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Black/Thrash Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Evil, Satan, Darkness
Japan (Kuwana, Mie)
Formed In:
1983-1984 (as Evil), 1984-present
Current line-up:
Gezol Bass, Vocals (lead) (1984-present)
See also: Metalucifer, ex-Professor Black & Gezol, ex-Aburamushi, ex-Ahondara, ex-Black Beast, ex-Evil, ex-Hot Rod
Zorugelion Drums, Vocals (1990-present)
See also: Metalucifer (live), ex-Satanas
Former/Past Member(s):
Valvin Drums (1984-1985)
See also: ex-Aburamushi, ex-Evil, ex-Hot Rod
Ozny Guitars (1984-1986)
See also: ex-Evil
Elizaveat Guitars (1984-1991)
See also: Blind Witch, Metalucifer, ex-Aburamushi, ex-Evil, ex-Hot Rod
Samm Drums (1985-1990)
See also: Buried Alive, G.A.T.E.S., Magnesium, Sacrifice, ex-Satanas, ex-Metalucifer
Temis Osmond Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals (1990-2005)
See also: Blind Witch, Sacrifice
Damiazell Guitars, Vocals (2007-2015)
See also: Spiral Wheel, Transgressor, Abigail (live), Barbatos (live), ex-Magnesium, ex-Metalucifer (live)
Live musicians:
Elizaveat Guitars (2015-present)
See also: Blind Witch, Metalucifer, ex-Aburamushi, ex-Evil, ex-Hot Rod
Elizabigore Guitars (2016-present)
See also: Blind Witch, Metalucifer
Shige Drums (1985)
Barraveat Guitars (1989)
Possessed Hammer Vocals (1989)
Additional notes
Formerly called Evil, they played their first gig in August 1983. They changed their name to Sabbat in the summer of 1984.
Gezol founded Evil Records and released the early Sabbat recordings on this imprint.
In September 1987, Sabbat played a farewell live show as they stopped
playing live due to a death in Gezol and Samm's family, later on
released as the Live Curse album. The band continued recording new studio material. In 1990, Gezol decided to return to performing live.
In November 2005, long time member Temis Osmond left after fourteen years with the band. He could not continue on with full dedication to the band and also his private life.

Compilation Appearances:
- "Black Fire", "Satanic Rites" and "In Satan We Trust" on Far East Gate in Inferno CD (Evil Records, 1994)
- "Baby, Disco Is Fuck" on Headbangers Against Disco Vol. 1 LP (Primitive Art Records, 1996)
- "Kick the Metallican" on Thrashing Holocaust CD (Necropolis Records, 1999)
- "Evoke the Evil (live)" on The Return of Darkness and Hate CD (Drakkar Productions, 2001)
- "Samurai Zombies" on Thrash Metal Warriors CD (Black Devil Records, 2007)

Tributes to Sabbat:
- Sabbatical Worldwide Harmageddon (Live Recordings Attack, 2001)
- 25 Years of Black Fire (Pure Steel, 2009)
- Hellfire - A Brazilian Tribute to Sabbat (VSF Records, 2018)

Sabbat - Sabbat [ep] - 1985
Sabbat - Born By Evil Blood [ep] - 1987
Sabbat - Desecration [ep] - 1988
Sabbat - The Devil's Sperm Is Cold [ep] - 1989
Sabbat - Envenom [demo] - 1990
Sabbat - Sabbatical Demon [demo] - 1990
Sabbat - The Seven Deadly Sins [ep] - 1990
Sabbat - Envenom (Rough Mixed Tape) [demo] - 1991
Sabbat - Envenom [full-length] - 1991
Sabbat - Bloody Countess [demo] - 1991
Sabbat - Evoke [full-length] - 1992
Sabbat - Disembody [full-length] - 1993
Sabbat - Black Up Your Soul [best of/compilation] - 1994
Sabbat - Sabbatical Devilucifer [ep] - 1994
