Artist: Catasexual Urge Motivation
Album: The Encyclopedia Of Sexual Murders
Year: 1997
Genre: Goregrind
Country: Japan
Format: mp3@320
Size: 142 Мб.
1. Mutilation, Rape And Serial Murder As Modern Metaphor 02:45
2. Supraliminal Psychosadistic Motivation 02:56
3. Bleeding For Spermqueen 04:32
4. Hate From The Womb 02:28
5. I Have A Good Knife For Penetration 01:14
6. Philosophical Diary Of A Habitual Murderer 03:12
7. Joy To The Kill... Be My Victim 01:32
8. King Of The Degenerates In The End Of The Century 00:43
9. Multiple Parasexuality Disorder 03:20
10. Mass Murder, The Only Way To Become God 02:27
11. Homicidal Patterns: Disorganized / Organized 03:05
12. Murder Is Art, Accepted By Many Artists 02:08
13. The Man Who Aimed At Maximum Murder To The Greatest Pleasure 01:21
14. Murder Is Better Than Birth 02:29
15. He Shot Her Down And Ate Her Flesh, And Then He Said Excuse Me For Living, But I Preferred To Be Eaten Rather Than To Eat 03:06
16. What Was The Spark That Touched Off A Murder 02:53
17. I Am As Beautiful As I Have Killed 03:36
18. I'll Confess Everything That I Have Ever Killed 5 People And One Was A Little Girl 03:27
19. Defiling The Grave (Impetigo cover) 02:34
20. Declaration Of A Serial Killer... Mental Terrorism 03:14
21. Campaign For Legalize Murder 02:52
22. Vivid Stains In Hematomania's Delirium 04:22
Total playing time: 60:07
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