There´s much confusion about this demo, because there are some fake rips around.
Therefore I´m very grateful to both
NachtWulf and Cartman223 for re-upping their versions.
To make things short:
NachtWulf's re-up is the fake one, Cartman223 re-upped the "Irrlichter" edition (or the reissue respectively).
So this should most likely be the original version posted, although the track lengths won´t fit.
The lengthy version of my analysis:
v1) Re-up by NachtWulf:
- 01. Leblos regt sich totes Leben (00:39)
- 02. Schlaflos träumend (04:25)
- 03. Verlorenes gefunden, Gefundenes empfunden (03:08)
- 04. Entwaffnet (01:42)
- 05. Im flatternden Schleier der Vergänglichkeit (04:31)
- 06. In die Nacht (05:27)
- 07. Schwingen, Flügel, drückend Reisen (05:53)
This version could be easily confused with the
Original first edition, because of its 7 tracks.
Nevertheless it´s a bad rip of the
"Irrlichter" edition or the reissue 2004:
Track 6 (05:27) combines tracks 6+7 and track 07 (05:53) the tracks 8+9. Furthermore the quality is pretty bad (alhough cbr192), mostly because it is
fake stereo with duplicated mono channel. You can easily prove this at track 3 (guitars at 01:26-01:29 disappear on the fake stereo version, while they continue on channel 2 of the proper rip).
v2) Re-up by Cartman223:
- 01. Leblos regt sich totes Leben (00:39)
- 02. Schlaflos träumend (04:17)
- 03. Verlorenes gefunden, Gefundenes empfunden (03:01)
- 04. Entwaffnet (01:37)
- 05. Im flatternden Schleier der Vergänglichkeit (04:21)
- 06. In die Nacht (04:15)
- 07. Schwingen, Flügel, drückend Reisen (00:58)
- 08. [untitled instrumental Track #08] (01:34)
- 09. [untitled instrumental Track #09] (04:06)
This is a proper stereo rip of the
"Irrlichter" edition.
Everything in place, though different track lenghts compared to the original posted version. But this was probably just a mistake: I suppose tracks 1-7 to be copied from
Metal-Archives including the former incorrect play lenghts of the fake version plus manually addition of the 2 bonus tracks.
If anyone has a proper rip of the original first version - please post it!on RuTracker, there's a lossless rip of the Irrlichter/2004 version (with a bad .cue-file that splits the songs like the "fake" rip more or less - being a few seconds off every time). You can manually split this to the "proper" version.
Also, I am curious to the REAL 1st edition, since that version supposedly has an alternate intro... So I second that request.
Edit: it's possible that track 8 (the first bonus track) is the original intro; it's listed as "intro" on numerous online platforms, though the tracks aren't mentioned on any of the covers/booklets of the reissue/Irrlichter version.
It's also possible that by "a different intro" track 8 was meant originally, not a different (version of) track 1. Read the ambigous liner notes on Discogs, for instance:"The Irrlichter edition has another intro, a bonus instrumental track, a hand-signed booklet and a small hand-numbered insert made by Cedric Hommel from Irrlichter Records.