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Full Version: Ofermod - Mysterium Iniquitatis (2021)
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*Artist: Ofermod
*Album: Mysterium Iniquitatis
*Year: 2021
*Genre: Black/Death Metal
*Country: Sweden
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 108MB

1. Mysterium Iniquitatis 07:12
2. Inax Ya Lil 05:51
3. When The Blacksmith Killed The Shepherd 06:02
4. Arteria Uterina 05:38
5. Sacrosanctus 03:27
6. Poraios De Rejectis 07:30
7. Consecration 07:22
8. Loyal To Belial 06:23
Total playing time: 49:25

Extended info
Shadow Records (distributed & marketed by Regain Records).

Release date:
December 3rd (CD/MC/digital).
March 29th 2022 (Vinyl).

Technical info

Input File: 05 - Sacrosanctus.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:03:26.29 = 9097521 samples = 15472 CDDA sectors
File Size : 8.30M
Bit Rate : 322k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Album=Mysterium Iniquitatis
Genre=Black/Death Metal

[ Hidden Text ]
This guy looks like another victim of medieval fairy-tale writers/monks
of satanic theology from Bible.
Никогда не понимал раздутой культовости (в узких кругах конечно) данного ВИА. Из плюсов здесь можно отметить что на протяжении всего альбома они сыпят крепкими мелодичными рифами. Из минусов это - затянутость альбома, общая пластмассовость звука и вокалист который чрезмерно бурчит и раздражает своим вокалом. Как по мне это именитый проходняк, яркий представитель так сказать.
ЦИТАТА(Hexer @ Nov 12 2021, 20:19:37) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Никогда не понимал раздутой культовости (в узких кругах конечно) данного ВИА.

Ну так они одни из первых в "оккультной/ортодоксальной" движухе Швеции. Однако последние альбомы у них такие себе, да.
QUOTE(vosmidesijatye @ Nov 11 2021, 13:50:03) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Belfagor is a crazy guy. He's an orthodox Satanist prasing the Qliphothic forces of Chaos. 25.gif

Ofermod sounds melodic here. It's not that bad, but I wish that Ofermod plays black/death metal in the vein of Mystérion Tés Anomias and Tiamtü.
For sure it's an interesting band to check their releases, but after Thaumiel their albums are weaker.
фотку с дитём и тёлкой в очередной раз постить или нет?
У каждого в жизни было смутное Ofermod'овское время, когда каждый кидался на вывестку и мнил себя оxуенным парнем, смотрящим на всех с высока.
Карета превратилась в тыкву, а Ofermod надел грязный передник вновь стал выгребать золу из камина.
Появятся подписчики, заведутся каналы, да воспылают инстаграммы - салют Ofermod !
orthodox Satanist prasing the Qliphothic forces of Chaos

Poor is to hard for him separate the grain from the chaff.
Vedanta(source)from Kabbalah and Gnosis(distortions).
but he is not the only one who let himself be caught in the church's snare
99% of metal community are satanists(for the glory and praise of the church,amen).

Although musically Mysterium Iniquitatis it is decent,it's a pity that mentally a defeat.
а ничего так, прогнал уже раза три, цепляет и держит не в пример предыдущим крепко. молодцом дядя, молодцом.
На самом деле очень себе крепко.
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 13 2021, 13:50:35) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Poor is to hard for him separate the grain from the chaff.
Vedanta(source)from Kabbalah and Gnosis(distortions).
but he is not the only one who let himself be caught in the church's snare
99% of metal community are satanists(for the glory and praise of the church,amen).

Although musically Mysterium Iniquitatis it is decent,it's a pity that mentally a defeat.

As I said Belfagor is very crazy. He was involved in some criminal gangs. That's why he was in prison. After that he totally devoted himself to Satanism.

Wasn't Metal or especially Black Metal a Satanic music since the very beginning? hmm.gif
This is it,it was,to spite my parents I will frostbite my ears smile1.gif

parents - Oh you coward, you surely won't do this/x
kid - me coward, me coward???I will prove it to you!!*

and then the kid doing what parents wanted - a brief history of satanism in metal :D

* or the way of the forbidden fruit:
- don't do this!
- ok (no,I will do THIS)
QUOTE(Antichrist @ Nov 13 2021, 22:37:46) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As I said Belfagor is very crazy. He was involved in some criminal gangs. Tthat's why he was in prison. After that he totally devoted himself to Satanism.

Wasn't Metal or especially Black Metal a Satanic music since the very beginning? hmm.gif

Give it up, he doesn't understand English...
QUOTE(Antichrist @ Nov 13 2021, 22:37:46) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He was involved in some criminal gangs.

