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Full Version: Equimanthorn - Second Sefira Cella (2004)
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*Artist: Equimanthorn
*Album: Second Sefira Cella
*Year: 2004
*Genre: Dark Ritual Ambient
*Country: United States of America (Texas)
*Format: mp3@320
*Size: 162 Мб.

1. Entrance To The Ancient Flame (Precursory Procedure In The Name Of OUMQ) 05:16
2. To Enter The Tower Of Shadows (Trapped In The Witch's Spell) 11:05
3. Rule of Utukagaba (Ruling of the Scarlet Light Established at the Gates of the Waters) 05:04
4. Refulgent Splendour (7 Conquerors And Their Multitude Part II) 10:05
5. Sephira Tephirot (Natura Non Facit Saltum) 04:56
6. Mists Over Masshu (The Moisture of Mercury Rises) 04:54
7. Sixth Throne of Asaru (The Eyes of Two Daughters Meet) 04:25
8. Fashioning The Winds Of 7 (Sar Dannu Ina Mati Basi Sar Bumasla Emuki Nesi Part I) 03:31
9. He Who Makes The Name Of Masshu Abundant (Sar Dannu Ina Mati Basi Sar Bumasla Emuki Nesi Part II) 04:52
10. Where the Watchers Mourn (…and Dance) 02:21
11. Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara (The Enthroned Ninnkigal Gazes Benignly Upon The Viewer From A Fragment Of Contentment, By Means Of A Craft Inscribed To Our Queen Ereshkigal) 04:32
12. Reflections Of The Last Rays Of The Moon (Erichtho's Aggrandizement) 08:25
Total playing time: 69:26

ну и последнее из дискографии Equimanthorn

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Огромное спасибо, весьма долго искал этот релиз... Только вот большая просьба, трек номер 11. Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara (The Enthroned Ninnkigal Gazes Benignly Upon the Viewer from a Fragment of Contentment, by Means of a Craft Inscribed to Our Queen Ereshkigal) чересчур огромен названием и ВинРар отказывается его разархивировать, не мог бы ты перезалить его отдельно уменьшив название на тот же эксфайл или ифолдер, спасбио заранее...
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