Genre(s): Hellenic Black/Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s): Satanism, Paganism
Origin: Greece (Athens, Attica)
Formed In: 1992
Status: Active
Current line-up: Necrochrist - Vocals, Bass, Drums (Medieval Demon, ex-Ceremony)
Additional notes:Years active: 1992-1993 (as Ceremony), 1992-1998, 2006-present
Formerly known as Ceremony,
Session guitar players are used during Darkest Oath recordings.
The band reunited in 2006.
Discography:Invocation & Darkest Oath - Invocation/Darkest Oath [split] - 1993Darkest Oath - Paradise Of The Infernal Torment [ep] - 1994Darkest Oath - Promotape '96 [demo] - 1996Darkest Oath - De Occulta Philosophia [demo] - 2006
Darkest Oath - Libations To The Ancient Goat [best of/compilation] - 2013*****
Official site: