Come on, it's just 7 bucks on bandcamp:

Personally I'll end up buying the cassette when I'm able to start investing my money into cassettes. But in the meantime this is a music pirating site after all. Obviously I'm here for a reason.
On top of that, isn't that basically why we're all here? We all have our own personal reasons for coming here to download or upload free music. If anything it helps the music spread & grow, and not just to rich fucks who can afford a massive collection. However, for some of us, it would actually be more profitable to bands and record labels/distros to allow people like me to download for free, because if I were right now investing my money into buying music, I wouldn't be where I need to be financially in the future (it takes money to make money). so therefore, by me withstanding from purchasing music right now, will allow me to in the future be in a much better position to purchase far more music than I would have been if I were spending my money on music right now. So it's really a win-win.