Recommendations for that unpolished, sickly black metal in the vein of Uvall; Dodsferd; Odal; Burzum; Immortal; very early Cradle of Filth (Pre-Principles Of Evil... album); and Dark Funeral -eque?
To say something along the lines of "The 'aesthetics' of raw, black..." seems something like a contradiction. There's something about the harshness of it all that draws you to listen to it. Perhaps it's a way the vocals are churned into the microphone to make it sound like someone or something is chewing on broken glass. Or perhaps it's just that raw noise. Are there any bands that are particularly better than others at spewing out this sickly, dark 'art'? Got a fist full of favorites?
I do enjoy spending time on the internet simply sifting through the mass interweb, looking for things I've not heard before to listen to. You really never know what you'll find.
(Excuse the lack of thought-organization. My mind is else where.)