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Full Version: Pagan Obsession (Bulgaria)
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Discussions Area / Тёрки > Black Metal
Hey, hopefully some of you can help.

im ripping a tape and i need the song names in cryllic, if someone can type them out for me that would be great, i can just copy and paste them, since i need to tag and name the mp3s.

also, metal archives doesnt help, since the titles there are fucked. you can see what i mean here

here is a scan of the titles

1. Intro
2. В Черни Снъвидения
3. В Сянката На Надгробния Камък
4. Смърт...
5. Погребани В Земята Дълбоко
6. Вечен Гроб Печален
7. В Сянката На Надгробния Камък
8. Вечен Гроб Печален
9. Смърт...
10. Outro
hell yeah dude, upload that shit. need to hear it.. listening to nenavist right now
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