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Full Version: Any Post-Metal or Stoner with Death Metal Vocals?
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Discussions Area / Тёрки > Doom Metal
For English Speakers:

After searching in Google and this forum, I've surprisingly been left unanswered. Hence, I think I'm clear to post this question into this forum. Alright, so here is the question: does anyone listen to or knows of the band that musically falls into Post-Metal and/or stoner metal subjenres, yet which consistently uses death metal style of vocals (death growl, gurgle [yes, like in Brutal Death Metal or Goregrind even], grunt, or anything else of this sort). Feel free to recommend even those recordings or bands that, even though you don't personally like, yet may fit the description. Just try to not post bands playing Death/Doom (Doom/Death) Metal, Funeral Doom, Melodic Doom/Death (Death/Doom), Caverncore (yep, I've just unironically used this term lol crazy.gif ), and other similar or intersecting subgenres, given that I'm pretty knowledgable myself about those. I appreciate anyone for their attention to this topic!

Для русско-говорящих:

После поиска в Google и на этом форуме, я к своему удивлению остался без ответа. Следовательно, насколько я понимаю, я все же могу задать этот вопрос на этом форуме. Итак, вопрос: слушает ли кто-нибудь или знает кто-нибудь о группе, которая в музыкальном плане относится к жанрам пост-метал и / или стоунер-метал, но при этом на постоянной основе использует стиль вокала дэт-метал (death growl, gurgle [да, как в Brutal Death Metal или даже Goregrind], grunting или что-то еще в этом роде). Не стесняйтесь рекомендовать даже те записи или группы, которые, даже если лично вам не нравятся, все же могут соответствовать моему запросу. Старайтесь не постить группы играющие Death/Doom (Doom/Death) Metal, Funeral Doom, Melodic Doom/Death (Death/Doom), Caverncore (таки да, употребляю этот термин всеръез lol crazy.gif ), и прочие схожие или пересекающиеся поджанры, поскольку сам довольно знаком с ними. Заранее благодарю за внимание к этой теме!

Feel free to answer in either language, Russian or English | Отвечайте на любом из двух языков, на котором предпочтительнее.
Black Cat
Acid Witch
QUOTE(Black Cat @ May 17 2021, 10:43:57) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Acid Witch

Yeah, they're quite close.
Mammoth Storm
QUOTE(waffenss @ May 17 2021, 19:58:33) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mammoth Storm

Thanks, will check it out!

Edit: Alright, did check them out. Unofrtunately, they don't fit the criteria: their vocals are typical for stoner doom metal.

These might be close to what you're looking for, on the post-metal side
QUOTE(LastLine @ May 17 2021, 23:47:22) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

These might be close to what you're looking for, on the post-metal side

Thank you, will check it out!

Edit: yeah, they're relevant from the musical stand point, it's just that the vocals in both bands, despite having variation, are hardly close to lower sound register, so to speak, especially in the Psychonaut band. Some Tibetan throat singing sampled in the middle of Psychonaut's album for a small fraction of time and that's it. Thank you for the suggestion though!
QUOTE(waffenss @ May 17 2021, 19:58:33) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mammoth Storm

very good band
QUOTE(Shub @ May 18 2021, 07:39:42) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Alrighty, let's check this out.

Also, forgot to add, don't feel insulted if I dismiss the recommendation. It's not a personal attack and don't feel discouraged from further suggestions, even if I feel like recommendations so far haven't been quite on point.

Edit: Thank you man, this goes perfectly with the initial request!

I appreciate anyone commenting here with any suggestion.
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