I know and this is another good question,should we support criminals?

Satan and his followers pray.gif 25.gif are the foundation of the church,
invented in the Middle Ages, they are used to this day as the main driving force of propaganda
and profit for Christ's soldiers in a war with the whole world against indigenous traditions
but satanist has a mind too darkened by darkness to see it and understand it

It is too difficult for the dark forces of ignorance
"ciemnota" & "ciemność" they are etymologically related to each other not without a reason.
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 14 2021, 14:07:08) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know and this is another good question,should we support criminals?

Satan and his followers pray.gif 25.gif are the foundation of the church,
invented in the Middle Ages, they are used to this day as the main driving force of propaganda
and profit for Christ's soldiers in a war with the whole world against indigenous traditions
but satanist has a mind too darkened by darkness to see it and understand it

It is too difficult for the dark forces of ignorance
"ciemnota" & "ciemność" they are etymologically related to each other not without a reason.

21.gif момент смущения, читая это
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 14 2021, 13:07:08) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know and this is another good question,should we support criminals?

Of course not. Actually every branch of Christianity is a criminal organization...

QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 14 2021, 13:07:08) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Satan and his followers pray.gif 25.gif are the foundation of the church,
invented in the Middle Ages, they are used to this day as the main driving force of propaganda
and profit for Christ's soldiers in a war with the whole world against indigenous traditions
but satanist has a mind too darkened by darkness to see it and understand it

It is too difficult for the dark forces of ignorance
"ciemnota" & "ciemność" they are etymologically related to each other not without a reason.

Although I wouldn't say that they found the church, but I get your point. Very often Satanists don't realize that Satan is a part of Christianity.
Maybe Black Metal was Satanic since the very beginning, because we are all raised in Christian society? So it was almost natural form of rebellion against the church.
To paraphrase what I said before, the problem is that if you believe in Satan you have to believe in Yahweh and that Jesus existed.
If Satanism is a force that keeps people away from the church it's good, but we should be aware that our roots are Pagan.

Actually every branch of Christianity is a criminal organization

Exactly!! true_black.gif 15.gif
Christianity is a criminal organization,satanism is part of it (especially theistic)
Why not start the fight against the enemy
by fighting his own strongest weapon/satanic theological propaganda?
Because it is too difficult,especially for someone who is a victim
of this psychological,sociological (whatever) manipulation.

It is too attractive to get rid of this virus.
If we were to take away Satan,what would we replace it with?

99% bands would need to be split of :D because they don't know anything else/better.
Well,church produces satanists and devil worship, satanists produce more followers of the desert books
madness continues and popes with bishops count the profits.

No satanist can do anything with this, at most he can become just a criminal scoundrel
rob someone, beat someone, get high, get drunk - very mighty powers.

Satanism exposes the intellectual bottom of satanic warriors.
How many satanic albums have changed the political system in any country?

The only thing that changed was the changes to the detriment of the satanists
and the strength of the church,because when you say too much, not as your masters allow
you will be convicted by a Christian judge for offending religious feelings smile1.gif

Satan will not come to your aid, reciting Kabbalistic spells will not change that either smile1.gif
in prison you will have plenty of time to study Kabbalah and other weeds :D

I admire Satanists for their lack of imagination smile1.gif
they are like children in kindergarten, they play only with the toys
that kindergarten teacher will put under their noses,nothing else, other things are forbidden.
Take Satanism and feel a free rebel true_black.gif on stage
pray.gif in real life,in job with christian boss.
off topic
ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ Nov 11 2021, 15:50:03) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Хороший альбом.
QUOTE(biroutios @ Nov 14 2021, 15:38:49) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
off topic

No no no,it is on topic smile1.gif about Belfagor and his Ofermod and everything related to it.
Как по музыке - так такая замшелая вторая половина 90х, когда уже все полезли блек играть из всех щелей. Что тогда такое не цепляло, что сейчас.

По поводу дискуссии наших забугорных товарищей - смотрю, у вас там проблема "христианского босса" стоит достаточно остро. Экак вас угораздило то...
Ну, у нас там к вам поближе тоже хватает набожных на западной Украине, но это они от вас в бытность и понабрались. А здесь, в Одессе - всем по барабану на всякие там религии. Вернее, как - не, они все такие многие пару раз в год там что то празднуют, какие то там фаллосы с яйцами по ночам святят (что вообще то богомерзский языческий обряд, так что пускай), но это скорее такая энерция.
В целом же общество весьма светское, за исключением всегда имеющейся горстки фанатиков.

Сатанисты столь же смешны, как и любые другие во что то верующие, и язычники тоже весьма забавны.

А корни наши не в язычестве или ещё какой религии, а в кислотных океанах катархея.
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 15 2021, 18:58:05) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No no no,it is on topic smile1.gif about Belfagor and his Ofermod and everything related to it.

2 words would be enough. It's off topic as all your conspiracy bullshit are not about the music.
Touching, I think I'll convert immediately
father satan take my soul!!!
oh oooh,I feel it
I'm so fuckingly liberated from Judeo-Christian dark "mystdom"(wisdom + brain myst)
Oooooh idiocracy 666
Ну такое... Легковесное поливалово на стыке с мбм. Где тут блэк/дэт умудрились разглядеть - хз.
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 17 2021, 16:06:01) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Touching, I think I'll convert immediately
father satan take my soul!!!
oh oooh,I feel it
I'm so fuckingly liberated from Judeo-Christian dark "mystdom"(wisdom + brain myst)
Oooooh idiocracy 666

Михайло Хакола в своём духе, тащемта от него вряд ли стоит ожидать чего то не свойственного. Семейный упитанный мужичок, немного хулиган и просто правоверный человек вытворяет истинно шведский Dissection-метал восхваляющий всяческих интересных персонажей не менее интересных взглядов на мир.
На этот раз ощущается что Миха с товарищами постарался - в указанной колее релиз вышел насыщенным всячески, качественно звучащ, на фоне более сырого 2017-го например, и закончен (2 предыдущих альбома у меня лично поначалу вызывали вопросы, но не этот). Ожидаемо среднетемпово и мракопомпезно мелодично с хрустящим ором в микрофон.
Конечно и некоторая приторность с затянутостью так же традиционно ощущается, но слушать его целиком, как я это сделал 2 раза подряд в целом ни к чему, с него вполне можно дёрнуть пару пришедшихся по тёмной душе трэков и наслаждаясь ими на полную громкость, славить предвечный хаос и крушение сущего, эстетски дирижируя пальчиком, покуривая на лоджии в полный рост голышом перед осуждающими взглядами соседских бабок, которые и так с тебя крестятся на ночь затыкаясь берушами чтобы не созерцать сквозь стены звуки греховных женщин твоих...

ПС: кстати, относительно тайтла альбома: The band's debut album was initially to be titled "Mystery of Iniquity" and released by Shadow Records, but it was never recorded.
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Nov 14 2021, 13:07:08) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know and this is another good question,should we support criminals?

On an illegal music downloading forum, debating whether or not we should "support criminals" or not
1488.gif 1488.gif 1488.gif
Legal & illegal are relative concepts in context to mp3
thanks to free mp3s pirate industry has lost its ability to steal creators
because no one pays half the price for the pirated version if they can listen to the mp3 for free
and whether I have free mp3 or not mp3
it will in no way change the wealth of the artists' wallet
if i don't buy something anyway, what's the difference if free mp3 is available or not?

I only buy what I like, only when I have money
if free mp3s disappear, the amount of money in my wallet will not increase
I won't start buying more just because free mp3 disappear.

If someone says that free mp3 is a loss for the artist,
you might as well accuse us of being too poor to buy everything that has been published
because of our poverty, someone has released an album and cannot sell it in millions of copies
this is our fault.

The music industry is a mafia, we only have three or four largest music concerns
and their greed is the problem because they get most of the profit from what you create
and release as an album.

Read the Deep Purple bios, there's a chapter about managers smile1.gif
How it was before and as it is now
once a manager was looking for a band
now the band has to look for a manager,because the manager is more important today than the band.

It is a corporation, a guild,"church", to have the right to earn money from music, you must have their blessing.
Free mp3 are blasphemies smile3.gif and forum users are unfaithful pagans :D

I like the band and the music since they exist. But i still wonder everytime i see such ultra trve qliphotic they have fun in their life too? Or do they live like ascetics? Everytime you read interviews with those "theological new age satanists" you feel like they sit everyday at home, isolated and create props and jewelry for their promo pictures.

Oh and also: even tho i like the album overall, i think Track 2 is absolutely bad. That Track has incredible weak songwriting. The refrain isn't catchy at all, the melody of it gets on my nerves just the moment you hear it, and the refrain gets repeated over and over again (like a pop song)..very shallow song without depth.
"Азазель! Азазель! Пиздетс! Пиздетс!" banana.gif
"Барзабель! Элохим! Офермод! Дахуйсым!!" true_black.gif 25.gif
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