Система оценивания аналогичная той, что была в прошлых Сатурналиях:
+2 - горячее одобрение (да, отличный альбом, преступно недооцененный, должен стоять в одном ряду с признанной классикой)
+1 - сдержанное одобрение (да, неплохо, в один ряд с классикой не поставлю, но альбом хороший, годный),
-1 - неодобрение (ничего особенного, может, и неплохо, но восторгаться здесь определенно нечем, правильно его недооценивают)
Дополнительно по одному разу допускается выставить сверх-баллы:
+3 - чистый восторг и обожание (Old Vyaine Edition) - если в списке встретился альбом, который Вам особенно дорог и Вы ну очень хотите его возвысить над всеми.
-2 - "никому не нужное подвальное гуано"(Exorcist Edition) - так ненавидите альбом, что прям кюшать не можете.
Список на оценку:
Brutality - When The Sky Turns Black
Cemetary - Black Vanity
Phlebotomized - Immense Intense Suspense
Pyogenesis - Sweet X-Rated Nothings
Solitude Aeturnus - Through The Darkest Hour
The 3rd And The Mortal - Tears Laid In Earth
Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh
Celestial Season - Solar Lovers
Hieronymus Bosch - The Human Abstract
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Sadist - Tribe
Unanimated - Ancient God Of Evil
Cemetary - Sundown
Gates of Ishtar - A Bloodred Path
Godgory - Sea Of Dreams
Godgory - Shadow's Dance
James Murphy - Convergence
Morgoth - Feel Sorry For The Fanatic
Psychotic Waltz - Bleeding
Sirrah - Acme
The 3rd And The Mortal - Painting On Glass
Thou Art Lord - Apollyon
Thy Serpent - Forests Of Witchery
Waltari - Death Metal Symphony in Deep C
Напоминаю, что по итогам будет вычислен рейтинг каждого альбома, альбомы с двумя наивысшими рейтингами по каждому из годов составят финальные дуэльные пары. Исключение составляют случай, когда первое место по рейтингу очень уж оторвалось (более чем на +20%) от второго и последующих - тогда альбом объявляется победителем года досрочно.
Выставляем оценки в соответствии с вышеизложенным диапазоном. Развернутые комментарии приветствуются.

Статистика отбора:
19 голосов:
Sadist - Tribe
18 голосов:
Hieronymus Bosch - The Human Abstract
13 голосов:
Cemetary - Black Vanity
Pyogenesis - Sweet X-Rated Nothings
12 голосов:
Cemetary - Sundown
The 3rd And The Mortal - Tears Laid In Earth
11 голосов:
Phlebotomized - Immense Intense Suspense
10 голосов:
Godgory - Sea Of Dreams
Solitude Aeturnus - Through The Darkest Hour
Unanimated - Ancient God Of Evil
Waltari - Death Metal Symphony in Deep C
9 голосов:
Gates of Ishtar - A Bloodred Path
Godgory - Shadow's Dance
Morgoth - Feel Sorry For The Fanatic
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Psychotic Waltz - Bleeding
Sirrah - Acme
The 3rd And The Mortal - Painting On Glass
Thou Art Lord - Apollyon
Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh
8 голосов:
Brutality - When The Sky Turns Black
Celestial Season - Solar Lovers
James Murphy - Convergence
Quo Vadis - Forever
Thy Serpent - Forests Of Witchery
7 голосов:
Aftermath - Eyes Of Tomorrow
Broken Hope - Repulsive Conception
Cemetery Of Scream – Melancholy
Desultory - Bitterness
Disciples of Power - Mechanikill
Disharmonic Orchestra - Pleasuredome
Dismal Euphony – Dismal Euphony (EP)
Dismal Euphony - Soria Moria Slott
Evol - Dreamquest
Mekong Delta - Visions Fugitives
Mork Gryning - Tusen Ar Har Gatt
Pungent Stench - "Club Mondo Bizarre" For Members Only
Pyogenesis - Twinaleblood
Solitude Aeturnus - Downfall
Thou Art Lord - Eosphoros
Ved Buens Ende - Written in Waters
6 голосов:
Ancient - Svartalvheim
Creepmime - Chiaroscuro
Darkwoods My Betrothed – Autumn Roars Thunder
Depressive Age - Symbols For The Blue Times
Disaffected - Vast
Lux Occulta - Forever. Alone. Immortal
Pan.Thy.Monium - Khaooohs & Kon-Fus-Ion (EP)
Psychotic Waltz - Mosquito
Pyogenesis - Waves Of Erotasia (EP)
Strid - Strid (EP)
Thergothon - Stream From The Heavens
5 голосов:
Abstrakt Algebra - Abstrakt Algebra
Black Funeral - Vampyre - Throne Of The Beast
Brutality - In Mourning
Crystal Age - Far Beyond Divine Horizons
Dominus - The First 9
Evol - The Saga Of The Horned King
Forgotten Woods – The Curse Of Mankind
Gorement - The Ending Quest
Grief - Come To Grief
Korova - A Kiss In The Charnel Fields
Mysticum - In The Streams Of Inferno
Oppressor - Solstice Of Oppression
Polluted Inheritance - Betrayed
