Офиц. сайт Arckanum не одобряет это переиздание:
http://www.arckanum.se/ATTN: UNAPPROVED Arckanum box-set!
This is an official Arckanum statement.Kostis who runs Zyklon-B Productions refuses to answer Arckanum's e-mails, and he has NOT cared to fix the box-set faults. Thereby the contract is broken and he and Zyklon-B Productions have lost the right to make and sell this box-set (which he has been notified about). BUT STILL IT IS OUT THERE!
Kostis is a greedy dog and he just sells it carelessly anyway. He WILL be prosecuted for this!
Zyklon-B Productions from Greece is now selling unapproved Arckanum vinyl box-sets illegally.
Please do not support illegal sales of this box-set!
Hail Satan!