Sabbat - Fetishism [full-length] - 1994
Sabbat - Live At Blokula [live] - 1995
Sabbat - For Satan And Sacrifice [best of/compilation] - 1995
Sabbat - Bloody Countess [best of/compilation] - 1996
Sabbat - The Dwelling [full-length] - 1996
Sabbat - Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon [live] - 1996
Sabbat & Gehennah & Infernö & Bestial Warlust - Headbangers Against Disco Vol. 1 [split] - 1997
Sabbat - Scandinavian Harmageddon [ep] - 1997
Sabbat - European Harmageddon [ep] - 1997
Sabbat - East European Harmageddon [ep] - 1998
Sabbat - American Harmagedon [ep] - 1998
Sabbat - African Harmageddon [ep] - 1998
Sabbat - Asian Harmageddon [ep] - 1998
Sabbat - The Sabbatical Rites ('85-'89) [best of/compilation] - 1999
Sabbat - Karisma [full-length] - 1999
Sabbat - Sabbatical Demonslaught [ep] - 1999
Sabbat - South American Harmageddon [ep] - 1999
Sabbat - Live Devil [live] - 1999
Sabbat - Live Curse [live] - 1999
Sabbat - Live Kindergarden [live] - 1999
Sabbat - Oceanic Harmageddon - Live 666 Single Edition [ep] - 1999
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon [ep] - 1999
Sabbat & Imperial - The Bulldozer Armageddon Volume 1 [split] - 2000
Sabbat - Satanasword [full-length] - 2000
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicrucifixion - Iberian Harmageddon [ep] - 2000
Sabbat - Live Panica [ep] - 2000
Sabbat - Venometal [live] - 2000
Sabbat - Live Revenge [live] - 2000
Sabbat - Antarctic Harmageddon [live] - 2000
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicrypt - French Harmageddon [ep] - 2000
Sabbat - Russian Harmageddon [live] - 2000
Sabbat - Far East Sabbatical Live Attack! [live] - 2000
Sabbat & Gorgon - Gorgon/Sabbat [split] - 2001
Sabbat & Terror Squad - Terror Squad/Sabbat [split] - 2001
Sabbat & Unholy Grave - Unholy Grave/Sabbat [split] - 2001
Sabbat - Live Meltdown [live] - 2001
Sabbat & Unpure - Sabbatical Splitombstone [split] - 2001
Sabbat - Live Nuts [live] - 2001
Sabbat - Live Festa [live] - 2001
Sabbat - Minami-kyushu Harmageddon - Sabbatical Magichaos [ep] - 2001
Sabbat - Live Torture - Unleashed In The West [live] - 2001
Sabbat - Dietsland Harmageddon - Sabbatical Magicrest [ep] - 2001
Sabbat - Brazilian Demonslaught [ep] - 2002
Sabbat - Live Guanafight [live] - 2002
Sabbat - Live Lovefire [live] - 2002
Sabbat - Live Batan-q - Disturbed By Guardians [live] - 2002
Sabbat - Live Izumoden - Temisosmonslaught [ep] - 2002
Sabbat - Fetishism 2-lp [best of/compilation] - 2003
Sabbat & Abigail - Kamikaze Splitting Roar [split] - 2003
Sabbat - Zorugelionslaught [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Live Hamagurism [live] - 2003
Sabbat - Sabbademonical Liveslaught [live] - 2003
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre [full-length] - 2003
Sabbat - Gezonslaught [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Black Up You Soul... For Satan And Sacrifice [best of/compilation] - 2003
Sabbat - Naniwa Tepoddonslaught [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Svart Eld - Demonslaught Sverige [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Tribute To Fetu - Naniwa Harmageddon [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Elizaveatonslaught [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Live Wacko [boxed set] - 2003
