Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Satan, Occultism, Darkness, Rituals
Germany (Roßlau, Saxony-Anhalt)
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Mortifer Daemon - Guitars
Nissen - Drums (Hel, Motor)
Thorn - Guitars (Live) (Hel, Infinitas, Motor, Nebukadnezar, Nargaroth (Live))
Adramalech - Bass (Live) (Apega, Tomb Of Death)
Former/Past Member(s):
S.R. - Bass
O.E. - Bass (Motor, Devil Lee Rot)
Alastor - Guitars (Antlers, Evil Warriors, I I, Vent (Live), Devil Lee Rot, Motor, Pirates Of Acheron, Nocturnal Witch (Live), Nuclear Nature)
Oph - Guitars
Zerberus - Vocals
Pulverizatör - Drums (Live) (Fatal Embrace, Motor, Pirates Of Acheron, Devil Lee Rot, Kleinstadtpiraten)

Thromos - Namenlos Und Besessen [demo] - 2005
Thromos - Blutige 666 [demo] - 2005
Thromos - Thromos [demo] - 2006
Thromos - Kalt [demo] - 2007
Thromos - Live In Lugau [video] - 2007
Thromos - Misanthropie [ep] - 2008
Thromos - Verfault Und Vergessen [full-length] - 2008
Thromos - Hexenkult [full-length] - 2009
Thromos - Alte Okkulte Macht [full-length] - 2010
Thromos - Haures [full-length] - 2012
Thromos - Dematerialisation [full-length] - 2014
Thromos - Translunare Transzendenz [full-length] - 2015
Thromos - Besessen [full-length] - 2016
Thromos - Vergessene Tiefen [full-length] - 2017
Thromos - Taucht Ein ... In Finsternis [full-length] - 2018
Thromos - Thromosphäre [full-length] - 2018
Official Site:
Encyclopaedia Metallum