Lyrical Theme(s):
Gore, Porn, Sex, Shit
United States of America (Sonora, Ceres, Modesto)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Agoraphobic Molester - Guitar
Whoremonger - Vocals, Bass
Whomb Destroyer - Drums
Mc Cuntkiller - Vocals

Meat Shits - Frectate Fumes [demo] - 1987
Meat Shits - Meet The Shits [demo] - 1988
Meat Shits - Menstrual Samples [demo] - 1989
Meat Shits - Bowel-Rot [demo] - 1989
Meat Shits - Regurgitated Semen [demo] - 1990
Meat Shits - Pornoholic [ep] - 1990
Meat Shits - Let There Be Shit [demo] - 1991
Meat Shits - Genital Infection [ep] - 1991
Meat Shits & Anal Cunt - Anal Cunt / Meat Shits [split] - 1991
Meat Shits & Butt Auger - Meat Shits / Butt Auger [split] - 1991
Meat Shits & Psycho - Meat Shits/PSYCHO [split] - 1991
Meat Shits & Dissension - Diluted Life/Untitled [split] - 1992
Meat Shits & Agathocles & Anal Cunt & 7 Minutes Of Nausea & End Of Silence - Masters Of Noise [split] - 1992
Meat Shits - For Those About To Shit...We Salute You [full-length] - 1992
Meat Shits - Fuck Frenzy [full-length] - 1992
Meat Shits - Make Me Cum [ep] - 1993
Meat Shits - Final Exit [ep] - 1993
Meat Shits & W.B.I. - Meat Shits / W.B.I. [split] - 1993
Meat Shits & Anal Massaker - Bis Wir Schielen / Get Ready To Shave Pussy? [split] - 1992
Meat Shits - Take This And Eat It [ep] - 1994
Meat Shits - Homosexual Slaughter [ep] - 1994
Meat Shits - Sexual Abuse [ep] - 1993
Meat Shits - Mindfuck Delirium [ep] - 1994
Meat Shits & Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ - Tomb Of The Guardian Angel/Untitled [split] - 1994
Meat Shits & Necrophiliacs - Another Day Of Death/Live E.P. [split] - 1994
Meat Shits - Bowel-Rot Double [ep] - 1994
Meat Shits & Dead - Meat Shits / Dead [split] - 1992
Meat Shits & Catatonic Existence - Rape Bait / Hopes And Dreams? [split] - 1994
Meat Shits / C.S.S.O. - Tomb Of The Guardian Angel / Untitled [split] - 1995
Meat Shits - Ecstasy Of Death [full-length] - 1993
Meat Shits - The Second Degree Of Torture [full-length] - 1996
Meat Shits - Violence Against Feminist Cunts [full-length] - 2002
Meat Shits - Gorenography [full-length] - 2002
Meat Shits & Catatonic Existence - Give Hate A Chance/Elect Me God And I'll Kill You All [split] - 2002
Meat Shits - Give Hate A Chance [full-length] - 2005
Meat Shits - Sniper At The Fag Parade [full-length] - 2002
Meat Shits - Noise Porn Attack [best of/compilation] - 2004
Meat Shits - Whorible Volume One [full-length] - 2009
Official site: