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*Artist: Buzruh
*Album: Alone In The Dark
*Year: 2013
*Genre: Depressive Black Metal
*Country: Turkey
*Format: mp3@VBR271kbps
*Size: 123MB

01. Looking For Mortality (Like An Animal In The Dark) 04:59
02. Don't Give Me Hope, Give Me A Weapon 05:07
03. Hatethislife 04:40
04. Scream With Me 03:27
05. Sun Is Dead, Hallelujah 05:09
06. Waiting In Purgatory 06:27
07. Suicide Is An Option (But Think Twice) 03:43
08. Alone In The Dark 03:19
09. Winter Come And Kill Me 03:56
10. This Hatred (Will Live Forever) 04:21
11. Black Bloody Knife 04:29
12. Back To The Primitive 04:32
13. I Fucking Hate You 02:59
14. And The Sun Is Slowly Dying 05:41
Total playing time: 1:02:49

[ Hidden Text ]
Google Translate передает, что по-турецки Buz=Лёд, а Ruh=Душа.
Собственно как альбом?
QUOTE(B_S @ Aug 29 2013, 18:38:36) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Собственно как альбом?

На бэндкампе можно послушать. Собственно, just another depressive turkish shit.
QUOTE(Kwaad @ Aug 29 2013, 18:39:45) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
На бэндкампе можно послушать. Собственно, just another depressive turkish shit.

I can understand this...'' just another depressive shit'' it's ok, even you can say this is the worst dsbm album ever, it's totally shit...ok... but why are you using my country's name? why people are doing this? if my music is shit, then talk about my music or about me...

as a Turk(ish) what I did to you? What is the reason that racism?
ЦИТАТА(Buzruh @ Aug 29 2013, 16:58:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can understand this...'' just another depressive shit'' it's ok, even you can say this is the worst dsbm album ever, it's totally shit...ok... but why are you using my country's name? why people are doing this? if my music is shit, then talk about my music or about me...

as a Turk(ish) what I did to you? What is the reason that racism?

Democratic shit 1488.gif
smile1.gif but then no one insulted Turkey
17.gif я думал, это шутка, но оказалось, это все весьма серьезно.
Созвучие проектов конечно занятное
Lucius Eternal
ЦИТАТА(Buzruh @ Aug 30 2013, 00:58:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can understand this...'' just another depressive shit'' it's ok, even you can say this is the worst dsbm album ever, it's totally shit...ok... but why are you using my country's name? why people are doing this? if my music is shit, then talk about my music or about me...

as a Turk(ish) what I did to you? What is the reason that racism?

Turkish dsbm scene equals shit. bye.gif But at last your country has a colossal black/death acts, mayb u should try to do something in baphometal? 1488.gif
ЦИТАТА(Buzruh @ Aug 29 2013, 20:58:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can understand this...'' just another depressive shit'' it's ok, even you can say this is the worst dsbm album ever, it's totally shit...ok... but why are you using my country's name? why people are doing this? if my music is shit, then talk about my music or about me...

as a Turk(ish) what I did to you? What is the reason that racism?

Don't depressive, be happy strong black warrior smile3.gif
ЦИТАТА(Alc @ Aug 29 2013, 21:08:01) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't depressive, be happy strong black warrior smile3.gif

А он сейчас пойдет и нажмет на какую нибудь кнопку и весь мир в труху
поддержу Buzruh'а. непонятно, что вы на Турцию напали.. откровенно говоря, сейчас нормального депрессива не только там, но и по всему миру не сыщешь. даже гранды DSBM чёт не радуют.
P.S. сабж скачаю-послушаю. без особых торжественных ожиданий и слюнотечения.
Да это же очередной гoвно-проект от клоуна из Unhappy 22.gif

