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Full Version: Black-Pagan metal lyrics dealing old things
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Discussions Area / Тёрки > Black Metal
Hello Folks!

I've been looking for years bands whose lyrics are dealing "old things".

These are the criteria:

1. Band's lyrics are dealing old myths and/or local history

* Example: Myrkgrav - Tre Skygger Tel Kølabrenner'n Kom
* Example: Windir - Kong Hydnes Haug; Arntor, ein Windir

2. Band's lyrics are written in old/dead language

* Example: Ildra (UK) - To Elreordgum Landum

3. Band's lyrics quote old literary

* Example: Falkenbach - Infernum

Notice, that I'm not interested about "cliche-bands" who just write about random battles "somewhere in the most frostbitten forests". Got it, eh ?

So, it's your turn to share your knowledge. I'm grateful to each answer.
Enslaved Vikingligr Veldi for example - as far as I know the lyrics are real Norse tales that are sung in Old Norse.
QUOTE(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 13 2009, 21:52:38) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Enslaved Vikingligr Veldi for example - as far as I know the lyrics are real Norse tales that are sung in Old Norse.

I am aware of this album - and that isn't bad at all!

Thanks anyway! 9.gif
Theudho - The Völsunga Saga (name speaks for itself, rather a good album).
Forefather deals much with Anglo-Saxon history, some songs are sung in Old English (second part of Brunanburh, for example), but the music itself is pretty boring, as to my opinion.

Arckanum sings in Old Norse and refers much to Norse myths.
QUOTE(MasterMetaller @ Jun 13 2009, 21:36:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
These are the criteria:


I forgot the fourth one.

4. Band's lyrics are written in local dialect

* Example: Windir and Myrkgrav

ЦИТАТА(Келебрин @ 13th June 2009 - 20:29:27) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Arckanum sings in Old Norse and refers much to Norse myths.
It seems to me that Shamaatae actually sings in Old Swedish and yes, the latter 2 albums suit the topic (for example "Antikosmos reflects Shamaatae's worship of the anti-cosmic Old Norse religion and his workings of the dark runes").

Scottish Askival might also be suitable. hmm.gif
QUOTE(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 13 2009, 19:51:42) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It seems to me that Shamaatae actually sings in Old Swedish and yes, the latter 2 albums suit the topic (for example "Antikosmos reflects Shamaatae's worship of the anti-cosmic Old Norse religion and his workings of the dark runes").

Scottish Askival might also be suitable. hmm.gif

Askival sounds better than I have thought.

If my criteria are too ... demanding ? (haha!), just mention bands that sound almost like early Windir, early Falkenbach, Myrkgrav, Heervader, Cultus (HOL), Ildra and so on...

There's too much music in the world to explore in a human life. Shall we make it a little bit easier ? smile3.gif
There's a quite good band Jotunspor (Nor) - black metal/ambient project based on Norse myths of the beginning and the end of the world.
Try Menhir - Hildebrandslied, some of lyrics on this album are written in Ancient German in VIII'th century, maybe it is first documentary that was written in ancient Germany. Maybe this album is too epic but I think that it's great.
Eluveitie, huh? Old dead language, gaelic mythology...
Thank you smile1.gif

More to come ?
Skyforger's album "Thunderforge" is telling about Latvian mythology. And I'd like to mention such Lithuanian bands as Angis, Obtest and Žalvarinis
QUOTE(underdog @ Jun 26 2009, 22:56:35) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Skyforger's album "Thunderforge" is telling about Latvian mythology. And I'd like to mention such Lithuanian bands as Angis, Obtest and Žalvarinis

Metal with great lyrical themes = bullseye. smile1.gif

These artists are pretty unknown. It's great to see that cultural heritage goes within the music.
Hate Profile
Witch-hunt and holy inquisition?!

