Looking for the next demos. Don't have much hopes but you never know
Куча обскурных демок
Apocalyptic Slaughter - "Requiescant in Peace"
Belial - Demo 1992 (Singapore)
Belphegoredon - anything
Bestial War - Demo Rehearsal 1987 (To be released soon by NWN! Prod???)
Black Mass - "Satanic Possessoin" (Brazil)
Black Mass - Rehearsal Demo 1986 (Norway)
Blasphemy - any (USA)
Burn the Crucifix - anything
Catastrophe - anything (Slovakia)
Chemical Death - anything
Choronzon - "Thelema" and "Ordo Templi Orientis" (Netherlands)
Christ's Death - - Demo Reh (1990); Demo Ensaio (1991); Demo tape, 1993
Christgory - "Existence Fading into Ashes"
Christicide - "Bloodmoon" (Belgium)
Cremathory - "Vulnerant Omnes, Ultima Necat"
Crucificator - "The Evilness", "Diabolism", "Eyes of Pandemonium" demos
Crucifucktor - "Crucifucktor"
Cunnilingus - "Greetings from Necropolis"
Darklord - "Return to the Black Forest"
Darkness - Rehearsal 07/03/1987 (USA, Los Angeles)
Deathchamber - Demo '86 (Not the "Legions of Blasphemy" demo!)
Deathnoise - "Legions of Filthy Disorder"
Deceased - "Suffering in Hell", "Way of Victory", Reh. tape (Poland)
Demogorgon - "Sen hada", "Teratologia" (Czech rep.)
Devastator - "No Peace" (Poland)
Devastor - anyhting
Escola Alemã -anything except the "Vergeltungswaffe" demo
Forst - anything
Greffwe - anything
Hathor - Black Doom Compilation (Split with Mephistopheles)
Incubus - anything (Mexico)
Insanity - "Screams from the Asylum" (Singapore)
Itnos - 1994 demo
Lycanthropy - "State of Moribund" (Singapore)
Malignant - "Demoniac Ceremony" (Netherlands)
Messerschmitt - "War!" (Singapore)
Mierda - Anything (Colombia)
Morbid Butcher - any demos (Brazil)
Mumbra - "Mysticism from the Abyss"
Mutation - rehearsal tapes (Singapore)
Necro Disseminator - "Black Antichrist"
Necro Sadist - "Churning Bowels of Hell"
Necrolust - "Kill and Die by Satan" (Brazil)
Necromancer - "Necromancer's Malediction" (Switzerland)
Necrophagous - "Thanatospresia"
Noctran Demanto - Official livetape
Nocturnal - rehearsal/demo (Belgium)
Obsessos - "Obsessos"
Panitrator - "Innocent's Sacrifice"
Ritualistic - demo (Brazil)
Russian Winter - "A Sign" (Slovenia)
Sacrificio - anything (Brazil)'
Sadist - Anything (Hungary)
Sarcastic Blasphemer - anything
Sarcophagus "The Cremation" (Brunei)
Satanic Darkness - "Satanic Darkness"
Satanic Preachers - anything
Satanic Ritual - Anything (Brazil
Sepulchral Stench - "Damnation", "Goat Worship"
Sexfago - rehearsal
Terminator - "Cmentarne Hieny" (Poland, pre-Vim Patior band)
Tharithimas - demo 1986
Unblessed - "Reign of Terror" (Singapore)
Vulthor - anything
Wotan - "War and Fire" (Poland)
Xtreme Obsession - "Obsessed"