Satanath обрадуется возвращению старого "друга" 1488.gif
Buzruh, one of the main causes of racism - is when turks, arabs, jews, caucasians etc. start to yell in reply to any negative words or actions (even inflicted by their own behavior) - "it's because I am %nation_name%, you goddamned racists!!!111"
In fact, Turkey has a row of great Black Metal bands (THE SARCOPHAGUS, RAVEN WOODS, NIHIL KAOS...) and even more Brutal Death butchers - CENOTAPH (Cult!), DRAIN OF IMPURITY, DECAYING PURITY, DECIMATION, CARNOPHAGE, GUTFED - all they are talented, strong and inspiring. But mediocrity has no nationality, it's just shit.
Man, I'll tell you a simple fact told by one old military pilot... When he studied in Russian Air Force academy, there was a student from Chechnya. Totally mediocre, shamelessly impudent and stupid. But everytime he got some penalty, or was low rated on exams, etc - he always started the same plaintive boring song "this is because i'm Chechen, yes?"
His name was Dzhokhar Dudayev.
aaargh, Nihil Kaos, Malefic Order, Cragataska, Zifir are good bands.
QUOTE(waldemardr @ Aug 29 2013, 20:31:37) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Buzruh, one of the main causes of racism - is when turks, arabs, jews, caucasians etc. start to yell in reply to any negative words or actions (even inflicted by their own behavior) - "it's because I am %nation_name%, you goddamned racists!!!111"
In fact, Turkey has a row of great Black Metal bands (THE SARCOPHAGUS, RAVEN WOODS, NIHIL KAOS...) and even more Brutal Death butchers - CENOTAPH (Cult!), DRAIN OF IMPURITY, DECAYING PURITY, DECIMATION, CARNOPHAGE, GUTFED - all they are talented, strong and inspiring. But mediocrity has no nationality, it's just shit.
Man, I'll tell you a simple fact told by one old military pilot... When he studied in Russian Air Force academy, there was a student from Chechnya. Totally mediocre, shamelessly impudent and stupid. But everytime he got some penalty, or was low rated on exams, etc - he always started the same plaintive boring song "this is because i'm Chechen, yes?"
His name was Dzhokhar Dudayev.

thank you for listening to my 14 tracks album. You know it's 1 hour 2 minutes 49 seconds long. I'm sorry to waste of your 1 hour 2 minutes 49 seconds. and other things are just chit-chat.

or...hey let me didn't listen right:)

By the way before everything I wrote that '' to admin, please remove ''Buzruh-Alone in the Dark'' album from thank you''

and yes, now You will say something, I'll give you an answer... and probably will continue in this way... it's boring you know...
Да да да, отличный ход! Скоро появятся такие конкуренты как Emrepop, Darctone, Crable of Fith и т.д. Видите, всего лишь замена букв и сразу сколько внимания проекту! Да еще и со смыслом получилось, как сказано выше - Google Translate передает, что по-турецки Buz=Лёд, а Ruh=Душа.
Качать не буду, лучше старые альбомы Варга переслушаю))
QUOTE(Buzruh @ Aug 29 2013, 19:58:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can understand this...'' just another depressive shit'' it's ok, even you can say this is the worst dsbm album ever, it's totally shit...ok... but why are you using my country's name? why people are doing this? if my music is shit, then talk about my music or about me...

as a Turk(ish) what I did to you? What is the reason that racism?

Turkish shit is not worse than Ukrainian/Russian/German/NewWhatTheFuсkZealand one. Our (in terms of national or territorial property) shit is called mainly vkbm (vkontakte black metal).
So don't worry. And by the way, why mentioning of national or geographical property is considered as a racism? It's not about race superiority, not even about nation battles. In the context of this topic I don't want to recall cossacks or raids of turks and nothing historical at all. So why racism?

Just to be clear, why I mentioned "turkish". It was because of a trend of making poor and ugly DSBM in Turkey these times. I've seen a lot of releases of such style from Turkey, the ugliest example is "Unhappy".
QUOTE(Kwaad @ Aug 29 2013, 20:57:37) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Turkish shit is not worse than Ukrainian/Russian/German/NewWhatTheFuсkZealand one. Our (in terms of national or territorial property) shit is called mainly vkbm (vkontakte black metal).
So don't worry, it's not a racism. And by the way, why mentioning of national or geographical property is considered as a racism? It's not about race superiority, not even about nation battles. In the context of this topic I don't want to recall cossacks or raids of turks and nothing historical at all. So why racism?

Just to be clear, why I mentioned "turkish". It was because of a trend of making poor and ugly DSBM in Turkey these times. I've seen a lot of releases of such style from Turkey, the ugliest example is "Unhappy".

Ok, I thank you for explanation.
QUOTE(Buregon @ 29th August 2013 - 21:52:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Скоро появятся такие конкуренты как Emrepop, Darctone, Crable of Fith и т.д.

В этом плане преуспевает Бразилия. У них есть годные банды, но и говнища хоть лопатой греби, и причём названия... - сразу вспоминается "качественная" китайская техника 90-х, все эти Sunny, Panascanic, Funaiwa и прочие поделки дядюшки Ли. Вот и бразильские Winds Funera, Enthorned, Hellpenis и Horda 666 - из той же оперы. crazy.gif
QUOTE(shial @ Aug 30 2013, 03:18:29) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hey Sherlock, apparently you have plenty of leisure time :/ good for you, people will thank you, they will click the ''спасибо'' button

??? so? what's the point? Buz means Ice and Ruh means Soul/Spirit... and Buzruh means frozen soul... at least this name has a please tell me what the hell is that mean Burzukh? and forget for a moment all... I'm a Turk and Buzruh is a Turkish name... and I'm free to use Turkish as a Turk...

and really?

We're talking everything except music...

and really what is this? what do you mean? as a Turk I can use Turkish names, am I right?

and why are you obsessed with this name? it's just a goddamn name...

Buzruh music? shit or good, who cares...

prejudice... it's everywhere... like a virus...

OK I give up... people love the chit chat... I don't have time for that...

We... need... more... dots... banana.gif
BURZUKH - yeah, I lol'd.
hmm.gif By the way, its interesting... I don't know what does "Burzukh" mean in Urdu (or other language spoken in Pakistan), but there are two bands named BARZAKH (one is Indonesian, another is from Abu Dhabi, UAE); and metalarchives say that in islam, Barzakh is an intermediate stage in which the soul of the deceased awaits Judgement Day. I have no idea does Arabic term correlate with Turkish "buzruh" or not, but... "frozen soul" (post lethal slumber) seems to fit this concept.
Монструозное сращение названий двух годных расово японских брендов Funai и Aiwa.
В те годы подобной "техники" хватало, как только китайцы не извращались с названиями известных фирм - Panasony, Panasoanic, Panascanic, Akaiwa (Akai+Aiwa), тысячи их. Пипл хавал. Если повезёт - кнопки от магнитол и плееров отваливались прямо в магазине, при первой же проверке товара. Хуже, если это происходило уже после покупки. crazy.gif
ЦИТАТА(Buzruh @ Aug 29 2013, 22:49:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wrote that '' to admin, please remove ''Buzruh-Alone in the Dark'' album from

Don't do it - no need to delete your work man
it will show your weakness.
You are a musician at first and stupid "holywars" are not for musician.
Just make your music better and stay true !
I'm waiting Bozqurt, 1st nsbm band from Turkey 25.gif
ЦИТАТА(necroscum @ 29th August 2013 - 16:43:36) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Suicide Is An Option (But Think Twice)

название трека не труЪ
ЦИТАТА(Un4given @ 30th August 2013 - 08:02:17) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
название трека не труЪ

Trve будет Suicide (And don't think!)? 1488.gif
Что вы привязались к товарищу? Идите лучше Танчика подоставайте, вот там почва благодатная, однозначно! Или тут, едрить-колотить, все такие латентные националисты до обкаканой попы прям?! Если бы он не был из Турции, просто бы постебались над названием и тема бы заглохла, а тут развели... Какая разница - турок он или зимбабвиец, русский или чукча? В первую очередь - он музыкант! Вот и судите материал, а не человека или его страну.
"...Кант! Кант! Кант! Ну где ты, Кант?"

Я тут! >
clublen, пора его могилку прикрывать для публичных посещений, а то молодожопыены всякие со скудной фантазией ему наверное порядком поднадоели.smile1.gif
QUOTE(Kaphiel @ Aug 30 2013, 10:13:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Trve будет Suicide (And don't think!)? 1488.gif
Что вы привязались к товарищу? Идите лучше Танчика подоставайте, вот там почва благодатная, однозначно! Или тут, едрить-колотить, все такие латентные националисты до обкаканой попы прям?! Если бы он не был из Турции, просто бы постебались над названием и тема бы заглохла, а тут развели... Какая разница - турок он или зимбабвиец, русский или чукча? В первую очередь - он музыкант! Вот и судите материал, а не человека или его страну.

Кажется, ты второй, кто в этой теме увидел национализм. Первым был сам автор.
ЦИТАТА(Kaphiel @ 30th August 2013 - 11:13:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Trve будет Suicide (And don't think!)?

QUOTE(waldemardr @ Aug 30 2013, 04:10:01) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
BURZUKH - yeah, I lol'd.
hmm.gif By the way, its interesting... I don't know what does "Burzukh" mean in Urdu (or other language spoken in Pakistan), but there are two bands named BARZAKH (one is Indonesian, another is from Abu Dhabi, UAE); and metalarchives say that in islam, Barzakh is an intermediate stage in which the soul of the deceased awaits Judgement Day. I have no idea does Arabic term correlate with Turkish "buzruh" or not, but... "frozen soul" (post lethal slumber) seems to fit this concept.

I think ''Purgatory'' is the best translation of this word. I may be wrong but I think it is originally a Persian word pronounced as ''Barzakh''. In addition to what you explained , due to some stupid religious dogma, it is a place for souls who haven't been really evil but not as good to deserve paradise! Some place between heaven and hell.
QUOTE(princeshr @ Aug 30 2013, 18:10:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think ''Purgatory'' is the best translation of this word. I may be wrong but I think it is originally a Persian word pronounced as ''Barzakh''. In addition to what you explained , due to some stupid religious dogma, it is a place for souls who haven't been really evil but not as good to deserve paradise! Some place between heaven and hell.

No, unfortunately, it is not. Purgatory means ''waiting room of the souls'' and it's religious term. Firstly you can find it in Tibetan buddhism, christianity and islam...Even in Dante's Inferno... Buzruh, as I said before, means frozen soul, loneliness after death(Alone in the Dark, in coffin). because you can't see the sunlight in your coffin (And The Sun is Slowly Dying) and when the sun leaves you...

in Anatolia, people say ''Buz gibisin.'' means ''You're like ıce'' But maybe they have to stop saying this because Buz reminds Burzum smile1.gif

Buzruh-Sun is Dead, Hallelujah
ЦИТАТА(Buzruh @ Aug 30 2013, 06:18:46) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Sherlock, apparently you have plenty of leisure time :/ good for you, people will thank you, they will click the ''спасибо'' button

Thanx for Sherlock. I just remember this one project from Pakistan.

Well, I don't speak your music - shit. I don't even listen it.
QUOTE(princeshr @ 30th August 2013 - 19:10:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think ''Purgatory'' is the best translation of this word.

I've made a little research just now (visited some websites of islamic theology 22.gif ), and found that Barzakh, in general, means "afterlife" and described as some kind of "barrier", or "wall" between earthly life and paradise domain, and deceased have to trespass it to reach eternal joy. In another article, there's described an amusingly absurdous procedure of login/password after death crazy.gif (two angels, Munkir and Nakir, approach to the soul and ask about mohammad - "who the fuck is this man?" - and if answer is correct, they show him a "promo teaser" of paradise, and then put him into the slumber of cryostasis till the Judgement Day)
Purgatory (at least in catholicism) is different kind of afterlife - not a slumber but catharsis through torment. By the way, it was not present in original christian dogma, and in orthodox christianity there's no concept of purgatory. It seems to be an influence of Indo-European tradition, and even (if to look deeper) connected with reincarnation.

All in all, FUCK the abrahamic religions with every stupid dogma. ИСЛАМ - ОСЛАМ! (islam - for mules) true_black.gif
QUOTE(Buzruh @ Aug 30 2013, 18:27:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, unfortunately, it is not. Purgatory means ''waiting room of the souls'' and it's religious term. Firstly you can find it in Tibetan buddhism, christianity and islam...Even in Dante's Inferno... Buzruh, as I said before, means frozen soul, loneliness after death(Alone in the Dark, in coffin). because you can't see the sunlight in your coffin (And The Sun is Slowly Dying) and when the sun leaves you...

I think you got me wrong dude. I didn't mean to say that ''Buzruh'' and ''Barzakh'' are the same thing. Surely they're not the same thing. And it's true, the very same or at least similar concept can be found it most of the religions.

QUOTE(waldemardr @ Aug 30 2013, 19:05:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've made a little research just now (visited some websites of islamic theology 22.gif ), and found that Barzakh, in general, means "afterlife" and described as some kind of "barrier", or "wall" between earthly life and paradise domain, and deceased have to trespass it to reach eternal joy. In another article, there's described an amusingly absurdous procedure of login/password after death crazy.gif (two angels, Munkir and Nakir, approach to the soul and ask about mohammad - "who the fuck is this man?" - and if answer is correct, they show him a "promo teaser" of paradise, and then put him into the slumber of cryostasis till the Judgement Day)
Purgatory (at least in catholicism) is different kind of afterlife - not a slumber but catharsis through torment. By the way, it was not present in original christian dogma, and in orthodox christianity there's no concept of purgatory. It seems to be an influence of Indo-European tradition, and even (if to look deeper) connected with reincarnation.

