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Full Version: John Zorn - Multiplicities II: A Repository Of Non-Existent Objects (2023)
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*Artist: John Zorn
*Album: Multiplicities II: A Repository Of Non-Existent Objects
*Year: 2023
*Genre: Avant-Garde/Contemporary Jazz
*Country: United States
*Format: flac
*Size: 235MB

1. X Is C 02:44
2. Difference And Repetition 05:26
3. Oxymora 01:04
4. Apophrades 04:20
5. Time Image 03:45
6. Soothsayer 03:14
7. 1000 Plateaux 03:42
8. The Planes Of Immanence 03:53
9. Chaosmos 04:27
10. Objects Of The Mind 07:25
Total playing time: 40:00

Technical info

Input File: 02. Difference And Repetition.flac
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 24-bit
Duration : 00:05:25.54 = 14356096 samples = 24415.1 CDDA sectors
File Size : 35.7M
Bit Rate : 876k
Sample Encoding: 24-bit FLAC

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В третий раз за год Джон выдаёт на гора просто отменнейший альбом без единой проходной песни. Давно он так не радовал! pray.gif
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