Thrash/Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Death, Hate
Sweden (Uppsala)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Simon - Vocals (backing), Guitars (2010-) (Ondskapt, Valkyrja)
Harry - Bass (2005-present), Vocals (2011-)
Perra - Drums (2011-) (Nex, Nominon, Serpent, Benediction (live), Deströyer 666 (live), In Aeternum, ex-Dion Fortune, ex-Suffer, ex-T.A.R., ex-Wortox, ex-Interment (live), ex-Altar)
Former/Past Member(s):
Nicke - Drums (2006-2008)
Micke - Guitars (2006-2008)
Hasse - Guitars, Vocals (2006-2011) (ex-Searing I)
Håkan - Drums (2008-2010) (Watain)
Martin Karlsson - Drums (2010-2011) (Blackshine, Mykorrhiza, ex-Bloodshed)
E. Forcas - Drums (live) (Degial, Graveless, Malign (live), Repugnant, ex-Degial of Embos, ex-Veternus)
Additional notes:
The band was named after the Venom song.

Die Hard - Emissaries of the Reaper - [demo] - 2007
Die Hard - Evil Always Return [ep] - 2008
Die Hard - Mercenaries Of Hell [ep] - 2009
Die Hard - Nihilistic Vision [full-length] - 2009
Die Hard - Thrash Them All [ep] - 2010
Die Hard - Hatred's Black Flame [ep] - 2011
Die Hard - Evil Always Return/Emissaries of the Reaper [compilation] - 2011
Die Hard - Antichrist [ep] - 2012
Die Hard - Conjure The Legions [full-length] - 2012
Official site:
Die Hard @ Website
Die Hard @ Myspace

Die Hard @ Last.fm
Die Hard @ YouTube