Sieges Even - Sophisticated
Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet
Varathron - Walpurgisnacht
Vinterland – Welcome My Last Chapter
4 голоса:
Alastis - ...and Death Smiled
Avulsed - Eminence In Putrescence
Beyond Belief - Rave The Abyss
Conception - In Your Multitude
Dead Infection - A Chapter Of Accidents
Decoryah - Wisdom Floats
Deeds Of Flesh - Trading Pieces
Depressive Age - Electric Scum
Fleurety – Min Tid Skal Komme
Konkhra - Spit or Swallow
Krabathor - Lies
Memento Mori - Life, Death and Other Morbid Tales
Merciless - Unbound
Morta Skuld - As Humanity Fades
Mutiilation – Vampires Of Black Imperial Blood
Nazxul - Totem
Ophthalamia - A Journey in Darkness
Ophthalamia - Via Dolorosa
Orphanage - By Time Alone
Sadness - Danteferno
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Iron
Skeptic Sense - Presence of Mind
Threnody - Bewildering Thoughts
Tulus - Pure Black Energy
Vlad Tepes / Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust (split)
Voodoocult - Jesus Killing Machine
3 голоса:
A Canorous Quintet - Silence of the World Beyond
Agressor - Symposium of Rebirth
Ancient - The Cainian Chronicle
Ancient Rites - Blasphemia Eternal
Asgaroth - The Quest For Eldenhor (EP)
Baphomet - Trust
Bethzaida - Nine Worlds
Beyond Dawn - Pity Love
Chemical Breath - Values
Christ Agony - Moonlight - Act III
Darzamat - In The Flames Of Black Art
Dominus - View To The Dim
Dusk - ...Majestic Thou In Ruin
Fleshcrawl - Bloodsoul
Garden Wall - The Seduction Of Madness
Heavenwood - Diva
Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt
Kvist – For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Mangled Torsos - Drawings Of The Dead
Massacra - Sick
Memento Mori - La Danse Macabre
Mental Home - Mirrorland (EP)
Morgana Lefay - Maleficium
Neolithic - For Destroy The Lament
Nightfall - Athenian Echoes
Opera IX - The Call of the Wood
Oppressor - Agony
Orphanage - Oblivion
Regurgitate - Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Sacrilegium - Wicher
Scanner - Ball of the Damned
Sear Bliss – Phantoms
Suffer - Structures
Tad Morose - Sender Of Thoughts
Tenebris - Only Fearless Dreams
The 3rd and the Mortal - Sorrow (EP)
The Abyss - The Other Side
Trelldom - Til evighet...
Unholy - The Second Ring Of Power
Violent Dirge - Craving
Vlad Tepes / Torgeist - Black Legions Metal
Waltari - Big Bang
Winter - Eternal Frost (EP)
Мастер - Maniac party
2 голоса:
Abruptum - In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, in Aeternum in Triumpho Tenebrarum
Abscess - Seminal Vampires And Maggot Men
Acheron - Lex Talionis
Acrostichon - Sentenced
Adolf Castle - Really Crazy Germans
Adramelech - Psychostasia
Allegiance - Hymn Till Hangagud
Ancient Wisdom - For Snow Covered the Northland
As Serenity Fades - Earthborn (EP)
Astaroth - Christenfeind (EP)
Blood - Depraved Goddess
Blood - Mental Conflicts
Cancer - Black Faith
Christ Agony - Daemoonseth - Act II
Comecon - Fable Frolic
Decameron - My Shadow
Deceptive - Heart Sweeted Lie
Decision D - The Last Prostitute
Decoryah – Fall-Dark Waters
Deinonychus - The Silence Of December
Demoniac - Stormblade
Deranged - Rated - X
Desultory - Swallow The Snake
Doctor Butcher - Doctor Butcher
Dominion - Interface
End Zone - First Bequest
End Zone - Thalatta Et Thanatos
Ens Cogitans - Heart Of The Way
Equinox - Labyrinth
Fleshcrawl - Impurity
Forgotten Woods - As The Wolves Gather
Fudge Tunnel - The Complicated Futility of Ignorance
Funeral - Tragedies
Golgotha - Melancholy
Gutted - Bleed For Us To Live
Hades - ...Again Shall Be
Haemorrhage - Emetic Cult
Hecate Enthroned - Upon Promeathean Shores (Unscriptured Waters)
Helheim – Jormundgand
Hypnotic Scenery - Vacuum
Ildjarn - Forest Poetry
Infernal Torment - Man’s True Nature
Iniquity - Serenadium
Innercell - The Valley Of Unrest
Isvind - Dark Waters Stir
Kill II This - Another Cross II Bare
Konkhra - Sexual Affective Disorder
Last Breath - Ashes to Ashes
Living Sorrow – Red Morning Sky
Lost Century - Complex Microcosm (Movement in Nine Rituals)
Lost Century - Poetic Atmosphere Of Seasons
Lunar Aurora - Weltenganger
Maleficium - The Illusion of Humanity
Massacra - Humanize Human
Mental Home - Vale
Metalucifer - Heavy Metal Drill
Mindrot - Dawning
Misanthrope - 1666...Theatre Bizarre
Miscreant - Dreaming Ice
Misery Loves Co. - Misery Loves Co.
