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> Purgatory, Death Metal (Deu)
post Aug 17 2008, 22:26:25
Post #1

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Group: V.I.P
Posts: 2,685
Releases: 285
From: Київ
On Forums: 18 years 3 months
Thanks: 10676 time(s)

Death Metal
Germany (Nossen, Saxony)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Mirko Dreier - Vocals (Seirim)
Rene Kogel - Guitar, Vocals (Musical Massacre, Procession (Ger))
Peter - Bass (Painful Existence)
Lutz Gotzold - drums (Deathtrap (Ger), Musical Massacre, Procession (Ger))
Former/Past Member(s):
Uwe - Bass (Musical Massacre)
Usche - Bass (Dark Decade)
Torsten - Bass
Sick - Vocals (Dark Decade)
Andy - Bass
Additional notes:
Not to be confused with Purgatory (Ger) from Luneburg.
Purgatory - Live...Perversion [demo] - 1993
Purgatory - Psychopathia Sexualis [ep] - 1994
Purgatory - Sadistic Spell [ep] - 1995
Purgatory - Damage Done By Worms [full-length] - 1996
Purgatory & Seirim - Purgatory/Seirim [split] - 1997
Purgatory - Bestial [full-length] - 1997
Purgatory - Blessed With Flames Of Hate [full-length] - 2000
Purgatory & Polymorph - Hell Bastards [split] - 2003
Purgatory - Luciferianism [full-length] - 2004
Purgatory - Cultus Luciferi - The Splendour Of Chaos [full-length] - 2008
Purgatory & Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - The Legion Of Chaos [split] - 2011
Purgatory - Necromantaeon [full-length] - 2011
Purgatory - DEATHKVLT - Grand Ancient Arts [full-length] - 2013
Purgatory - Omega Void Tribvnal [full-length] - 2016
Purgatory & Lie In Ruins - The Legion Of Desolation [split] - 2018

Official site:

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post Jun 7 2012, 22:08:54
Post #2

Group: Подсевший
Posts: 32
Releases: 0
On Forums: 13 years 7 months
Thanks: 10 time(s)

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult / Purgatory > The Legion Of Chaos

1. Purgatory - Ars Moriendi (Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult cover)
2. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Enslaved by Madness (Purgatory cover)
3. Purgatory - Dawn of Eternity (Massacre cover)
4. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - The Truth (Master cover)

AR 038
“Enslaved By Madness” / "The Truth" were manifested during the first half of 2010 at Soundsight Studio by Armin Rave. "Enslaved By Madness" originally composed by Purgatory. "The Truth" originally composed by Master.

"Ars Moriendi" / "Dawn Of Eternity" were recorded and produced by Alex Lysiakow and Purgatory within the pits of Soundart-Recording Studios in November 2009. "Ars Moriendi" originally composed by Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult. "Dawn Of Eternity" originally composed by Massacre.


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