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Black/Thrash/Doom/Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
War, Evil, Necromancy, Divine Genocide, Hell
United States of America (Clarion, Pennsylvania (early), Oakton, Virginia (later))
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Funeral Grave - Guitar, Studio Vocals
Zyklon - Bass, Live Vocals
Former/Past Member(s):
Blood Spectre (Wintress)
Justin BlackFate
Mijial the Merciless (Mijail Ramirez) (Inverted Trifixion, Mikhail)
Goat Lust
Bruticus (Terrorkult, Western Order of Terror)
Joel Grind (session) (Tiger Junkies, Colon Rupture, HellVomit, Grave Mistake, Kunt Killer, ChemiKiller, Barbatos (Jpn), Toxic Holocaust, The Rapists)
Additional notes:
Started as Dominion and recorded a rehearsal/demo in 1991 called "Morbid Death".
It is a common misconception that Gelal Necrosodomy of Grand Belial's Key is a member of this band. This stems from both him and Funeral Grave using the same P.O. Box address.
Don of the Dead and Jim Sadist from Nunslaughter played on the 'Warbeast' 7" . Blakk of AngelKill did backing vocals on "Command of Satan's Blade" '98 demo and Joel Grind from Toxic Holocaust played drums on the "Carnivorous Monarchy" EP.

Gravewürm - Possessed By Darkness [demo] - 1993
Gravewürm - Sinister Curse [demo] - 1994
Gravewürm - Massacre In Heaven [demo] - 1995
Gravewürm - Ancient Storms Of War [demo] - 1995
Gravewürm - Nocturnal Spells [demo] - 1996
Gravewürm - Command Of Satan's Blade [demo] - 1998
Gravewürm - W.A.R.B.E.A.S.T. [ep] - 2000
Gravewürm - Ancient Storms Of War [full-length] - 2000
Gravewurm - Warbeast / Command Of Satan's Blade [best of/compilation] - 2001
Gravewürm & Apokalyptic Raids - Maximum Metal Mayhem / On The Wings Of Death [split] - 2001
Gravewürm - Behold The Legions Of Hell [split] - 2002
Gravewürm - The Bestial Hordes [ep] - 2002
Gravewürm - Dark Souls Of Hell [full-length] - 2002
Gravewürm - Carnivorous Monarchy [ep] - 2003
Gravewürm - Into Battle [full-length] - 2003
Gravewürm & Devil Lee Rot - Infernal Gates [split] - 2004
Gravewürm - Under The Banner Of War [full-length] - 2005
Gravewürm & Evil Angel & Grippiud & Nailgunner - Outbreak Of Evil Vol. Iii [split] - 2006
Gravewürm & Suicidal Winds - From Conflict To Conquest [split] - 2006
Gravewürm - Annihilation Declaration / Der Hexenhammer [split] - 2007
Gravewürm & Daemonlord - The Final Order [split] - 2007
Gravewürm & Throneum - Hell Obscure Temptation [split] - 2007
Gravewürm & Nunslaughter - Gravewurm / Nunslaughter [split] - 2007
Gravewürm - Carnivorous In Boston [live album] - 2008
Gravewürm - Funeral Empire [full-length] - 2009
Gravewürm & Wintress - Grim Horizons [split] - 2009
Gravewürm - Black Fire [full-length] - 2010
Gravewürm - Blood Of The Pentagram: The Rare And Unreleased [best of/compilation] - 2010
Gravewürm - Blood Of The Pentagram [full-length] - 2010
Gravewürm - Abyss Sorcery [full-length] - 2014

Official site:
Persian Gorgrinder
Gravewurm - Warbeast / Command Of Satan's Blade [best of/compilation] - 2001 by Sathana
Gravewürm - Into Battle [full-length] - 2003 by Sathana
Gravewürm & Daemonlord - The Final Order [split] - 2007 by Дюймовочка
Persian Gorgrinder
Gravewürm - Black Fire [full-length] - 2010 by Дюймовочка
Gravewürm - Blood Of The Pentagram [full-length] - 2010 by desekrator
Most of links are dead.
Possessed By Darkness [demo] - 1993[ Hidden Text ] vbr-120

Sinister Curse [demo] - 1994[ Hidden Text ]

Ancient Storms Of War [demo] - 1995[ Hidden Text ]

The Bestial Hordes [ep] - 2002
[ Hidden Text ]

Command Of Satan's Blade [demo] - 1998
[ Hidden Text ]
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