Genre(s): Black/Thrash Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):Satanism, Anti-Christianity
Origin: Bolivia (Cochabamba)
Formed In: 1999
Status: Active
Current Line-Up: Sonia Sepulcral - Vocals
Satanael - Guitar (Imperio Nocturno)
Lord Mephisto - Bass (Necromancy (Bol), Anubis (Bol))
Loki Antigod Devastator - Drums (Necromancy (Bol), Anubis (Bol))
Former/Past Member(s):Victor Azathoth - Bass (Atmosfera Funebre)
Morbid Jesús (Jesus Muerte) - Drums (Atmosfera Funebre)
Boreas (Javier Exterminio) - Vocals, Bass (Atmosfera Funebre, Satan Flesh, Necromancy (Bol))
Additional Notes:Originally formed under the moniker Nyarlathotep but changed name before releasing their demo. The band released an exclusive song for Litanies Of Sacrilege compilation LP released by Calabozo Rec. The song is "Amanecer En Llamas".
Contact - c/o Cesar L.Z. (Satanael); C. Pedro de Valdivia 1857; Cochabamba - Bolivia /
Discography:Bestial Holocaust - Ódio Y Muerte [demo] - 2003Bestial Holocaust - Pacto Con Satan [ep] - 2005Bestial Holocaust & Behalf Fiend & Blasphemiam & Grave Desecration - The Evil Conquest World: The First Possession [split] - 2006 Bestial Holocaust - Final Extermination [full-length] - 2006Bestial Holocaust - Primigenium Invocation [ep] - 2006 Bestial Holocaust & Nuclear Desecration - Marching Towards the Nuclear Holocaust [split] - 2008Bestial Holocaust & Surrender of Divinity - Deathstrike from the Abyss [split] - 2008
Bestial Holocaust - Temple Of Damnation [full-length] - 2009Bestial Holocaust - Into The Goat Vulva [full-length] - 2012*****
Official Site: