1.SORHIN - Nar Helvetet Kallar 03:55
2.THY DARKEST EMPIRE (FOG) - In The Sorrow of a Crimson Sea 06:30
3.NEGELFAR - Seelenland 05:49
4.HORDES OF THE LUNAR ECLIPSE - And The Moon Was As Blood 04:10
5.AETERNUS - Waiting For The Storms 05:58
6.MUDANUS IMPERIUM - Ode To The Nightsky 05:07
7.NOCTURNAL BREED - Maggot Master 05:37
8.VOMITORY - Through Sepulchral Shadows 04:59
9.WALLACHIA - Arges - Riul Doamnei 05:33
10.BETHEL - Trimuph For The Lost Azure 07:04
11.HELLWITCH - Anthropophagi 06:56
12.LEGION - Plague Of Indifference 05:18
13.PRIMORDIAL - Infernal Summer 06:11
1.ABIGOR - Dawn of Human Dust 05:00
2.TYPHUS - Typhus Shits In The Mouth of Christ 04:31
3.BLACK WITCHERY - Black Witching Metal 04:11
4.REVENGE - Vengeance Absolute 05:01
5.OCTOBER FALLS - Marras 3 03:18
6.FLAUROS - May The Hell Embrace 04:47
7.ALLFATHER - Warlust 02:33
8.LUCIFUGUM - The Sabbat 03:48
9.NEBRON - Lunar Revelations of The Nocturnal Spirits 05:44
10.WALLACHIA - Crucifictional Disinfection 05:16
11.CRYPTIC - Embraced By Darkness 05:12
12.SAURON - Visions Of Murder 06:25
13.ENGORGE - NecroBlackDeathMachine 03:55
14.HORDES OF THE LUNAR ECLIPSE - Anointing of The Sick 05:30
15.FOG - The Storm Unholy 07:24
16.CONQUEROR - Domitor Invictus 06:05
1.HOLOCAUSTUM - Prepare For Butchery 05:40
2.TYPHUS - Baptizing Flames of Satan 04:27
3.MYTHERIUM - From The Ashes 04:10
4.MAUSOLEUM - Pile And Burn 05:35
5.THE LURKING CORPSES - Mark of The Devil 03:39
6.LEGION - Ruse 03:04
7.COFFIN WITCH - Rot 03:38
8.NECROPHAGOUS - I Don't Believe 03:23
9.DEMONWOLF - Hell At My Door 03:40
10.DYSPERIUM - I 06:09
11.NATASSIEVILA - Journey To The World Of Shadows 04:20
12.ENGORGE - Labyrinth Of Purification 05:35
13.NECHOCHWEN - Algonkian Mythos 05:27
14.SAURON - Visions Of Murder 06:25
15.SPIRITUAL DECAY - Cemetery Suicide 03:58
16.ASTRIAAL - Ode To Antiquity 04:36
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