Genre(s): Progressive Power/Speed Metal
Lyrical Theme(s): Literature/Fantasy/Science Fiction
Origin: Denmark (Hvidovre)
Formed In:1996
Current Line-Up: Lars F. Larsen - Vocals (Fear Itself)
Kristian H. Larsen - Guitar (Fear Itself)
Kasper Gram - Bass (Ureas, ex-Evil Masquerade, ex-Wuthering Heights)
Mads Volf - Drums (Human Factor (Dnk), Rip and Tear)
Martin Arendal - Guitar (Wuthering Heights)
Session Members:Finn Zierler - Keyboards (Beyond Twilight, Twilight (Dnk))
Former/Past Member(s): Rene Nielsen - Bass
Flemming Schultz - Guitar
Jeppe Eg Jensen - Keyboards (Urkraft)
Stefan Johansson - Guitar
Martin Jшrgensen - Keyboards (Sworn (Dnk))
Discography:Manticora - Dead End Solution [EP] - 1997
Manticora - Roots of Eternity - 1999Manticora - Darkness With Tales to Tell - 2001
Manticora - Hyperion - 2002Manticora - 8 Deadly Sins - 2004
Manticora - The Black Circus Part 1 - Letters - 2006
Manticora - The Black Circus Part 2 - Disclosure- 2007Manticora - To Kill To Live To Kill [full-length] - 2018*****