он ужен замулял с этим проектом.раньше все ссылками на фэйсбуке кидался через день. сейчас все тихо.год уже точно как пишет альбом.если что-то и выйдет (сильно сомневаюсь) то это будет боркнагар-винтерсорг.
Oct 16 2014, 19:23:47
God Of Atheists 16 августа I.C.S. Vortex finished his parts today! Now on to the last few bits and pieces from Sareeta, Carl August Tidemann and Lars K. Norberg. Yes, there is actually light at the end of the tunnel...
Nov 14 2019, 08:53:28
"новости": 6 февраля 2015 г. Yes, the never ending story... but (very) slowly getting closer to completion. Going through the last violin parts with Sareeta. Lots of it!
8 февраля 2015 г. The plan: Mix during summer, release some time in the autumn. Due to studies, Lars Norberg won't have time to record his last bass tracks until May/June. Carl August Tidemann has shredded himself into tendinitis-"heaven", but will record his last three solos as soon as he's back in shape. Vibeke Stene will record some additional vocals next week. I.C.S. Vortex will also do some minor additional recordings. Sareeta will record the last few bits this month. Other news is that I've decided on an artist who's now well into making the artwork for the album. OK, so this is the master plan, but don't shoot me if it fails. Time is my best friend and I take great pride in being slow. I also assume it will be too much work to release it on my own, so if labels read this and are interested, feel free to PM me.
22 августа 2015 г. Yes, this takes forever, but here's kind of good news. Carl August Tidemann has been struggling for a long time with so called «tennis elbow» (a form of tendinitis) and has been forced to not play guitar while in treatment. However, he just started playing (carefully) again and it looks like he'll have his chops back soon and able to record the last few solos (which also happen to be the most shredding parts). Lars K. Norberg is still busy studying music and jumped straight from finishing his master degree to working on a doctor degree in metal studies. How cool is that? A doctor's degree in metal! I'll gladly let Dr. Metal play bass on my album! Why am I waiting for these guys to finish? Why don't I just get someone else or do it myself? Simply because I have all the time in the world to make this sound the way I want it, and my playing abilities are not even close to what these guys are capable of. I do know how to riff on a guitar, but trust me, you don't want to hear me play solos… I also want ONE line-up on the album. When you hear (for example) a solo you should not have to check the booklet to see who's playing on that particular song. Plus, I asked these guys to join because I like the way they play. So, sorry for yet another delay but when this thing is released it will be forever. Hopefully, it will be worth the wait.
19 сентября 2015 г. Awesome! Meeting Sareeta next week to get the electric violin-tracks. Carl August Tidemann is starting to record his last few solos next week, too.
30 июня 2016 г. Waiting for the last five bass tracks. Lars is still working on his doctor's degree and has little time for anything else (yes, bass is important, but education is, eh, importanter). I'm not getting anyone else, because his work on the three first songs is flawless. I've learned not to promise anything with this project, but hopefully he'll start recording his last parts in August/September.
29 января 2017 г. Talked to Lars the other day. To make a long(er) story short: He's still working on his doctor's degree. Hopefully done this spring. I don't want anyone else to do the last five bass tracks, so I'll wait. This album WILL eventually be released and then you'll have it forever. – And remember: Music is important, but education is importanter!
Old Vyaine
Oct 12 2020, 14:04:51
Как я понял, альбом они всё-таки запишут, но сначала будут делать новый проект Veil of Secrets.
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