Genre(s):Psychedelic Doom Metal/Rock
Lyrical Theme(s):Witchcraft, Occultism
Origin:Canada (Toronto, Ontario)
Formed In:2006
Current line-up:Alia O'Brien - Flute, Organ, Vocals
Sean Kennedy - Guitars
Lucas Gadke - Bass (Völur)
Michael Carrillo - Drums
Former/Past Member(s):Chris Landon - Bass
Andrew Haust - Drums
Jeremy Finkelstein - Drums
Additional notes:The band name comes from the 1973 Spanish film Ceremonia Sangrienta ("Blood Ceremony").
Alia was not the original vocalist for the band; when she joined, she only played the flute. However, when the actual original vocalist moved to India, Alia took over vocal duties (and organ as well).
Discography:Blood Ceremony - Blood Ceremony [full-length] - 2008 Blood Ceremony - Living With The Ancients [full-length] - 2011 Blood Ceremony - The Eldritch Dark [full-length] - 2013 Blood Ceremony - Let It Come Down/Loving You [single] - 2014 Blood Ceremony - Lord Of Misrule [full-length] - 2016 *****
Official site:Encyclopaedia metallumTwitter