All in all, FUCK the abrahamic religions with every stupid dogma. ИСЛАМ - ОСЛАМ! (islam - for mules) true_black.gif

Dear waldemardr, in this case - as with almost any other case in the stupid religions - any one of the people who regards himself or herself an religious expert may present different definitions. I think they have nothing better to do than endlessly tackle with these abstract concepts. But about ''Barzakh'' I must add that in Persian literature, especially the classic kind, this concept, i.e. ''Barzakh'' has been vastly applied as a metaphor for uncertainty and unclear states of mind or being. For example a lover who is not sure about the love of his or her beloved one may metaphorically say that he or she is ''living in a Barzakh of love'', that is a point between certainty and uncertainty. The given point between two opposite poles (like heaven and hell).
QUOTE(waldemardr @ Aug 30 2013, 20:05:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've made a little research just now (visited some websites of islamic theology 22.gif ), and found that Barzakh, in general, means "afterlife" and described as some kind of "barrier", or "wall" between earthly life and paradise domain, and deceased have to trespass it to reach eternal joy. In another article, there's described an amusingly absurdous procedure of login/password after death crazy.gif (two angels, Munkir and Nakir, approach to the soul and ask about mohammad - "who the fuck is this man?" - and if answer is correct, they show him a "promo teaser" of paradise, and then put him into the slumber of cryostasis till the Judgement Day)
Purgatory (at least in catholicism) is different kind of afterlife - not a slumber but catharsis through torment. By the way, it was not present in original christian dogma, and in orthodox christianity there's no concept of purgatory. It seems to be an influence of Indo-European tradition, and even (if to look deeper) connected with reincarnation.

All in all, FUCK the abrahamic religions with every stupid dogma. ИСЛАМ - ОСЛАМ! (islam - for mules) true_black.gif

fuck them all, I agree (that's why I made ''Burn the Fucking mosque/ as Unhappy....and I did this song in Turkey smile1.gif)

But, more or less, there is still tolerance in Christianity. I mean go and burn a church and christians will pray for you... But if you have some balls go burn a're dead... and islam poison is spreading in Europe/East Europe... I think you guys will miss the churches one day
QUOTE(Buzruh @ Aug 30 2013, 19:25:05) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
fuck them all, I agree (that's why I made ''Burn the Fucking mosque/ as Unhappy....and I did this song in Turkey smile1.gif)

But, more or less, there is still tolerance in Christianity. I mean go and burn a church and christians will pray for you... But if you have some balls go burn a're dead... and islam poison is spreading in Europe/East Europe... I think you guys will miss the churches one day

The religions are all the same in my mind. More than that, I believe that the real purpose of religion have always been dividing the people as we can see all around the world. And dear Buzruh, as far as I know some Norwegian BM figures had been jailed for burning churches and not being tolerated at all. The only difference in my opinion is that in today western/christian societies, the religion doesn't have the total authority and power, otherwise the religious people would have surely killed the atheist or pagan people for not only burning churches but things much smaller than this. In eastern/islamic societies, unfortunately the religion/Islam still has that kind of total power and authority. For this reason they can punish atheists or pagans any way they want - Just like the medieval Europe when the church was the greatest power in Europe.
QUOTE(princeshr @ Aug 30 2013, 20:31:18) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The religions are all the same in my mind. More than that, I believe that the real purpose of religion have always been dividing the people as we can see all around the world. And dear Buzruh, as far as I know some Norwegian BM figures had been jailed for burning churches and not being tolerated at all.

I'm talking about compassion and tolerance but not law. Law and religious tolerance is different things. burn a church is a crime. but burn a mosque is a crime and the reason of a lynching.
QUOTE(Buzruh @ Aug 30 2013, 19:37:12) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm talking about compassion and tolerance but not law. Law and religious tolerance is different things. burn a church is a crime. but burn a mosque is a crime and the reason of a lynching.

That's right. Unfortunately in Islamic countries still law=religious establishments
тему не читал,сразу послушал. музыка мимо увы smile2.gif
Topic is becoming pretty interesting...
QUOTE(princeshr @ 30th August 2013 - 21:21:53) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I must add that in Persian literature, especially the classic kind, this concept, i.e. ''Barzakh'' has been vastly applied as a metaphor for uncertainty and unclear states of mind or being. For example a lover who is not sure about the love of his or her beloved one may metaphorically say that he or she is ''living in a Barzakh of love'', that is a point between certainty and uncertainty. The given point between two opposite poles (like heaven and hell).

