*Artist: Botanist
*Album: I: The Suicide Tree/II: A Rose From The Dead
*Year: 2011
*Genre: Experimental Black Metal
*Country: United States

*Format: mp3@VBR256kbps
*Size: 136MB
Disk I: The Suicide Tree
1. Dracocephalum
2. Invoke the Throne of Veltheimia
3. Helleborus Niger
4. Whorl
5. Forgotten in Nepenthes
6. Aldrovanda Ascendant
7. Chaining the Catechin
8. Dionaea Muscipula
9. Clematopsis
10. Rhododendoom
11. Gorechid
12. Cerbera Odollam
13. Bromeliad
14. Lepidoptera
15. Euonymous in Darkness
16. Dactylorhiza Elata
17. Glycyrrhiza
Disk II: A Rose From The Dead
1. Convolvulus Althaeoides
2. Dioscoria
3. Megaskepasma
4. In the Hall of Chamaerops
5. Quercus Lamellosa
6. Echinocereus
7. Sparaxis of Perdition
8. Feast of Saussurea
9. Wings of Antichrys
10. Monstera's Lair
11. Chiranthodendron
12. Koeleria
13. Sanguinaria
14. Dodecatheon
15. Summon Xanthostemon
16. Asclepias Curassavica
17. Strelitzia Reginae
18. Trillium Recurvatum
19. Cypripedium
20. Nephrolepsis
21. Abrus Precatorius
22. A Rose from the Dead
23. [untitled]
Total playing time: 1:14:29
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