Sabbat - Valvinonslaught [ep] - 2003
Sabbat - Brigitte Harmageddon [live] - 2003
Sabbat - ...And The Sabbatical Queen [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - ...To Praise The Sabbatical Queen [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - Mion's Hill [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - Sabbatical Holocaust [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - Sabbatical Rites [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - Hamaguri Resurrection [ep] - 2004
Sabbat - Temis Osmonslaught [ep] - 2004
Sabbat - Gezonslaught [single] - 2004
Sabbat - Envenometal [live] - 2004
Sabbat - Live Undertakers (Temis Version) [live] - 2004
Sabbat - Sabbatical Satanichrist Slaughter - Bay Area Harmageddon [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - ...To Praise The Sabbatical Queen 2lp [best of/compilation] - 2004
Sabbat - Live Undertakers (Zorugelion Version) [live] - 2004
Sabbat - Live Resurrection [live] - 2004
Sabbat & Asbestos - Sabbat/Asbestos [split] - 2005
Sabbat & Forever Winter - Sabbat/Forever Winter [split] - 2005
Sabbat - Sabbatical Rehearsalucifer [best of/compilation] - 2005
Sabbat & Desaster (Deu) - Sabbatical Desasterminator [split] - 2005
Sabbat - Live Undertakers (Gezol Version) [ep] - 2005
Sabbat - Live Sabbatical Hamaguri Queen [live] - 2005
Sabbat - Satanas Francisconslaught [ep] - 2005
Sabbat - Brooklyn Blackfire [live] - 2005
Sabbat & Gorgon (Jpn) - Sabbatical Gorgonslaught [split] - 2005
Sabbat - Icelandic & Greenlandic Demonslaught [single] - 2006
Sabbat - Geionslaught 1986 [live] - 2006
Sabbat & Surrender Of Divinity - Sabbatical SiameseChristBeheading [split] - 2006
Sabbat - Tribute To Temis [live] - 2006
Sabbat & Ironfist - Bloodlust Regime 1942 – The Syonan – To Massacre [split] - 2006
Sabbat & Goat Semen - Sabbatical Goat Semen [split] - 2006
Sabbat - Go Gezol Go! [live] - 2007
Sabbat - Live In Singapore [live] - 2007
Sabbat - I.I.I. - Ishidamien Infects Inferno [live] - 2007
Sabbat - Live In Bkk [live] - 2007
Sabbat - Demonslaught Québécois [live album] - 2007
Sabbat - Live Bangkok [live album] - 2007
Sabbat - Xenophobiac Xanthous Xenogenesis [live] - 2007
Sabbat - Hamaguri Hihoukan [ep] - 2007
Sabbat - Live In Germany [dvd] - 2007
Sabbat - Live North Americarrrrgggghhhh! [dvd] - 2007
Sabbat - Live Southeast Asiarrrggghhh! [dvd] - 2007
Sabbat - Uda's Ultimate Unison [best of/compilation] - 2007
Sabbat & Metalucifer - Bolivian Demonslaught [split] - 2008
Sabbat - Live In San Francisconslaught [live] - 2008
Sabbat - Sabbatical 25 Years Kamikaze Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2008
Sabbat - Feel Finnish Fire [ep] - 2008
Sabbat - The Harmageddon Vinylucifer Singles [best of/compilation] - 2008
Sabbat - Sabbatical Milanonslaught [ep] - 2008
Sabbat & Metalucifer - Asian Tyrants / Evil Dream [split] - 2008
Sabbat - Musta Tuli [single] - 2008
Sabbat - Psychedelic Pounding Pain [live] - 2008
Sabbat - Polish Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2008
Sabbat - Drunken Danes Disintegrated [live] - 2008
Sabbat - Kamikaze Kiling Kumagaya [live] - 2008
Sabbat - Live In Thaiandemonslaught [live] - 2009
