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Full Version: Windhand & Satan's Satyrs - Windhand/Satan's Satyrs [split] (2018)
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Releases Area / Релизы > New Releases > Lossless

*Artist: Windhand & Satan's Satyrs
*Album: Windhand/Satan's Satyrs [split]
*Year: 2018
*Genre: Stoner/Doom Metal | Heavy/Doom Metal/Punk
*Country: United States | United States
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 72MB

01. Old Evil
02. Three Sisters
Satan's Satyrs:
03. Alucard AD 2018
04. Succubus
05. Ain't That Lovin' You, Baby
Total playing time: 31:14

Technical info

Input File: 4 - Satan's Satyrs - Succubus.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:00:00.22 = 9702 samples = 16.5 CDDA sectors
File Size : 9.03M
Bit Rate : 328M
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Artist=Satan's Satyrs

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fuck me its new Windhand!! Had no idea this came out! 17.gif 19.gif

also - a mirror please. it takes me few hours to download from these Russian sites. ;(
Первый раз такой спектр вижу в котором вообще нет ничего 1488.gif
ЦИТАТА(aesteticvice @ Feb 15 2018, 15:08:48) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Первый раз такой спектр вижу в котором вообще нет ничего 1488.gif

Вот штиль, а ты начинаешь 1488.gif , лучше бы перелил сие добро, а то не скачать ни шиша, одна вообще ссыль еще заливается, вторая отдает со скоростью уГАШенного 22.gif
QUOTE(vosmidesijatye @ Feb 15 2018, 12:15:29) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Вот штиль, а ты начинаешь 1488.gif , лучше бы перелил сие добро, а то не скачать ни шиша, одна вообще ссыль еще заливается, вторая отдает со скоростью уГАШенного 22.gif

just give a mirror please, I'm still here waiting downloading, it's on 24MB/73MB so I'll have to wait for another hour or so
and the spectra is crazy, this can't be right, but I can't check before I download it, considering I cannot find this split to download anywhere else. so - mirror it! 6.gif

edit: just now listening to this split on Bandcamp. Winhand's track Old Evil sounds just like their song Black Candles from s/t album. The riffs and vocals are pretty much identical, tempo is the same, it's like listening to Windhand covering Windhand smile1.gif It's good to see they are still worshipping their old style but is it ok to make another song which sounds 99% like the old song? Even the guitar solo is pretty much identical. Come on guys. Worship the Wizard and be Electric in your own way, stop copying yourself! 15.gif 1488.gif
ЦИТАТА(Borderline1991 @ Feb 15 2018, 15:17:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just give a mirror please, I'm still here waiting downloading, it's on 24MB/73MB so I'll have to wait for another hour or so
and the spectra is crazy, this can't be right, but I can't check before I download it, considering I cannot find this split to download anywhere else. so - mirror it! 6.gif

Hey, I`m exeriencing the same problems with loading this split right now, because karelia is way too slow and it stops without completing loading while rghost doesn`t work at all. I asked aesteticvice to help with mirrors but still no answer so I`ll keep on trying to load it and asap I`ll do it I will post mirrors. bye.gif
QUOTE(vosmidesijatye @ Feb 15 2018, 12:31:58) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, I`m exeriencing the same problems with loading this split right now, because karelia is way too slow and it stops without completing loading while rghost doesn`t work at all. I asked aesteticvice to help with mirrors but still no answer so I`ll keep on trying to load it and asap I`ll do it I will post mirrors. bye.gif
I'm ALMOST done downloading from so no need, now all that's left is to listen to this split of one of the best active stoner/doom bands out there. smile1.gif
edit: there must be some sort of bug, this is the correct spectrogram of track 4 - Satan's Satyrs - Succubus: smile1.gif
ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ Feb 15 2018, 11:15:29) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Вот штиль, а ты начинаешь 1488.gif , лучше бы перелил сие добро, а то не скачать ни шиша, одна вообще ссыль еще заливается, вторая отдает со скоростью уГАШенного 22.gif

1488.gif не ну прикольно же
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ЦИТАТА(Borderline1991 @ Feb 15 2018, 11:34:21) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm ALMOST done downloading from so no need, now all that's left is to listen to this split of one of the best active stoner/doom bands out there. smile1.gif

Windhand круто-дум, Satan's Satyrs шлак по стонеру smile1.gif
Fast mirrors


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ЦИТАТА(aesteticvice @ Feb 15 2018, 15:37:16) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Satan's Satyrs шлак по стонеру smile1.gif

23.gif Никогда им не были ,не гони!

ЦИТАТА(Borderline1991 @ Feb 15 2018, 15:17:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's good to see they are still worshipping their old style but is it ok to make another song which sounds 99% like the old song? Even the guitar solo is pretty much identical. Come on guys. Worship the Wizard and be Electric in your own way, stop copying yourself! 15.gif 1488.gif

It`s a problem of almsost all good bands like Cough for example, I`m not surprised 1488.gif
ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ Feb 15 2018, 11:41:43) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
23.gif Никогда им не были ,не гони!

я не любитель стонер панка, а тут галимый гараж, дело вкуса
QUOTE(vosmidesijatye @ Feb 15 2018, 12:41:43) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It`s a problem of almsost all good bands like Cough for example, I`m not surprised 1488.gif
not really complaining, I can never get tired of Windhand's sound and I'm glad to see them continue in the true heavy doom/stoner direction. Dorthia's vocals are as heavy and strong as always. I think this might be a good time for me to finally stop spending money on ordering cassettes and finally order a shirt of these guys. Been a huge fan since the beginning. I'd give anything to get Windhand to have a live concert in my crappy country but it's never going to happen so - whoever sees these people perform live is extremely lucky and should really appreciate it. I know I can only dream of seeing these gods live.
In a sea of new stoner/doom bands, Windhand is probably the strongest band. So far, they haven't created one mediocre song - all of their material is way above average for me. pray.gif
The all-time-favorite song is still Summon The Moon. Damn, that song is heavy and deep. Gives me chills all over my body each time I listen to it. Simply - love this band (probably too much). 1488.gif 9.gif crazy.gif
Ценность сплита американцев Windhand и Satan's Satyrs для рядового слушателя представляется мне очень сомнительной. То ли дело фанаты, вот тут дело принимает уже совсем другой оборот, но тогда данный релиз стоит приобрести все же на физическом носителе.
В плане музыкальном сказать сложно, ибо для меня Windhand уже заработавшие себе имя ребята, а вот Satan's Satyrs как оказалось особого интереса не представляют. Впрочем отговаривать послушать никого не буду, ибо слушать нужно.
В общем жду таки полноформата от госпожи Коттрелл и её четверых одногруппников. Данный релиз на один зубок, если не считать лишнего повода переслушать всю диско отличнейших представителей стоунер думовой сцены из Ричмонда! 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif
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