As everyone should already know, in the beginning of European mini-tour, KRODA band was attacked by a bunch of jackals before the gig in Warsaw, Poland. We were changing our clothes dressing in concert uniform and just took away our stuff from mini-bus in the street near club. At this time, rain of glass bottles fell upon us... Right then, attackers used pepper-sprays and tried to beat us by telescopic cudgels. They were in red and black masks and shouted «AFA!», so we’ve made a conclusion about what subculture they belong to.
Before this event, we were not too interested in this movement, but after things that happened, we studied their websites deeper. We have found there a lot of mentions about our band defined as NSBM. It would be good to make a brief digression to the history of music (not for antifa, but for listeners of Pagan Metal, and Metal music in general).
It seems antifa don’t know what is NSBM, if they use this stereotype towards our band. NSBM are bands like DER STURMER or THOR'S HAMMER, for example; i.e. formations where basic themes are political and social aspects, aesthetics of Third Reich etc. But KRODA (even purely stylistics-wise) is Pagan Metal. In difference from NSBM, in Pagan Metal (just look at the name, it’s obvious) there’s no political component. Lyrical side of Pagan Metal is Antiquity, Traditionalism, Ancestral Roots Pride (those able to read – just look at KRODA texts published on our official site). And still we want to say that our group is OUT of modern politics.
During the last time, Metal scene is infiltrated by left-side punks with their poor, perverted understanding of metal and its aesthetics. Their knowledge about facts and concepts of metal genres are narrow, but despite their profanity, those people (practically aliens to metal subculture) are trying to dictate their ultimatum conditions to Metal bands; trying to sort the bands (according to their "punk" concepts) and separate them into "correct" and "incorrect". And the bands, defined by those conceptually/politically/musically incompetent marginals as ”non-correct”, are exposed to physical and psychological attacks of "anti-fascists". In general, those antifa ”people” don’t listen to Metal music at all, but they already wish to dictate what music we have to play, what we must sing, what gigs we can go to, and which concerts are not to be visited. They command to zines, distributors and labels – who must be boycotted, and who are to be promoted. They know nothing about the concept of our creativity, but their sick ideas make them desperately try to prevent our gigs, try to beat fans of Pagan Metal at random; aspire to harm musicians in every possible way, to trouble us, damage our stuff, cars, instruments, our Metal clubs and concert equipment. They act like a riot rampage gang, while their official propaganda is anti-violence. They struggle for something like equality, but in fact, someone is «more equal» for them. Everywhere, they declare their aspiration to preserve another cultures, but at the same time they promote destruction of own European culture in every possible way. Those people stepped too far and lost the feeling of reality. They are just lazy fuckers who want nothing to do, so they seek the enemies everywhere, suspicious to any runic inscription on T-shirts, disks etc. They are going to continue their insolent dictate and force us all to accept their idiotic "conditions" and "demands". The only thing they understand is brutal force. Until Pagan Metal fans, bands and gigs promoters/organizers are tolerate this leftist riot, it will just grow, though even here and now this is almost a red terror.
Everyone who obediently agrees with cancels and impossibility of fave bands gigs, everyone who estimate the "conditions" dictated by aggressive bunch of shameless red hooligans, everyone who directly or indirectly submits to the "regime” those strangers try to impose to the whole Pagan Metal scene – they all just unwillingly support the further escalation of this brutal tyranny and oppression of our interests.
Today, some punk scum dictate you what music you have to listen, what concerts to visit, what clothes is ”allowed to wear” and what is ”prohibited”, what bands we can act with and who are ”wrong” - tomorrow they will ask you for report what you eat, what books do you read, what do you think about, what words did you say, with whom do you make love, where do you live and how much money you earn. We are the only ones to take back our right to listen the music we want, to go to the gigs we wish to visit.
If you want to be yourself and act following your heart – so it’s time to say "stop" to antifa riot in Pagan Metal.
It’s time to be self-organized and strike back in reply to any act of insolent leftists. Let it be tradition and a rule among your friends to come at gigs together, in well-organized SOBER groups. Watch the concert hall. By yourself, kick antifa spies away from halls and clubs, kick away every boor trying to confuse you when you listening to music. If those people don’t respect our rights, our fave bands and our Ancestral Faith – so it’s their own guilt, and we don’t wanna tolerate their intervention anymore. In the street you must always have all the self-defense stuff allowed in your country. If someone try to attack - you have a right to self-defense, to use all the possible means to protect yourself and your relatives. Having some times received a strong straight repulse from numerous Pagan Metal fans, red ass bastards will think thrice – is it good idea to make us trouble next time. Let them protect gay-parades and rastafarian marches. If that brainless goblins consider scientific terms "Aryan" and "Race" associated with "fascism", if traditional European Runes and Sunwheels are "nazism" – so let them not even try to discuss the themes of Black and Pagan Metal at all.

Summing up: We call all the listeners, musicians, labels, zines connected with Pagan and Black Metal to answer every antifa boycott of our music and bands with counter boycott. Don’t let them manipulate you! Don’t let them to destroy Pagan Metal subculture and our European traditional culture. Strike them back on psychological and bureaucratic level, as well as by physical action. Gangs of that scum must be recognized as criminal and determined as «outlaw» as they already done it with you for a long time. Guilty will be punished.

Glory to Our Gods!
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