Sabbat - Asian Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2009
Sabbat - Oriental Onslaught Overture [live] - 2009
Sabbat - Live arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! [live] - 2009
Sabbat - Charisma / 25 Years Of Black Fire [best of/compilation] - 2009
Sabbat & Desaster - Anniversarius [split] - 2009
Sabbat - Malaysian Demonslaught [ep] - 2010
Sabbat - Evil Hellbangers [split] - 2010
Sabbat - Sabbatrinity [full-length] - 2011
Sabbat - Sabbatical Visionslaught (Bowray Zamurai - A Sabbatical Collection) [best of/compilation] - 2011
Sabbat & Lucera - Japanguanos Chocha's Attack [split] - 2014
Sabbat - Sabbaticarved Sacrifice [ep] - 2016
Sabbat & Metalucifer - The Asian Tyrantz/We’re Still Metal Kids [split] - 2017
Sabbat - Imaike Incident [live album] - 2017
Sabbat & Krigere Wolf - E.C.A. (Extermination Cult Alliance) [split] - 2018
Sabbat - Alivenom In Germany 1997 [live album] - 2018
Sabbat - Berlin Incident - Tribute To Opyros [live album] - 2018
Sabbat - Mexicarmageddon Memories [live album] - 2018
Sabbat & Bulletbelt - Darkness And Death Over New Zealand [split] - 2018
Sabbat & Hellfire - 鎖破徒対地獄火 - 名護屋磨潰熱狂戰 [split] - 2018
Sabbat - Pentacle / Sabbat [split] - 2018
Sabbat - Asakusa Incident Part Two [live album] - 2018
Sabbat & Impurity - Rage And Horrors [split] - 2019
Sabbat & Metalucifer - Sabbat / Metalucifer Live In Taiwan [split] - 2019

Official site:

Вот это поступок, за такую дискографию взяться! true_black.gif Уважуха.
А говорил, не буду делать, не буду делать... 1488.gif
Вы в конец обезумели.

P.S. Клевые азиатки на фотке 25.gif
Sabbat & Goat Semen - Sabbatical Goat Semen [split] - 2006
................да....БИГ респект!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Спасибо за проделанную работу и за столь ценный вклад....................
vale compadre , thanks from chile!
fucking SABBAT!!!

Очень спасибо!
А азиатки черезчур красивые!
Страшно красивые!

Sabbat - Sabbatical Demon (Demo) 1990
Gracias Men.....
Sabbat - Charisma [full-length] - 2000 - нету такого альбома, на металархивах, видимо, ошибка была. Уже пофиксили.)
Интересно, откуда у японцев склонность такая к неимоверному количеству EP, синглов, сплитов и прочей музыкальной мелочевки? Может, и не у всех, но как-то так совпадало, что у тех, кого слушал в последнее время - Abigail, Barbatos, Sigh, Sabbat.
да количество материала зашкаливает 1488.gif
This discography needs to be reuploaded, at least 85% are dead..
В дискографии нет Bloody Countess (переиздание на трёх CD от FOAD)
ЦИТАТА(Blackgod @ May 2 2013, 20:37:44) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
В дискографии нет Bloody Countess (переиздание на трёх CD от FOAD)

А оно надо? crazy.gif
ЦИТАТА(slack @ May 2 2013, 20:56:02) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
А оно надо? crazy.gif

Да вот сижу, слушаю эти три диска один за другим и думаю, что надо bye.gif
No one still reuploaded their discography. 9.gif
There is another Bloody Countess compilation (3 CDs, released in 2011) that another user uploaded for me (I don’t know if they want their name displayed here):
Maybe someone can open a new thread for that link and the compilation.
looking for Sabbatical Earlyearslaught die hard compilation 2014

anybody ?

Sabbat - Sabbatical Demon (Demo) 1990
Anyone have Mion's Hill from 2004 vinyl rip?;s_Hill/67682
Persian Gorgrinder
Sabbat - Magic In Practice And Theory [demo] - 1985 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Sabbat [ep] - 1985 by Finnestra
Sabbat - BBC Session [demo] - 1986 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Blood For The Blood God [single] - 1987 by DarkHolocaust
Sabbat - Born By Evil Blood [ep] - 1987 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten [demo] - 1987 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Stranger Than Fiction [demo] - 1987 by DarkHolocaust
Sabbat - History Of A Time To Come [full-length] - 1988 by IronMan
Vendetta & Sabbat - A Cautionary Tale / And The Brave Man Fails [split] - 1988 by St6por
Sabbat - The Devil's Sperm Is Cold [ep] - 1989 by Finnestra
Kreator & Tankard & Sabbat & Coroner - Doomsday News III - Thrashing East Live [split] - 1990 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Sabbatical Demon [demo] - 1990 by GoatFucker
Sabbat - The Seven Deadly Sins [ep] - 1990 by slack
Sabbat - Bloody Countess [re-release 2003] [demo] - 1991 by IronMan
Sabbat - Envenom [full-length] - 1991 by dasein9
Sabbat - Mourning Has Broken [full-length] - 1991 by IronMan
Sabbat - Evoke [full-length] - 1992 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Disembody [full-length] - 1993 by dasein9
Sabbat - Black Up Your Soul [best of/compilation] - 1994 by dasein9
Sabbat - Fetishism [full-length] - 1994 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Live At Blokula [live] - 1994 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Sabbatical Devilucifer [ep] - 1994 by Finnestra
Sabbat - For Satan And Sacrifice [best of/compilation] - 1995 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon [live] - 1996 by slack
Sabbat - The Dwelling [full-length] - 1996 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Gehennah & Infernö & Bestial Warlust - Headbangers Against Disco Volume 1 [split] - 1997 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Scandinavian Harmageddon [ep] - 1997 by Finnestra
Sabbat - African Harmageddon [ep] - 1998 by slack
Sabbat - American Harmageddon [ep] - 1998 by slack
Sabbat - Asian Halmageddon [ep] - 1998 by slack
Sabbat - East European Harmageddon [ep] - 1998 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Karisma [full-length] - 1999 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon [ep] - 1999 by Finnestra
Sabbat - South American Harmageddon [ep] - 1999 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Imperial - The Bulldozer Armageddon Volume 1 [split] - 2000 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Far East Sabbatical Live Attack!!! [live] - 2000 by TDM
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicrucifixion-Iberian Harmageddon [ep] - 2000 by slack
Sabbat - Satanasword [full-length] - 2000 by IronMan
Sabbat & Gorgon - Sabbat / Gorgon [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Unpure - Sabbatical Splitombstone [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Dietsland Harmageddon - Sabbatical Magicrest [ep] - 2001 by Finnestra
Terror Squad & Sabbat - Terror Squad / Sabbat [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Unholy Grave & Sabbat - Unholy Grave/Sabbat [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Brazilian Demonslaught [ep] - 2002 by металлист
Sabbat & Abigail - Kamikaze Splitting Roar [split] - 2003 by macchipazzi
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre [full-length] - 2003 by blacklord666
Sabbat - Svart Eld - Demonslaught Sverige [ep] - 2003 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Tribute To F.E.T.U. [ep] - 2003 by Абигор
Sabbat - Zorugelionslaught [ep] - 2003 by slack