Morgana Lefay - Sanctified
Morta Skuld - For All Eternity
Necrocannibal - Somnambuliformic Possession
Obliveon - Cybervoid
On Thorns I Lay - Sounds of Beautiful Experience
Overflash - Threshold To Reality
Phantasma - Jazz For Jesus
Ragnarok - Nattferd
Root - Kargeras
Sacrilege - Lost In The Beauty You Slay
Setherial - Nord
Skrew - Dusted
Skrew - Shadow of Doubt
Solstice - Lamentations
Solstice - Pray
Strangulation - Between Nothing and Eternity
Temple Of The Absurd - Absurd
The Blood Divine - Awaken
The Equinox ov the Gods - Images of Forgotten Memories
Thormenthor - Abstract Divinity
Thorr's Hammer - Sannhet I Blodet (demo)
Throne of Ahaz - Nifelheim
Trauma - Comedy Is Over
Tristitia - One With Darkness
Wicked Innocence - Omnipotence
Zyklon-B - Blood Must Be Shed (EP)
Черный Обелиск - Я остаюсь
1 голос:
999 Society - 999 Society
Ablaze My Sorrow - If Emotions Still Burn
Accuser - Reflections
Accuser - Taken By The Throat
Aeons End - Spiral Seas (EP)
Agathocles - Razor Sharp Daggers
Agony Conscience - Look Into The Silence
Aleister - Tribal Tech
Algaion - Vox Clamentis (EP)
Altar - Ego Art
Altar - Youth Against Christ
Ancient - Trolltaar (EP)
Ancient Ceremony - Cemetary Visions
Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades
Anger On Anger - Anger On Anger
Annon Vin - A New Gate
Anthony - Pools of Sorrow/Waves of Joy
Antidote - Mind Alive
Apophis - Down In The Valley
Artension - Into The Eye Of The Storm
Awesome - Delicious Religion
Bestial Warlust - Blood & Valour
Bestial Warlust - Vengeance War Til Death
Beyond - Reassemble
Beyond Dawn - Longing For Scarlet Days (EP)
Beyond North - The Dark Is My Father
Blazemth - Fatherland
Blazemth - For Centuries Left Behind
Blind Justice - Hurt
Blood - Spittle Red Of Blood (EP)
Blood Duster - Yeest (EP)
Bone Trip - No Guts No Glory
Branikald - Kveldulv
Branikald - Varg fjerne a tornet
Branikald - Рдяндалир
Cadaverous Condition - For Love I Said
Carpe Tenebrum - Majestic Nothingness
Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders
Catharsis - Bitter Disdain
Count Raven - Messiah of Confusion
Crawl - Earth
Crimson Moon - To Embrace the Vampyric Blood
Darklands - Chronicles
Darkside - Melancholia Of A Dying World
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Heirs Of The Northstar
Dead World - Thanatos Descends
Deceased - The Blueprints For Madness
December Moon - Source of Origin
Deeds of Flesh - Gradually Melted
Deinonychus - The Weeping of a Thousand Years
Deliverance - Camelot In Smithereens
Deliverance - River Disturbance
Demolition Hammer - Time Bomb
Demoniac - Prepare For War
Demonic - Lead Us into Darkness (EP)
Diaboli - Mesmerized by Darkness
Dirge - Infected Brain Machine
Disgust - A World Of No Beauty
Dissonance - Look to Forget
Divine Sin - Winterland
Dystrophy - Spiegel Meiner Kдlte
Enchant - Wounded
Enchantment - Dance The Marble Naked
End Of Green - Infinity
Enter - Scared
Eterne - Still Dreaming
Execrator - Silent Murder
Exhortation - The Last Trial
Exhumator - In Your Face
Face Down - Mindfield
Fear Disorder - In A Rage
Fear of God - Toxic Voodoo
Fester - Silence
Forest - Forest
Form - I Choose My Own
Freak Kitchen - Appetizer
Freak Kitchen - Spanking Hour
Funeral - Tristesse
G//Z/R - Plastic Planet
Genocide Superstars - Hail The New Storm
Godsend - In The Electric Mist
Golden Dawn - The Art Of Dreaming
Golem - Eternity: The Weeping Horizons
Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
Graveland – Thousand Swords
Graveyard Rodeo - On the Verge
Great Sorrow - Dreams... Solitude, Silence
Grief - Miserably Ever After
Gut - Hyper-Intestinal Vulva Desecration (EP)
Helheim - Fenris (ЕР)
Hermh - Taran
Hostility - Brick
House Of Spirits - Turn The Tide
Hybernoid - Todays Tomorrows Yesterday
Ildjarn - Nidhogg - Svartfrеd (EP)
Illdisposed - Return From Tomorrow (EP)
Illdisposed - Submit
In:Extremis - Skin Thick Vision (EP)
Infected - Crawlspace
Infernum - ...Taur-nu-Fuin...
