Could do that, like with other hundreds albums too, but knowing that it will be re-uploaded by someone else in a few hours or 2 days on Metal Tracker, GetMetal or other sites, without thanking me there for doing so...i don' t really am in the mood uploading music again. How do you people think you can convince me in uploading again? I would be interested in knowing.
Here's a screenshot (seems i'm not allowed to post them regular): the way, a little backstory: I started uploading music in 2004 with the "Klangfarben Blogspot". In 2007 i had daily more than 10000 people visiting my blog, i uploaded 50 +- albums a day and was the number one in Google when it was about sharing sites like this one here. In 2007 users from here started to steal my uploads and posted them here. There was no naming me, no naming my blog, no thanks for uploading and no thanks for nothing. In 2008 nearly every upload which was posted here on MetalArea and on Mediaportal / MediaBoom was posted came from my own blog and was originally uploaded by myself.
At this point i closed my blog, stopped the first time as uploader and a few days later i decided to registry here as a user and start uploading music here instead of my own blog. But it didn' t stop. Whatever i uploaded here it was uploaded by othere on Mediaportal / MediaBoom, GetMetal, Metal Tracker and more (even clearly self-made photos where stolen and re-used...thanks, that you stupid bastards cannot do it anymore because of copyright laws). 16 years as a music uploader and nobody who shared my uploads from here or from my blog on other sites said thanks even once.
So what i would like to know is, why should you all fuckers deserve free uploaded music anymore?