Sabbat - ...And The Sabbatical Queen [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat - ...To Praise The Sabbatical Queen [best of/compilation] - 2004 by HA7tur
Sabbat - Bloody Countess (re-release) [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Live Resurrection [live] - 2004 by slack
Sabbat - Sabbatical Holocaust [best Of/compilation] - 2004 by black blood
Sabbat - Sabbatical Rites [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Абигор
Sabbat - Sabbatical Satanichrist Slaughter - Bay Area Harmageddon [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Temis Osmonslaught [ep] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Desaster - Sabbatical Desasterminator [split] - 2005 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Gorgon - Sabbatical Gorgonslaught [split] - 2005 by macchipazzi
Sabbat & Asbestos - Tokyo Genocidemonslaught [split] - 2005 by ancientlair
Sabbat - Live Sabbatical Hamaguri Queen [live] - 2005 by Ainar
Goat Semen & Sabbat - Sabbatical Goat Semen [split] - 2006 by RUSP73
Sabbat & Ironfist - Bloodlust Regime 1942 – The Syonan – To Massacre [split] - 2006 by ilya119911
Sabbat - Geionslaught 1986 [live] - 2006 by slack
Sabbat - Icelandic & Greenlandic Demonslaught [ep] - 2006 by Хогги
Surrender Of Divinity & Sabbat - Sabbatical SiameseChristBeheading [split] - 2006 by Sathana
Sabbat - Demonslaught Québécois [live] - 2007 by ilya119911
Sabbat - Dreamweaver - Reflections Of Our Yesterdays (Expanded Edition) [full-length] - 2007 by deminbek
Sabbat - Hamaguri Hihoukan [ep] - 2007 by ilya119911
Sabbat - Sabbademonical Liveslaught [live] - 2007 by slack
Metalucifer & Sabbat - Asian Tyrants/Evil Dream [split] - 2008 by godgrinder
Sabbat & Metalucifer - Bolivian Demonslaught [split] - 2008 by rom666
Sabbat - Polish Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2008 by Cherish
Sabbat - Sabbatical 25 Years Kamikaze Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2008 by fuck3r
Sabbat - The Harmageddon Vinylucifer Singles [compilation] - 2008 by Абигор
Sabbat & Desaster - Anniversarius [split] - 2009 by smysl
Sabbat - Asian Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2009 by UndyingGlare
Sabbat - Charisma/25 Years Of Black Fire [best of/compilation] - 2009 by fuck3r
Sabbat - Live In ThaianDemonslaught [live] - 2009 by RUSP73
Sabbat - Malaysian Demonslaught [ep] - 2010 by smysl
Sabbat - Bloody Countess [best of/compilation] - 2011 by smysl
Sabbat - Live In San Francisconslaugh [live] - 2011 by slack
Sabbat - Sabbatical Visionslaught (Bowray Zamurai - A Sabbatical Collection) [best of/compilation] - 2011 by RUDACHUR
Sabbat - Sabbatrinity [full-length] - 2011 by Хогги
Sabbat & Bömber - Sabbatical Bomber [split] - 2012 by drbutcher
Sabbat - Sabbatical Blasphemous Gospels [best of/compilation] - 2012 by necroscum
Sabbat - Sabbat Nekromantik Sabbat [live] - 2013 by Forrrrest
Sabbat & Bestial Hordes - Sabbatical Bestial Slaughter [split] - 2014 by drbutcher
Sabbat & Lucera - Japanguanos Chocha's Attack [split] - 2014 by Lion
Sabbat - Evil In Finlandslaught [live] - 2014 by slack
Sabbat - Samurai Zombies [live] - 2014 by slack
Hades Archer & Sabbat - Unus Cantus Bestiae/Melody Of The Unknown [split] - 2015 by necroscum
Nominon & Sabbat & Blaspherian - Trident Of The Macabre [split] - 2016 by rom666
Sabbat - Sabbaticarved Sacrifice [ep] - 2016 by smysl
Sabbat & Metalucifer - The Asian Tyrantz/We’re Still Metal Kids [split] - 2017 by kefka
Krigere Wolf & Sabbat - E.C.A. (Extermination Cult Alliance) [split] - 2018 by necroscum
QUOTE(SatanMyMaster666 @ May 27 2016, 21:44:35) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
looking for Sabbatical Earlyearslaught die hard compilation 2014

