Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Egyptian Mythology, Mysticism
Brazil (Natal, Rio Grande do Norte)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
João Felipe Santiago - Bass (Pillars of Eternity, Kataphero, Nightbreath, Ártemis, Twilight Fire)
Lux Tenebrae - Guitars (Pillars of Eternity, Ártemis)
Gerson Lima - Vocals
Alex Duarte - Guitars (Son of a Witch, Verres Militares)
Lucas Somenzari - Drums (Kataphero)
Former/Past Member(s):
Kleber Júnior - Bass (Podredumbre, Daimonos)
Diogo Oliveira - Bass (Pillars of Eternity)
Márcio Vinicius - Drums
Rafael "Wild" Borges - Drums (Kataphero, Nightbreath, Sanctifier, Ártemis)
Arthur Viana - Drums (Nightbreath)
Victor Fábio - Drums (Auschwitz, Hellspawn, Expose Your Hate, Lord Blasphemate, Sanctifier, Terrorzone, Twilight Fire)
Daniel Guerra - Drums, Vocals (Pillars of Eternity, Nightbreath, Sanctifier)
Fernando Lima - Guitars (Expose Your Hate, Nightbreath)
Irlan Maciel - Guitars (Tonantzin)
Denilton Falcão - Guitars
Gustavo Barreto - Unknown (Ártemis, Twilight Fire, Insideout)
Augustus Caesar - Drums (Pillars of Eternity, Ártemis)

Primordium - The Grand Elevation Of Pagan Temple [demo] - 2001
Primordium - The Sacred Valley Of The Kings [demo] - 2002
Primordium - Gates Of Re-Staú: Conjuration Of Daemon Apopi [ep] - 2012
Primordium - Todtenbuch [full-length] - 2014
Primordium - Old Gods [full-length] - 2017
Official site:
Encyclopaedia Metallum