Genre(s):Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):Pagan mysticism
Origin:Ukraine (Kharkiv)
Formed In:2009
Current line-up:Odalv - Drums (Elderblood, GreyAblaze, KZOHH, Twilightfall, Runes of Dianceht, Ygg, Nokturnal Mortum, Святогор, Сокира Перуна, Munruthel, Whites Load)
Helg - Vocals, Guitars, Bass (GreyAblaze, Khors, KZOHH, Runes of Dianceht, Ygg, Thunderkraft)
Nort - Bass (live) (Endless Battle, Nagual, Scorbut, Khors, Vermis Mysteriis)
Former/Past Member(s):Cult - Vocals (live) (Runes of Dianceht)
Discography:Ulvegr - Где Крови Льдяной Шторм (Where The Icecold Blood Storms) [full-length] - 2011Ulvegr - Arctogaia [full-length] - 2012Ulvegr - The Call Of Glacial Emptiness [full-length] - 2014Ulvegr - Titahion: Kaos Manifest [full-length] - 2017*****
Official site:Encyclopaedia Metallum