Infestdead - Killing Christ (EP)
Inhuman - Strange Desire
Innercell - Over The Gread Divide
Insatanity - Divine Decomposition
Ivanhoe - Symbols Of Time
Ivanhoe - Visions And Reality
Jackal - A Safe Look In Mirror
Korpse - Pull the Flood
Korpse - Revirgin
Krabathor - Mortal Memories
Le Scrawl - Q
Left Hand Solution - Shadowdance (EP)
Lethal - Your Favorite God
Leukemia - Grey-Flannel Souled
Lobotomy - Technology?
Lord Belial - Kiss The Goat - Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Lost Souls - Closeyoureyesanditwonthurt
Lucifer - Lucifer
Luciferion - Demonication (The Manifest)
Lunatic Gods - Inhuman & Insensible
Lunatic Invasion - Totentanz
Lyijykomppania - Viimeinen voitelu
Malignant Eternal – Tarnet
Massacre - Promise
Melissa - In Mourning
Merauder - Master Killer
Meressin - The Baphomet's Call
Molested - Blod-draum
Mortification - Blood World
Mortification - EnVision EvAngelene
Mortification - Primitive Rhythm Machine
Mortuary Drape - All The Witches Dance
Mutiilation - "Hail Satanas, We Are The Black Legions!" (EP)
Mythological Cold Towers - Sphere Of Nebaddon
Nattvindens Grat - A Bard's Tale
Necromantia - From The Past We Summon Thee (EP)
Necronomicon - Screams
Netherworld – Netherworld
Nifelheim - Nifelheim
Nightmare Visions - Suffering From Echoes
Nospheratu - Subway 1088
Not Fragile - The Return
Obscenity - Perversion Mankind
Obscenity - The 3rd.
Obtained Enslavement – Centuries Of Sorrow
Occult - The Enemy Within
Oddmongers - Experiment
OLD - Formula
Panzerchrist - Six Seconds Kill
Paragon Belial - Hordes Of The Darklands
Paralysis - Visions
Pegazus - Pegazus
PitchShifter - Infotainment?
Psyco Drama - The Illusion
Quo Vadis - Test Draizea
Ras Algethi - Oniricon - The White Hypnotic
Red Harvest - HyBreed
Red Harvest - There's Beauty In The Purity Of Sadness
Rhadamantys - Labyrinth Of Thoughts
Rotten Corpse - Maggot Sickness
Sabbat - The Dwelling
Sacramentum - Finis Malorum (EP)
Sacrilegium - Sleeptime (EP)
Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death Fuсk you
Saviour Machine - Saviour Machine II
Scald - Will Of The Gods Is Great Power
Scanner - Mental Reservation
Serpent - In The Garden Of Serpent
Shah - P.S.I.H.O.
