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Full Version: Völur - Death Cult (2020)
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*Artist: Völur
*Album: Death Cult
*Year: 2020
*Genre: Folk/Doom Metal
*Country: Canada
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 87MB

1. Inviolate Grove 07:57
2. Dead Moon 08:50
3. Freyjan Death Cult 11:20
4. Reverend Queen 09:47
Total playing time: 37:54

Extended info
Lucas Gadke Bass, Double bass, Keyboards, Piano, Vocals (2013-present)
See also: Blood Ceremony, The Rucksack Willies
Laura Bates Vocals, Violin, Viola, Effects (2013-present)
See also: Iomair, ex-Trent Severn
Jimmy P Lightning Drums, Percussion (2014-present)
See also: Do Make Say Think

Technical info

Input File: 02. Dead Moon.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:00:00.53 = 23329 samples = 39.6752 CDDA sectors
File Size : 21.3M
Bit Rate : 322M
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Dead Moon
Album=Death Cult
Genre=Doom Metal

[ Hidden Text ]
Didn't expect much based on band & song names, but was pleasantly surprised. Reminded me of Sig:Ar:Tyr a bit.

P.s. Oh and there are some jazz-y parts too, if that's your thing.
не, братан, No Recommended
nothing interestning
Let's see.

This here is the standout song of the album. Starts well, builds up the atmosphere, clean vocals tie in lovely. Then abruptly follows a completely unnecessary 3 minute part that even a deaf baboon would have left on the cutting floor. Then it gets better again. Then messes it up once more. This song would be a blast if trimmed down to 6 minutes. Same can be said for the rest of the album too. When they do hit the sweet spot, it's amazing. So it's hit and miss, sure, but uninteresting? I'd not say so. The good parts are really fucking good, especially those jazzy interludes, hence the recommendation.
Психоделично-прогово-джазовый дум на стыке трада и дум-дета, где из гитар только басуха, зато много "скрипочек" и 3 разных типа вокала. Это как минимум интересно.
Особенно хороши последние два трека 20.gif
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