Genre(s): Melancholic Black Metal Lyrical Theme(s): Death, Darkness, Destruction Origin: Finland (Kuortane (early) Jyväskylä (now)) Formed In: 2004 Status: Active Current line-up: B.R.F. - Instruments & Vocals (Lordamor) Desolate - Bass (Utgard, The Lust I Seek, Lordamor) Profundiis - Drums, synth (Charnel Winds, Cosmic Church, Lordamor, Utgard, Verge) Shu-Ananda - Drums, solo guitar, clean vocals (Azazel (Fin)) Additional notes: Exclusive compilation track "Nimettömien Lasten Hauta" contributed to "Finnish-German Alliance" (released by W.T.C. Productions, 2008). Also appeared on the "Suomesta Saatanalle" compilation LP (300 copies, Northern Sky Productions, 2007) with the track "Epaloivoa Ja Kuolemaa".