Shub Niggurath - Evilness And Darkness Prevails (EP)
Skeletal Earth - Deevolushun
Skwee-G - Skwee-G
Sons Of Otis - Spacejumbofudge
Squealer - Wrong Time Wrong Place
Succubus - Destiny
Suffering - Sowing the Seeds of Suffering
Testor - Ruiny
The Abyss - Summon The Beast
The Black - The Priest of Satan
The Darksend - Unsunned
The Elysian Fields - Adelain
The Experience - Realusion
The Nefilim - Z.O.O.N
Thornium - Dominions of the Eclipse
Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt (EP)
Throne Of Ahaz - "On Twilight Enthroned"
Tortharry - When The Memories Are Free
Trizna - Out Of Step
Troll - Drep de kristne
Tsatthoggua - Hosanna Bizarre
Twilight - Eye for an Eye
Under Black Clouds - As Darkness Falls
Unholy Grave "Inhumanity"
Vauxdvihl - To Dimension Logic
Veles - Night on the Bare Mountain
Visionary - Visionary
Vondur - Striрsyfirlэsing
Waltari - So Fine!
Wardog - Scorched Earth
While Heaven Wept - Lovesongs of the Forsaken (EP)
Wicked Innocence - Anthropological Infestation
Wicked Maraya - Cycles
Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Servants
Wish - 1995 - Monochrome
Witches - 3.4.1
Xentrix - Scourge
Xibalba – Ah Dzam Poop Ek
X-Wild - Savageland
X-Wild - So What!
Xysma - Deluxe
Zero Tolerance - Zero For All
Легион - Knights Of Cross
Мysticum - In The Streams Of Inferno
Sadist - Tribe
18 голосов:
Hieronymus Bosch - The Human Abstract
13 голосов:
Cemetary - Black Vanity
Pyogenesis - Sweet X-Rated Nothings
12 голосов:
Cemetary - Sundown
The 3rd And The Mortal - Tears Laid In Earth
11 голосов:
Phlebotomized - Immense Intense Suspense
10 голосов:
Godgory - Sea Of Dreams
Solitude Aeturnus - Through The Darkest Hour
Unanimated - Ancient God Of Evil
Waltari - Death Metal Symphony in Deep C
9 голосов:
Gates of Ishtar - A Bloodred Path
Godgory - Shadow's Dance
Morgoth - Feel Sorry For The Fanatic
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Psychotic Waltz - Bleeding
Sirrah - Acme
The 3rd And The Mortal - Painting On Glass
Thou Art Lord - Apollyon
Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh
8 голосов:
Brutality - When The Sky Turns Black
Celestial Season - Solar Lovers
James Murphy - Convergence
Quo Vadis - Forever
Thy Serpent - Forests Of Witchery
7 голосов:
Aftermath - Eyes Of Tomorrow
Broken Hope - Repulsive Conception
Cemetery Of Scream – Melancholy
Desultory - Bitterness
Disciples of Power - Mechanikill
Disharmonic Orchestra - Pleasuredome
Dismal Euphony – Dismal Euphony (EP)
Dismal Euphony - Soria Moria Slott
Evol - Dreamquest
Mekong Delta - Visions Fugitives
Mork Gryning - Tusen Ar Har Gatt
Pungent Stench - "Club Mondo Bizarre" For Members Only
Pyogenesis - Twinaleblood
Solitude Aeturnus - Downfall
Thou Art Lord - Eosphoros
Ved Buens Ende - Written in Waters
6 голосов:
Ancient - Svartalvheim
Creepmime - Chiaroscuro
Darkwoods My Betrothed – Autumn Roars Thunder
Depressive Age - Symbols For The Blue Times
Disaffected - Vast
Lux Occulta - Forever. Alone. Immortal
Pan.Thy.Monium - Khaooohs & Kon-Fus-Ion (EP)
Psychotic Waltz - Mosquito
Pyogenesis - Waves Of Erotasia (EP)
Strid - Strid (EP)
Thergothon - Stream From The Heavens
5 голосов:
Abstrakt Algebra - Abstrakt Algebra
Black Funeral - Vampyre - Throne Of The Beast
Brutality - In Mourning
Crystal Age - Far Beyond Divine Horizons
Dominus - The First 9
Evol - The Saga Of The Horned King
Forgotten Woods – The Curse Of Mankind
Gorement - The Ending Quest
Grief - Come To Grief
Korova - A Kiss In The Charnel Fields
Mysticum - In The Streams Of Inferno
Oppressor - Solstice Of Oppression
Polluted Inheritance - Betrayed
Sieges Even - Sophisticated
Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet
Varathron - Walpurgisnacht
Vinterland – Welcome My Last Chapter
4 голоса:
Alastis - ...and Death Smiled
Avulsed - Eminence In Putrescence
Beyond Belief - Rave The Abyss
Conception - In Your Multitude
Dead Infection - A Chapter Of Accidents
Decoryah - Wisdom Floats
Deeds Of Flesh - Trading Pieces
