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Full Version: Totale Vernichtung
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Discography Area / Дискографии > Discographies

Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Genocide, Murder, Hatred, Anti-christian themes
Austria (Vienna)
Formed In:
Last known line-up:
unknown member - everything
Additional notes:
Despite some suspicious song titles and lyrics, Totale Vernichtung is not "NSBM" or a political band in any way.
On December 2nd 2006 Totale Vernichtung was ended.
"Vergessene Hymnen" is sold out, the other demos are still available.

Totale Vernichtung - Totale Vernichtung [demo] - 2006
Totale Vernichtung - Feuer Und Krieg [demo] - 2006
Totale Vernichtung - Massenmord An Untermenschen [demo] - 2006
Totale Vernichtung - Vergessene Hymnen [demo] - 2006
Totale Vernichtung - Die Rückkehr Des Schwarzen Todes [demo] - 2006
Totale Vernichtung - Die Pechschwarze Artillerie [demo] - 2012
Totale Vernichtung - Feuerbestattung [full-length] - 2012
Totale Vernichtung - Ritualmordlegenden [full-length] - 2014

Official site:
Hey, let´s fill some empty Spaces in here!
Just upped the last missing Release (first Demo/April 2006):Status: → Discography complete!
Antimessiah от TOTALE VERNICHTUNG, VICARIVS FILII DEI, ROSTORCHESTER и STORMNATT могут быть лучшие быстро черный метал гитарист там, показаны на некоторых из когда-либо созданных, лучших пластинок, некоторые в топ-100 всех времен!

Antimessiah from TOTALE VERNICHTUNG, VICARIVS FILII DEI, ROSTORCHESTER, and STORMNATT may be the best fast black metal guitarist out there, showing on some of the best LPs ever produced, some in the top 100 of all time!
QUOTE(RunningWild_AT @ Feb 7 2014, 16:14:53) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, let´s fill some empty Spaces in here!
Just upped the last missing Release (first Demo/April 2006):Status: → Discography complete!

This entire Demo was repeated on Totale Vernichtung - Vergessene Hymnen [demo] - 2006.
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