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Full Version: Venereal Baptism - Repugnant Coronation Of The Beast (2019)
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*Artist: Venereal Baptism
*Album: Repugnant Coronation Of The Beast
*Year: 2019
*Genre: Black Metal
*Country: United States
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 104MB

1. To Castrate Angelic Grace
2. Venereal Fucking Whore
3. Uncleansed in Celestial Mortification
4. Repugnant Coronation of the Beast
5. Blasphemous Sarin Execrations
6. Unfuckable Pacifist Gutterslut
7. Abhorrent Cesspool of Lesser Human Vessels
8. Pestiferous Pious Deflorations
9. Born of Lascivious Degradation
10. Aborted at the Foulest Pit of Hell
Total playing time: 45:36

Extended info
Adversor Guitars
Fermentor Vocals

Technical info

Input File: 3 - Uncleansed in Celestial Mortification.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:04:04.60 = 10786772 samples = 18344.9 CDDA sectors
File Size : 9.84M
Bit Rate : 322k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Uncleansed in Celestial Mortification
Artist=Venereal Baptism
Album=Repugnant Coronation of the Beast

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