Depressive Age - Electric Scum
Fleurety – Min Tid Skal Komme
Konkhra - Spit or Swallow
Krabathor - Lies
Memento Mori - Life, Death and Other Morbid Tales
Merciless - Unbound
Morta Skuld - As Humanity Fades
Mutiilation – Vampires Of Black Imperial Blood
Nazxul - Totem
Ophthalamia - A Journey in Darkness
Ophthalamia - Via Dolorosa
Orphanage - By Time Alone
Sadness - Danteferno
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Iron
Skeptic Sense - Presence of Mind
Threnody - Bewildering Thoughts
Tulus - Pure Black Energy
Vlad Tepes / Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust (split)
Voodoocult - Jesus Killing Machine
3 голоса:
A Canorous Quintet - Silence of the World Beyond
Agressor - Symposium of Rebirth
Ancient - The Cainian Chronicle
Ancient Rites - Blasphemia Eternal
Asgaroth - The Quest For Eldenhor (EP)
Baphomet - Trust
Bethzaida - Nine Worlds
Beyond Dawn - Pity Love
Chemical Breath - Values
Christ Agony - Moonlight - Act III
Darzamat - In The Flames Of Black Art
Dominus - View To The Dim
Dusk - ...Majestic Thou In Ruin
Fleshcrawl - Bloodsoul
Garden Wall - The Seduction Of Madness
Heavenwood - Diva
Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt
Kvist – For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Mangled Torsos - Drawings Of The Dead
Massacra - Sick
Memento Mori - La Danse Macabre
Mental Home - Mirrorland (EP)
Morgana Lefay - Maleficium
Neolithic - For Destroy The Lament
Nightfall - Athenian Echoes
Opera IX - The Call of the Wood
Oppressor - Agony
Orphanage - Oblivion
Regurgitate - Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Sacrilegium - Wicher
Scanner - Ball of the Damned
Sear Bliss – Phantoms
Suffer - Structures
Tad Morose - Sender Of Thoughts
Tenebris - Only Fearless Dreams
The 3rd and the Mortal - Sorrow (EP)
The Abyss - The Other Side
Trelldom - Til evighet...
Unholy - The Second Ring Of Power
Violent Dirge - Craving
Vlad Tepes / Torgeist - Black Legions Metal
Waltari - Big Bang
Winter - Eternal Frost (EP)
Мастер - Maniac party
2 голоса:
Abruptum - In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, in Aeternum in Triumpho Tenebrarum
Abscess - Seminal Vampires And Maggot Men
Acheron - Lex Talionis
Acrostichon - Sentenced
Adolf Castle - Really Crazy Germans
Adramelech - Psychostasia
Allegiance - Hymn Till Hangagud
Ancient Wisdom - For Snow Covered the Northland
As Serenity Fades - Earthborn (EP)
Astaroth - Christenfeind (EP)
Blood - Depraved Goddess
Blood - Mental Conflicts
Cancer - Black Faith
Christ Agony - Daemoonseth - Act II
Comecon - Fable Frolic
Decameron - My Shadow
Deceptive - Heart Sweeted Lie
Decision D - The Last Prostitute
Decoryah – Fall-Dark Waters
Deinonychus - The Silence Of December
Demoniac - Stormblade
Deranged - Rated - X
Desultory - Swallow The Snake
Doctor Butcher - Doctor Butcher
Dominion - Interface
End Zone - First Bequest
End Zone - Thalatta Et Thanatos
Ens Cogitans - Heart Of The Way
Equinox - Labyrinth
Fleshcrawl - Impurity
Forgotten Woods - As The Wolves Gather
Fudge Tunnel - The Complicated Futility of Ignorance
Funeral - Tragedies
Golgotha - Melancholy
Gutted - Bleed For Us To Live
Hades - ...Again Shall Be
Haemorrhage - Emetic Cult
Hecate Enthroned - Upon Promeathean Shores (Unscriptured Waters)
Helheim – Jormundgand
Hypnotic Scenery - Vacuum
Ildjarn - Forest Poetry
Infernal Torment - Man’s True Nature
Iniquity - Serenadium
Innercell - The Valley Of Unrest
Isvind - Dark Waters Stir
Kill II This - Another Cross II Bare
Konkhra - Sexual Affective Disorder
Last Breath - Ashes to Ashes
Living Sorrow – Red Morning Sky
Lost Century - Complex Microcosm (Movement in Nine Rituals)
Lost Century - Poetic Atmosphere Of Seasons
Lunar Aurora - Weltenganger
Maleficium - The Illusion of Humanity
Massacra - Humanize Human
Mental Home - Vale
Metalucifer - Heavy Metal Drill
Mindrot - Dawning
Misanthrope - 1666...Theatre Bizarre
Miscreant - Dreaming Ice
Misery Loves Co. - Misery Loves Co.
Morgana Lefay - Sanctified
Morta Skuld - For All Eternity
Necrocannibal - Somnambuliformic Possession
Obliveon - Cybervoid
On Thorns I Lay - Sounds of Beautiful Experience
Overflash - Threshold To Reality
Phantasma - Jazz For Jesus
Ragnarok - Nattferd
Root - Kargeras
Sacrilege - Lost In The Beauty You Slay
Setherial - Nord
Skrew - Dusted
Skrew - Shadow of Doubt
Solstice - Lamentations
Solstice - Pray
Strangulation - Between Nothing and Eternity
Temple Of The Absurd - Absurd
The Blood Divine - Awaken
The Equinox ov the Gods - Images of Forgotten Memories
Thormenthor - Abstract Divinity
Thorr's Hammer - Sannhet I Blodet (demo)
Throne of Ahaz - Nifelheim
Trauma - Comedy Is Over
Tristitia - One With Darkness
Wicked Innocence - Omnipotence
Zyklon-B - Blood Must Be Shed (EP)
Черный Обелиск - Я остаюсь
1 голос:
999 Society - 999 Society
Ablaze My Sorrow - If Emotions Still Burn
Accuser - Reflections
Accuser - Taken By The Throat
Aeons End - Spiral Seas (EP)
Agathocles - Razor Sharp Daggers
Agony Conscience - Look Into The Silence
Aleister - Tribal Tech
Algaion - Vox Clamentis (EP)
Altar - Ego Art
Altar - Youth Against Christ
Ancient - Trolltaar (EP)
Ancient Ceremony - Cemetary Visions
Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades
Anger On Anger - Anger On Anger
Annon Vin - A New Gate
Anthony - Pools of Sorrow/Waves of Joy
Antidote - Mind Alive
Apophis - Down In The Valley
Artension - Into The Eye Of The Storm
Awesome - Delicious Religion
Bestial Warlust - Blood & Valour
Bestial Warlust - Vengeance War Til Death
Beyond - Reassemble
Beyond Dawn - Longing For Scarlet Days (EP)
Beyond North - The Dark Is My Father
Blazemth - Fatherland
Blazemth - For Centuries Left Behind
Blind Justice - Hurt
Blood - Spittle Red Of Blood (EP)
Blood Duster - Yeest (EP)
Bone Trip - No Guts No Glory
Branikald - Kveldulv
Branikald - Varg fjerne a tornet
Branikald - Рдяндалир
Cadaverous Condition - For Love I Said
Carpe Tenebrum - Majestic Nothingness
Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders
Catharsis - Bitter Disdain
Count Raven - Messiah of Confusion
Crawl - Earth
Crimson Moon - To Embrace the Vampyric Blood
Darklands - Chronicles
Darkside - Melancholia Of A Dying World
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Heirs Of The Northstar
Dead World - Thanatos Descends
Deceased - The Blueprints For Madness
December Moon - Source of Origin
Deeds of Flesh - Gradually Melted
Deinonychus - The Weeping of a Thousand Years
Deliverance - Camelot In Smithereens
Deliverance - River Disturbance
Demolition Hammer - Time Bomb
Demoniac - Prepare For War
Demonic - Lead Us into Darkness (EP)
Diaboli - Mesmerized by Darkness
Dirge - Infected Brain Machine
Disgust - A World Of No Beauty
Dissonance - Look to Forget
Divine Sin - Winterland
Dystrophy - Spiegel Meiner Kдlte
Enchant - Wounded
Enchantment - Dance The Marble Naked
End Of Green - Infinity
Enter - Scared
Eterne - Still Dreaming
Execrator - Silent Murder
Exhortation - The Last Trial
Exhumator - In Your Face
Face Down - Mindfield
Fear Disorder - In A Rage
Fear of God - Toxic Voodoo
Fester - Silence
Forest - Forest
Form - I Choose My Own
Freak Kitchen - Appetizer
Freak Kitchen - Spanking Hour
Funeral - Tristesse
G//Z/R - Plastic Planet
Genocide Superstars - Hail The New Storm
Godsend - In The Electric Mist
Golden Dawn - The Art Of Dreaming
Golem - Eternity: The Weeping Horizons
Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
Graveland – Thousand Swords
Graveyard Rodeo - On the Verge
Great Sorrow - Dreams... Solitude, Silence
Grief - Miserably Ever After
Gut - Hyper-Intestinal Vulva Desecration (EP)
Helheim - Fenris (ЕР)
Hermh - Taran
Hostility - Brick
House Of Spirits - Turn The Tide
Hybernoid - Todays Tomorrows Yesterday
Ildjarn - Nidhogg - Svartfrеd (EP)
Illdisposed - Return From Tomorrow (EP)
Illdisposed - Submit
In:Extremis - Skin Thick Vision (EP)
Infected - Crawlspace
Infernum - ...Taur-nu-Fuin...
