Genre(s): Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):Satanism, Hatred, Occultism
Origin: United Kingdom (Devon)
Formed In:1998
Status: Active
Current Line-Up: Vuel - All instruments
Former/Past Member(s):Rob Van'Huysse - Drums (Session)
Additional Notes:Not to be confused with Death Metal
band from Russian Federation & Thrash/Death Metal band from USA.
Discography:Extinction - Pain Ritual [demo] - 1998
Extinction - Pyre [single] - 2000
Extinction - October 2000 Rehearsal [demo] - 2000Extinction - Down Below The Fog [demo] - 2001Extinction - The Black Hex [ep] - 2005Extinction - Rehearsal Promo '05 [demo] - 2006
Extinction - Demo '06 [demo] - 2006
Extinction - Pyre [ep] - 2012*****
Official site:Encyclopaedia Metallum