Genre(s): Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s): Antireligious, Death
Origin: Finland (Helsinki)
Formed In: 1991
Status: Split-up
Last known line-up: Jussi Heikkinen - Guitar, Vocals, Keyboards (Gloomy Grim, Soulgrind (Fin), Twilight Ophera, Walhalla (Fin), Fierce (Fin), Evince, Fleshred)
Sami Vaughan (Sami Vauhkonen) - Guitar, Vocals (Coarse, Gandalf (Fin), Lullacry)
Henrik Laine - Bass (Deepred)
Jussi Latvala - Drums (Anima (Fin), Latvala Bros, Shaman (Fin))
Former/Past Member(s): Hannu Ojanperä - Bass
Juke Eräkangas - Drums (Shaman (Fin))
Additional notes:Not to be confused with: Tenebrae from Canada, Black Metal band from Portugal, 2 bands from USA & polish Tenebrae.
Discography:Tenebrae - Salvation [demo] - 1992 Tenebrae - This Divine Flesh Of Ours [demo] - 1992 Tenebrae - Adv. / Promo Tape '93 [demo] - 1993
Tenebrae - Sick Spinning Wheel [ep] - 1994 Tenebrae - Trancequake [demo] - 1994 Tenebrae - Dysanchelium [full-length] - 1994 Tenebrae - Hypnotech [full-length] - 1996 *****
Official site:Encyclopaedia metallum