descent” and is less rapid. It’s a solid an disturbing slab of sludge death metal, if you know what I mean. The guitars suppurate with crunch and the deep growls of Cale Schmidt hover omnipresent. The drumming is insane, in its own supernatural plane. First time listeners of metal who are introduced to the genre via Altars may be tricked into thinking that all death metal is this sophisticated. It is not, but Altars definitely think of it on its own terms.
Heaving Earth have a difficult job ahead of them. They need to at least leave up to the same enervating levels of extremity of Altars. A few riffs into their half it is obvious that Heaving Earth are definitely up to the task. Their style of death metal is if not as unorthodox at least as forward thinking. Can you say Morbid Angel? Sure, you can you son of a bitch. Their songs seem assembled by adding oblique riff after oblique riff, but somehow through it all, their songs come as much more straight forward. “I am Nothing” for instance, serves coiling riffs that are sectioned into passages. The drum work is puzzling and the vocals deeper than a black hole, but also a bit mundane. The skill level of the band is impressive, drummer Jirka Zajic is a monster, he drums hard and relentlessly, but also with gusto and detail.
I am always puzzled by the musicianship of extreme metal bands these days. But is one thing to have the technique and is a very different thing to make something good out of your chops. Heaving Earth have talent in spades and these two cuts show that in spades. Their cuts are exhilarating, good showing of their technical and creative efficiencies. Now, let’s just hope that both bands can make full-lengths that live up to the levels of intensity that are in display here.
Bobby Peru. 4/5

I was very interested in getting this split tape, as it features one of my favourite Czech bands Heaving Earth, whose 2010’s album “Diabolic Prophecies” did some serious damage to my hearing and after listening session of it I had to answer some questions to the police, who wanted to know why all my neighbors are found dead (dead but dreaming!!!). But OK, Gabriel from Nihilistic Holocaust came with helpful hand once more and provided a copy of “Engulfed”. This split features also band called Altars – I never heard of them before – with their Promo 2012 songs and then Heaving Earth presents completely new material from “Redemption Ablaze” promo.
So, starting with Altars… they’re Australian and play very brutal, almost grinding (not tempo wise though) at times, but also very old school death metal. The sound on their material is very harsh, filthy as hell and brutal as fuck… I really mean that. When I first started to listen to their first track – “Husk” – I was like: “Shit, have they recorded that in a dungeon or tomb or what???”. It did take me several minutes to adopt and get used to this raw production and I must be honest, I still feel like it lacks something. But the music is fine, it is extreme, brutal old school death metal. There’s quite a lot of complexity in their music, but all is devoured by that brutal and tight feeling and gloomy, deep vocals. I don’t feel crazy about Altars music, to be honest, but I like the slow parts of their music, from the other hand though this promotional material definitely lacks a better production (drums especially)… but definitely this band did manage to create an eerie and obscure, almost suffocating atmosphere, so fans of the likes of Incantation or Ignivomous, watch them! Currently Altars have been signed to Nuclear Winter and expect the release of the debut album “Paramnesia” (LP version will be released by Blood Harvest).
And now Heaving Earth… well, I already mentioned that I liked their debut CD, so I was really looking forward to hear “Redemption Ablaze” promo. And man, they did not fail. Great, tight, fast and technical death metal, in the vein of Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Immolation, Malevolent Creation and few more, mainly American death legends. Both songs from “Redemption Ablaze” rip the guts out and I must say that I really like them both… the riffs, the vocals, drumming and the production - everything sounds great and right from the first second I felt very pleased with Heaving Earth’s music. This stuff is aggressive, is filled with pure energy and if Altars lacked that spark, which would ablaze the speakers, this Czech band did that in three seconds. And that ending part of “I am Nothing” just shreds totally, what an awesome piece of death metal!!! Cannot wait then for the second album of Heaving Earth, which I hope those guys will do very soon.
Final rate: Altars (65/100) Heaving Earth (85/100) – overall it is 75/100

DEATH DOMAIN Webzine (Swe)
Just the idea that I in 2012 get sent a cassette makes me all warm and fuzzy (Or, well I actually didn’t get the music on cassette, but a CD+MC cover). The return of the analog is welcomed, since that’s what I grew up with. And with that said, over to the actual review….
Altars is a death metal outfit from Adelaide, South Australia. I quite like this filthy death metal that they got going on, it’s rather refreshing to hear something as organic as this in todays computer-age. I’m not really sure if I love the vocals though, that sadly are a bit too low in the mix most of the time. I love the drumwork though!
The first thing that strikes you with Heaving Earth, hailing from the Czech Republic, is the difference in production. While Altars had an organic sound, Heaving Earth has a more modern touch to them. Musically this reminds a bit of Morbid Angel with splashes of Hate Eternal. All in all this is good and well executed death metal, but offers little, if anything, new to the genre. Recommended tracks: Altars – Descent (Pramnesia, part I)

WINGS OF DEATH Webzine (Hol)
Tja, die hele retro / vintage hype zorgt er voor dat vinyl mede aan populariteit wint en daarin inmiddels een onmisbaar item lijkt te worden. Des te bijzonder is het om weer eens een onvervalst cassettebandje tegen te komen. Vanuit Adelaide, Australië vinden we hier Altars, het Tsjechische Praag bezorgt ons Heaving Earth. Deze geografisch wonderlijke combinatie is dus door Nihilistic Holocaust bij elkaar gebracht op een heuse split tape, waarop beide bands elk twee nummers aanleveren.
Altars trapt af in een wat smoezelige oefenruimte geluid. Uiteraard refereert dat lekker aan het old school gevoel, maar het maakt het niet eenvoudig om de band op z'n waarde te beoordelen. Ik heb het idee dat hun tracks Husk en Descent(Paramnesia, part I) nog niet eens zo gek in elkaar zitten. Vrij minimalistische death metal, niet te ingewikkeld, goed te volgen (behalve dat geluid dan) en met leuke ideeën. Vooral Descent is wat afwisselender en bevalt me wel.

Engulfed is a split release between an Australian and Czech band. Originally released on a cassette this material is old-school in graphics, production and playing.
First band to present their music is Altars. Those Aussies unleash some twisted, abstract and obscure death metal. To be more accurate, the band plays a blackened death metal. They are presented here with only two tracks, namely; ”Husk” and “Descent (Paramnesia, part I)” but it is just enough to get an idea what they are about.
Their sound is raw, brutal and uncompromising, sounding very much like a demo recording. It has its charm, but I feel like it’s getting annoying to listen to repeatedly. Both of the songs are furious with blast beats, intense riffing and insane vocals.
Heaving Earth suffers in Czech Republic and offers two new tracks; “I Am Nothing” and “Into The Depths Of Abomination”. Unlike their fellow colleges from Altars, this Czech band is more technical yet with the similar blast beats quality riffing and bombastic song-writing. Their style of playing is fast and brutal but with a technical edge to it.
It almost felt unnatural to put these two bands together on the same split, since they vary a lot in quality. Heaving Earth sounds more mature and secure than Altars and I can highly recommend them for a listen to any fan of decent death metal. 65/100

Two new reviews have appeared:

Altars joins forces with Heaving Earth to unleash its subterranean brand of Death Metal influenced by Morbid Angel. In comparison with its self-titled demo, the music is less influenced by Mithras and more by Immolation which is both good and bad. I miss the otherworldly solos reminiscent of Mithras while at the same time the sheer class of Immolation can’t be denied. That said, Altars isn’t a clone band. It’s using the influences to create an ugly, twisted form of music that is bound to knock out a few. Unfortunately the dissonance isn’t given its due because of the crude production. With that sorted, I’m sure the band will impress even the skeptics. The drumming is Alex Hernandez-esque and while that’s a huge compliment, the sound could be much better. From what my elephantine-memory can recall, the music on this tape is far more menacing and focused than on Altars’ debut. That’s always a good sign.
From Czech Republic, you have the underrated dark Death Metal monster Heaving Earth, still awaiting its due. The problem is that people these days don’t appreciate Death Metal in its purest form – they either want mind-boggling technicality and speed, or just speaker-bursting brutality. In comparison with the Australian Altars, Heaving Earth is more straightforward. Again, the primary influences happen to be Morbid Angel and Immolation, and for that the credit must go to Nihilistic Holocaust for this excellent matchmaking. The production again is raw but incredibly heavy, which puts everything in its place. The huge roars of the vocalist make the music sound a lot more heavier, even more so than Immolation itself. The dissonance comes out on this side rather well, which is reminiscent of Immolation in its prime circa the mid-90s.
These days it’s a delight to watch two pure Death Metal bands do it the right way. Altars is more original in that sense but is bogged down by rough sound while Heaving Earth, being more unabashedly Immolation-influenced, is going for the kill.

ATMOSPHERIC Webzine (Pol):
Australijczyk i Czech w jednym stali splicie. Australijczyk na gуrze, a Czech na dole. Taką oto sobie parafrazą pozwoliłem rozpocząć ten mały wywуd na temat kasetowego wydawnictwa, jakim jest "Engulfed". Z HEAVING EARTH znam już się całkiem nieźle, bo w 2011 roku miałem przyjemność katować ich długograj i kilka zdań na jego temat napisać. Dwa kawałki, jakie dorzucili do puli, pochodzą z EPki wydanej ciut przed releasem tegoż splitu. ALTARS natomiast do tej pory nie znałem, a ich wcześniejsze dokonania to inny, drobniutki dzielony albumik oraz demo. Grają całkiem niczego sobie, brzmienie mają ciut liche, ale niewykluczone, że taki też był ich zamiar. Z tym deathmetalowcami to nigdy nie wiadomo czy tak sobie zaplanowali, czy może po prostu nie mieli warunkуw tudzież nie umieli wykrzesać lepszego soundu. Przez całe osiem minut napierają konkretnie i do przodu, ale z wrażenia mimo wszystko się nie zfajdałem w moje obcisłe leginsy. Jest oukej. Bardziej natomiast interesuje mnie część naszych południowych sąsiadуw. I tutaj mamy dopiero prawdziwe mięso! Soczyste brzmienie i takaż muza. Twуrcy cieszącego się uznaniem "Diabolic Prophecies" dorzucili tak ostro do pieca, że aż woda w kaloryferach się zagotowała. Ich dwa nieźle rozbudowane wałki dają mocno po uszach. Mamy ostry napierdolec oraz miodne zwolnienie pod koniec "I am Nothing", a także konkretną dawkę dalszej masakry w "Into the Depths of Abomination", ktуra w swej końcowej części rуwnież robi niemałe wrażenie. Naprawdę świetny styl, aż się prosi o więcej. Nim jednak pojawi się coś większego ze stajni HEAVING EARTH, zadowolić się będę musiał odświeżanym debiutanckim długorajem. Koniec końcуw, otrzymałem smakowity splitunio, w ktуrym niezła kapela rozgrzewa mnie swoim jebnięciem przed jeszcze lepszą nawałnicą autorstwa drugiej formacji. Powodуw do narzekań nie dostałem.

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