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Full Version: Blasphemous Creation - Diabolical Kingdom (2009)
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Releases Area / Релизы > Requests

1. Disciples of the Underworld 4:03
2. Beyond the Grave 4:02
3. Burn in Hellfire 4:28
4. Diabolical Kingdom 5:00
5. Blasphemous Creation 4:45
6. Serpent Lord Divine 3:16
7. Of Fire (Dismember cover) 3:18
8. Shadows of Evil 5:36
9. Eternal War 3:44
10. They Come at Night 5:19
11. Death is Certain 3:36
12. Necromancer 3:57
13. Ripped in Half 4:06
14. Black Winter 4:15
15. Realm of Pain 3:43

Excelent BLACK THRASH FROM Nevada! Once Again metal archives is wrong! its not black death its black thrash!!

if someone has please upload!

no one?
Cant Wait for it dwarf-1.gif
WARKULT has got all albums. smile3.gif
i purchased it
I am sure WK has it.......He'll probably say the day it's released, "I heard it yesterday" like he loves to do. Or how bout this one "I got new Dark Tranquillity and Wintersun" Hahah, what a crock of shit! \m/
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