Infestdead - Killing Christ (EP)
Inhuman - Strange Desire
Innercell - Over The Gread Divide
Insatanity - Divine Decomposition
Ivanhoe - Symbols Of Time
Ivanhoe - Visions And Reality
Jackal - A Safe Look In Mirror
Korpse - Pull the Flood
Korpse - Revirgin
Krabathor - Mortal Memories
Le Scrawl - Q
Left Hand Solution - Shadowdance (EP)
Lethal - Your Favorite God
Leukemia - Grey-Flannel Souled
Lobotomy - Technology?
Lord Belial - Kiss The Goat - Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Lost Souls - Closeyoureyesanditwonthurt
Lucifer - Lucifer
Luciferion - Demonication (The Manifest)
Lunatic Gods - Inhuman & Insensible
Lunatic Invasion - Totentanz
Lyijykomppania - Viimeinen voitelu
Malignant Eternal – Tarnet
Massacre - Promise
Melissa - In Mourning
Merauder - Master Killer
Meressin - The Baphomet's Call
Molested - Blod-draum
Mortification - Blood World
Mortification - EnVision EvAngelene
Mortification - Primitive Rhythm Machine
Mortuary Drape - All The Witches Dance
Mutiilation - "Hail Satanas, We Are The Black Legions!" (EP)
Mythological Cold Towers - Sphere Of Nebaddon
Nattvindens Grat - A Bard's Tale
Necromantia - From The Past We Summon Thee (EP)
Necronomicon - Screams
Netherworld – Netherworld
Nifelheim - Nifelheim
Nightmare Visions - Suffering From Echoes
Nospheratu - Subway 1088
Not Fragile - The Return
Obscenity - Perversion Mankind
Obscenity - The 3rd.
Obtained Enslavement – Centuries Of Sorrow
Occult - The Enemy Within
Oddmongers - Experiment
OLD - Formula
Panzerchrist - Six Seconds Kill
Paragon Belial - Hordes Of The Darklands
Paralysis - Visions
Pegazus - Pegazus
PitchShifter - Infotainment?
Psyco Drama - The Illusion
Quo Vadis - Test Draizea
Ras Algethi - Oniricon - The White Hypnotic
Red Harvest - HyBreed
Red Harvest - There's Beauty In The Purity Of Sadness
Rhadamantys - Labyrinth Of Thoughts
Rotten Corpse - Maggot Sickness
Sabbat - The Dwelling
Sacramentum - Finis Malorum (EP)
Sacrilegium - Sleeptime (EP)
Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death Fuсk you
Saviour Machine - Saviour Machine II
Scald - Will Of The Gods Is Great Power
Scanner - Mental Reservation
Serpent - In The Garden Of Serpent
Shah - P.S.I.H.O.
Shub Niggurath - Evilness And Darkness Prevails (EP)
Skeletal Earth - Deevolushun
Skwee-G - Skwee-G
Sons Of Otis - Spacejumbofudge
Squealer - Wrong Time Wrong Place
Succubus - Destiny
Suffering - Sowing the Seeds of Suffering
Testor - Ruiny
The Abyss - Summon The Beast
The Black - The Priest of Satan
The Darksend - Unsunned
The Elysian Fields - Adelain
The Experience - Realusion
The Nefilim - Z.O.O.N
Thornium - Dominions of the Eclipse
Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt (EP)
Throne Of Ahaz - "On Twilight Enthroned"
Tortharry - When The Memories Are Free
Trizna - Out Of Step
Troll - Drep de kristne
Tsatthoggua - Hosanna Bizarre
Twilight - Eye for an Eye
Under Black Clouds - As Darkness Falls
Unholy Grave "Inhumanity"
Vauxdvihl - To Dimension Logic
Veles - Night on the Bare Mountain
Visionary - Visionary
Vondur - Striрsyfirlэsing
Waltari - So Fine!
Wardog - Scorched Earth
While Heaven Wept - Lovesongs of the Forsaken (EP)
Wicked Innocence - Anthropological Infestation
Wicked Maraya - Cycles
Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Servants
Wish - 1995 - Monochrome
Witches - 3.4.1
Xentrix - Scourge
Xibalba – Ah Dzam Poop Ek
X-Wild - Savageland
X-Wild - So What!
Xysma - Deluxe
Zero Tolerance - Zero For All
Легион - Knights Of Cross
Мysticum - In The Streams Of Inferno