I think it's an example of syncretism and interpenetration, when foreign religion starts to grow on the ground of native beliefs, weltanschauung, mysticism etc (and meet autochtonic, ancient mystical traditions). If I know well, islam in Persia was transformed a lot, turning into very special form different from Arabic islam tradition, for example... just like christianity in Europe - by the way, Eastern Slavonic "orthodox christianity" is a pretty weird fusion of christianity and paganism; Western European catholicism is far from "original" christianity too.
Of course, religious discussions, theologists with their opinions and visions, sects and heresies - is a source of religious mutation too... so, someone may even interprete Barzakh in connection with quantum physics - "point between certainty and uncertainty", isn't it a Schredinger cat? crazy.gif both dead and alive, and not observed by anyone in the grave - who the fuck knows, is corpse dead or alive, lol. So, the cadaver is like "sleeping" - dead but alive at the same time headcrab.png So, one more interpretation is ready.

QUOTE(Buzruh @ 30th August 2013 - 21:37:12) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
burn a church is a crime. but burn a mosque is a crime and the reason of a lynching.

Yes, of corpse - because islam is about 700 years younger than christian religion, so now it just like a christianity in XIII-XIV centuries, with strong religious authority, fanaticism, inquisition, lynching and other stuff. Medieval times, but in the world of modern technologies, it makes the situation weird (just imagine if catholic church had an access to chemical weapons or nuclear bomb in the age of crusades)))
QUOTE(waldemardr @ Aug 30 2013, 21:42:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Topic is becoming pretty interesting...

I think it's an example of syncretism and interpenetration, when foreign religion starts to grow on the ground of native beliefs, weltanschauung, mysticism etc (and meet autochtonic, ancient mystical traditions). If I know well, islam in Persia was transformed a lot, turning into very special form different from Arabic islam tradition, for example... just like christianity in Europe - by the way, Eastern Slavonic "orthodox christianity" is a pretty weird fusion of christianity and paganism; Western European catholicism is far from "original" christianity too.
Of course, religious discussions, theologists with their opinions and visions, sects and heresies - is a source of religious mutation too... so, someone may even interprete Barzakh in connection with quantum physics - "point between certainty and uncertainty", isn't it a Schredinger cat? crazy.gif both dead and alive, and not observed by anyone in the grave - who the fuck knows, is corpse dead or alive, lol. So, the cadaver is like "sleeping" - dead but alive at the same time headcrab.png So, one more interpretation is ready.
Yes, of corpse - because islam is about 700 years younger than christian religion, so now it just like a christianity in XIII-XIV centuries, with strong religious authority, fanaticism, inquisition, lynching and other stuff. Medieval times, but in the world of modern technologies, it makes the situation weird (just imagine if catholic church had an access to chemical weapons or nuclear bomb in the age of crusades)))

''just imagine if catholic church had an access to chemical weapons or nuclear bomb in the age of crusades''
subtle and you are right. But, America (eventually it's a Christian country/nation) have Nuc.Power. just imagine if Al-Kaide or Taliban or any other islamic shit had an access to nuclear bomb or chemical weapons?

This is what I speaking about. The recent chemical attack in Syria is a confirmation.
To get an access to the nuclear weapon is not such a problem for islamist scum, by the way - there's enough of warheads in Pakistan.
QUOTE(waldemardr @ Aug 30 2013, 22:14:34) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is what I speaking about. The recent chemical attack in Syria is a confirmation.
To get an access to the nuclear weapon is not such a problem for islamist scum, by the way - there are enough of warheads in Pakistan.

yes, but Pakistan is not a islamic terror organization, it's a country as you know. and Pakistan gov. is just America's puppet. And they fighting against to Al Kaide with America.

By the way I'm not defending Christianity, but remember Pussy Riot event... They still alive and this is really interesting for me...

Hey, guys! Wait! 23.gif So what about music? 20.gif
ЦИТАТА(waldemardr @ 30th August 2013 - 22:14:34) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The recent chemical attack in Syria is a confirmation.

Don't you think that this "attack" is made by Jewnited States of Americunts? Just the way to send troops to hog one more Oil Cow.
Вот вас на этот Бузрух натянуло! Целый день трёте. Пора азербайджанский Maymeh запускать. Берите на заметку.
QUOTE(clublen @ Aug 30 2013, 22:59:52) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Вот вас на этот Бузрух натянуло! Целый день трёте. Пора азербайджанский Maymeh запускать. Берите на заметку.

Buzruh means frozen please tell me what is that mean Maymeh?

all day? calm down man, nobody said, ''woow Buzruh music amazing.'' everyone talkin about Burzum and Buzruh name similarity.
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