Third album by Starofash / Heidi S. Tveitan. This time with a more tempo and vocal driven recording, but always unmistakably Starofash. It follows the theme with the three Moirae from her debut to a suitable end with Lakhesis, the apportioner of life.
The album includes a wonderful, little digital book, consisting of photos and haiku poems to go with each song. All material is provided by the artist and tastefully put together by designer Ritxi Ostбriz. The book is a gift from Starofash and Ritxi, and can be downloaded for free here. "When working with this album, I thought of each song as something close to a snapshot, and to capture that feeling fully, I wrote haiku poems and took pictures to go with all songs”, Heidi says.
Lakhesis features Markus Reuter, Tobias Ш. Andersen and Einar Solberg and is released by Mnemosyne Productions / The End Records 2010.
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