Topic is becoming pretty interesting...
I must add that in Persian literature, especially the classic kind, this concept, i.e. ''Barzakh'' has been vastly applied as a metaphor for uncertainty and unclear states of mind or being. For example a lover who is not sure about the love of his or her beloved one may metaphorically say that he or she is ''living in a Barzakh of love'', that is a point between certainty and uncertainty. The given point between two opposite poles (like heaven and hell).
I think it's an example of syncretism and interpenetration, when foreign religion starts to grow on the ground of native beliefs, weltanschauung, mysticism etc (and meet autochtonic, ancient mystical traditions). If I know well, islam in Persia was transformed a lot, turning into very special form different from Arabic islam tradition, for example... just like christianity in Europe - by the way, Eastern Slavonic "orthodox christianity" is a pretty weird fusion of christianity and paganism; Western European catholicism is far from "original" christianity too.
Of course, religious discussions, theologists with their opinions and visions, sects and heresies - is a source of religious mutation too... so, someone may even interprete Barzakh in connection with quantum physics - "point between certainty and uncertainty", isn't it a Schredinger cat?

both dead and alive, and not observed by anyone in the grave - who the fuck knows, is corpse dead or alive, lol. So, the cadaver is like "sleeping" - dead but alive at the same time

So, one more interpretation is ready.
burn a church is a crime. but burn a mosque is a crime and the reason of a lynching.
Yes, of corpse - because islam is about 700 years younger than christian religion, so now it just like a christianity in XIII-XIV centuries, with strong religious authority, fanaticism, inquisition, lynching and other stuff. Medieval times, but in the world of modern technologies, it makes the situation weird (just imagine if catholic church had an access to chemical weapons or nuclear bomb in the age of crusades)))