Genre(s): Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s): Black Twilight, Dissonance, Chaos, Crime, Drugs
Origin: United States (Long Beach, California)
Formed In: 2002
Status: Split-up
Last known line-up: Kallathon - Bass (Kallathon)
Murdunbad - Drums (Arizmenda, Dolorvotre, Kuxan Suum, Shataan, Blood Play)
Arrken - Guitar
Volahn - Guitar, Vocals (Acualli, Axeman, Blue Hummingbird on the Left, Dolorvotre, Kallathon, Kuxan Suum, Muknal, Shataan, Volahn, Bone Awl (live), The Haunting Presence (live), Blood Play, Mata Mata)
Naeth - Vocals (ex-Sumeria)
Former/Past Member(s): A. (Absum, Muknal, Tukaaria, ex-Glossolalia, ex-Rhinocervs, Blazing Eye, Mata Mata, Sadicos, ex-Atake de Nervios, ex-Drapetomania, ex-Resist and Exist, ex-They Fear the Reclaim, ex-Tuberculosis, ex-Zoloa)
Yagian (Odz Manouk, ex-Rhinocervs, ex-They Fear the Reclaim)
Additional notes:Ashdautas belonged to the Black Twilight Circle. Disbanded in summer 2011.
Discography:Ashdautas - Betrothed to Our Void [demo] - 2003
Ashdautas - As The Vile Must Digress [demo] - 2004Ashdautas - Shadow Plays Of Grief & Pain [full-length] - 2005Ashdautas - Where The Sun Is Silent... [ep] - 2008Ashdautas & Volahn & Arizmenda & Kuxan Suum & Axeman & Kallathon - Worship Black Twilight [full-length] - 2009Ashdautas & Bone Awl - Ashdautas/Bone Awl [split] - 2011*****
Official site:Ashdautas @ Metal Archives