Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Misanthropy, Sorrow, Pride, Social Issues
Greece (Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia)
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Psithiros - Vocals, Guitars, Programming (2010-) (Peisithanatos, ex-Extinction Is Forever)
Additional Notes:
Formed under the name Psithiros in April 2010. Changed name to Whispersorrow in 2011.
The band dubs their music "Black Feeling", because it is a combination of dark music genres and dark feelings.
Whispersorrow & Dna Evol & Séta - Misanthropy Is Love [split] - 2011
Whispersorrow - The Beginning Of The Sad Journey [ep] - 2011
Whispersorrow - Whispers, Sorrow, Hate & Despair [demo] - 2011
Whispersorrow - Κατάρα [full-length] - 2011
Whispersorrow - Hateful Melancholy [full-length] - 2012
Whispersorrow & Neit & Count Shannäth - White Skin/Black Metal [split] - 2012
Whispersorrow & Tank Genocide - Misanthropie Et Rêve [split] - 2012
Whispersorrow & Hoplites - From Ashes To Victory [split] - 2012
Whispersorrow - Black Era [full-length] - 2012
Whispersorrow & Peisithanatos - Wie Wir Kämpfen [split] - 2013
Whispersorrow & 1389 - Loyal To Serbian/Hellenic Brotherhood [split] - 2013
Whispersorrow - Pathos [full-length] - 2014
Whispersorrow - Νεοέλληνα Πεινάς; Φάε Δημοκρατία! [ep] - 2014
Official Site:
Whispersorrow Homepage