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Are you sure that this may not be for the best? I am sorry but I do not understand why the album had to be performed in this language. It adds something modern respectively it increases an artificiality and in this style these are things that I could do without. The vocals are somewhat too prominent to me, if not in the mixing then in posture. There is something to them which brings to my mind metalcore or something like this. In regards to the guitars, is the eighth track a kind of reprisal of the second? I partially see where the guitars would like to head towards on this album, but unfortunately still, most of the time I tend not to find them intriguing. Although leaving out the album title script underneath it, the artwork to me does not transport an atmosphere. And for the same reason, the first fifteen or so introductory seconds on the first track and the introduction on the last track could have been left away. In comparison to sterile tendencies to drum sounds on releases of comparable recency, the sound here seems more natural, even though it may lack a little bit of punch. There is a second album release of theirs... and if you took what is on here and streamlined it some more, perhaps one could understand why the darkness would have had enough and boil to a shading of red.