I will do anything I can in return if anyone can find me any of these...
Abazagorath - My Throne Above the Stars
Abrasax - Burning Souls In The Snow
Aeon Ex Cathaedra - Anything
Anhkhrehg - The Oath of Sorcerer-King
Antichrist (Ger) - Enceclopedia Satanica 666
Antichrist (Ger) - Ghoul Metal Spread His Glory
Astartehorns - The Key of the Mysteries
Blackwind - From depths of Insanity
Dark Paramount - Perverse Laws
Dark Paramount - Yarva Archaeus Daemonicus
De Profvndis Clamavi - Ossarium
Der Dunkel Einsatz Kommando - Anything
Druids - Oak
Druids - At the Dawn of Awakening
Flame of War - Rise of the Flame of War
Flame of War - Of Sorrow, Death and Hatred
Fleshdawn Manifesto - Reaching the Coasts of Thule
Fog - The Endless War / Enter the Reign of Darkness
Immemoreal - Winterbreeze / The Age Nocturne
Karcist of Manes - Telesma
Keltoi - Aryan Thunder
Key of Salomon - Summoning of the Night Spirits
Letsel - Letsel
Lupine Fall - Arsonchrist
Melets - Anything
Naer Mataron / Nergal - Split
Ravenlord Darkstorm - The Dark Wave
Stoermflood - Anything
Stormblast - Myn Graefscap Vlaendren
Usved - Uloc'h
Vanguard - Valour
Wanterkraaft - Anything