+1. thanks
ЦИТАТА(Persian Gorgrinder @ Aug 18 2019, 10:35:28) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sabbat - Magic In Practice And Theory [demo] - 1985 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Sabbat [ep] - 1985 by Finnestra
Sabbat - BBC Session [demo] - 1986 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Blood For The Blood God [single] - 1987 by DarkHolocaust
Sabbat - Born By Evil Blood [ep] - 1987 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten [demo] - 1987 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Stranger Than Fiction [demo] - 1987 by DarkHolocaust
Sabbat - History Of A Time To Come [full-length] - 1988 by IronMan
Vendetta & Sabbat - A Cautionary Tale / And The Brave Man Fails [split] - 1988 by St6por
Sabbat - The Devil's Sperm Is Cold [ep] - 1989 by Finnestra
Kreator & Tankard & Sabbat & Coroner - Doomsday News III - Thrashing East Live [split] - 1990 by Oskulum
Sabbat - Sabbatical Demon [demo] - 1990 by GoatFucker
Sabbat - The Seven Deadly Sins [ep] - 1990 by slack
Sabbat - Bloody Countess [re-release 2003] [demo] - 1991 by IronMan
Sabbat - Envenom [full-length] - 1991 by dasein9
Sabbat - Mourning Has Broken [full-length] - 1991 by IronMan
Sabbat - Evoke [full-length] - 1992 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Disembody [full-length] - 1993 by dasein9
Sabbat - Black Up Your Soul [best of/compilation] - 1994 by dasein9
Sabbat - Fetishism [full-length] - 1994 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Live At Blokula [live] - 1994 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Sabbatical Devilucifer [ep] - 1994 by Finnestra
Sabbat - For Satan And Sacrifice [best of/compilation] - 1995 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon [live] - 1996 by slack
Sabbat - The Dwelling [full-length] - 1996 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Gehennah & Infernö & Bestial Warlust - Headbangers Against Disco Volume 1 [split] - 1997 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Scandinavian Harmageddon [ep] - 1997 by Finnestra
Sabbat - African Harmageddon [ep] - 1998 by slack
Sabbat - American Harmageddon [ep] - 1998 by slack
Sabbat - Asian Halmageddon [ep] - 1998 by slack
Sabbat - East European Harmageddon [ep] - 1998 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Karisma [full-length] - 1999 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon [ep] - 1999 by Finnestra
Sabbat - South American Harmageddon [ep] - 1999 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Imperial - The Bulldozer Armageddon Volume 1 [split] - 2000 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Far East Sabbatical Live Attack!!! [live] - 2000 by TDM
Sabbat - Sabbatical Magicrucifixion-Iberian Harmageddon [ep] - 2000 by slack
Sabbat - Satanasword [full-length] - 2000 by IronMan
Sabbat & Gorgon - Sabbat / Gorgon [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Unpure - Sabbatical Splitombstone [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Dietsland Harmageddon - Sabbatical Magicrest [ep] - 2001 by Finnestra
Terror Squad & Sabbat - Terror Squad / Sabbat [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Unholy Grave & Sabbat - Unholy Grave/Sabbat [split] - 2001 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Brazilian Demonslaught [ep] - 2002 by металлист
Sabbat & Abigail - Kamikaze Splitting Roar [split] - 2003 by macchipazzi
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre [full-length] - 2003 by blacklord666
Sabbat - Svart Eld - Demonslaught Sverige [ep] - 2003 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Tribute To F.E.T.U. [ep] - 2003 by Абигор
Sabbat - Zorugelionslaught [ep] - 2003 by slack
Sabbat - ...And The Sabbatical Queen [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat - ...To Praise The Sabbatical Queen [best of/compilation] - 2004 by HA7tur
Sabbat - Bloody Countess (re-release) [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Live Resurrection [live] - 2004 by slack
Sabbat - Sabbatical Holocaust [best Of/compilation] - 2004 by black blood
Sabbat - Sabbatical Rites [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Абигор
Sabbat - Sabbatical Satanichrist Slaughter - Bay Area Harmageddon [best of/compilation] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat - Temis Osmonslaught [ep] - 2004 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Desaster - Sabbatical Desasterminator [split] - 2005 by Finnestra
Sabbat & Gorgon - Sabbatical Gorgonslaught [split] - 2005 by macchipazzi
Sabbat & Asbestos - Tokyo Genocidemonslaught [split] - 2005 by ancientlair
Sabbat - Live Sabbatical Hamaguri Queen [live] - 2005 by Ainar
Goat Semen & Sabbat - Sabbatical Goat Semen [split] - 2006 by RUSP73
Sabbat & Ironfist - Bloodlust Regime 1942 – The Syonan – To Massacre [split] - 2006 by ilya119911
Sabbat - Geionslaught 1986 [live] - 2006 by slack
Sabbat - Icelandic & Greenlandic Demonslaught [ep] - 2006 by Хогги
Surrender Of Divinity & Sabbat - Sabbatical SiameseChristBeheading [split] - 2006 by Sathana
Sabbat - Demonslaught Québécois [live] - 2007 by ilya119911
Sabbat - Dreamweaver - Reflections Of Our Yesterdays (Expanded Edition) [full-length] - 2007 by deminbek
Sabbat - Hamaguri Hihoukan [ep] - 2007 by ilya119911
Sabbat - Sabbademonical Liveslaught [live] - 2007 by slack
Metalucifer & Sabbat - Asian Tyrants/Evil Dream [split] - 2008 by godgrinder
Sabbat & Metalucifer - Bolivian Demonslaught [split] - 2008 by rom666
Sabbat - Polish Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2008 by Cherish
Sabbat - Sabbatical 25 Years Kamikaze Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2008 by fuck3r
Sabbat - The Harmageddon Vinylucifer Singles [compilation] - 2008 by Абигор
Sabbat & Desaster - Anniversarius [split] - 2009 by smysl
Sabbat - Asian Demonslaught [best of/compilation] - 2009 by UndyingGlare
Sabbat - Charisma/25 Years Of Black Fire [best of/compilation] - 2009 by fuck3r
Sabbat - Live In ThaianDemonslaught [live] - 2009 by RUSP73
Sabbat - Malaysian Demonslaught [ep] - 2010 by smysl
Sabbat - Bloody Countess [best of/compilation] - 2011 by smysl
Sabbat - Live In San Francisconslaugh [live] - 2011 by slack
Sabbat - Sabbatical Visionslaught (Bowray Zamurai - A Sabbatical Collection) [best of/compilation] - 2011 by RUDACHUR
Sabbat - Sabbatrinity [full-length] - 2011 by Хогги
Sabbat & Bömber - Sabbatical Bomber [split] - 2012 by drbutcher
Sabbat - Sabbatical Blasphemous Gospels [best of/compilation] - 2012 by necroscum
Sabbat - Sabbat Nekromantik Sabbat [live] - 2013 by Forrrrest
Sabbat & Bestial Hordes - Sabbatical Bestial Slaughter [split] - 2014 by drbutcher
Sabbat & Lucera - Japanguanos Chocha's Attack [split] - 2014 by Lion
Sabbat - Evil In Finlandslaught [live] - 2014 by slack
Sabbat - Samurai Zombies [live] - 2014 by slack
Hades Archer & Sabbat - Unus Cantus Bestiae/Melody Of The Unknown [split] - 2015 by necroscum
Nominon & Sabbat & Blaspherian - Trident Of The Macabre [split] - 2016 by rom666
Sabbat - Sabbaticarved Sacrifice [ep] - 2016 by smysl
Sabbat & Metalucifer - The Asian Tyrantz/We’re Still Metal Kids [split] - 2017 by kefka
Krigere Wolf & Sabbat - E.C.A. (Extermination Cult Alliance) [split] - 2018 by necroscum

Процентов 70 из перечисленного уже мертво((( Надо бы всё пообновлять, банда-то огонь!
С вежий альбомчик по прошествии 13 лет вышел - кто первый выложит?
Sabbat - Sabbaticurse [ep] (2022)
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