Feb 28 2016, 19:04:57
So, I'm opening an Rghost link and sends me to the page. There's the "download" button and I click it and nothing happens. It doesn't download for some reason. Is there a reason why it may not download and are there any alternatives to make it download again?
Thanks in advanced,
Feb 28 2016, 19:12:15
It seems that RG had some technical problems. Now everything works again as usual. So you can try and hope everything will be ok.
Feb 28 2016, 19:15:48
Файлообменник RGhost прекращает своё существование, теперь будем загружать файлы на WDfiles. Доступ к файлам на RGhost в скором времени будет предоставлен - пока всё осложняется не только проблемами переезда, но и DDos-атаками, которые в течение несколько дней неустанно штурмуют сервис.
Feb 28 2016, 19:17:56
I have to translate - Soon Rghost will be dead due to DDos-attacks. In the nearest future we will use WDfiles hosting instead of it.
Feb 28 2016, 19:23:43
I have to translate - Soon Rghost will be dead due to DDos-attacks. In the nearest future we will use WDfiles hosting instead of it.
Thanks for translating.
So, I'm not the only one that have been experiencing this. Oh well, WDfiles seems like a better host but still haven't tried it.
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