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> Metallica - Load (1996), Modern Thrash Metal
post Jan 22 2007, 18:52:12
Post #1

Beer & Destroy
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*Artist: Metallica
*Album: Load
*Year: 1996
*Genre: Modern Thrash Metal
*Country: USA (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/United%20States.png)
*Format: mp3@320
*Size: 178 Мб.

01. Ain't My Bitch 05:04
02. 2x4 05:28
03. The House Jack Built 06:38
04. Until It Sleeps 04:27
05. King Nothing 05:29
06. Hero of the Day 04:21
07. Bleeding Me 08:17
08. Cure 04:54
09. Poor Twisted Me 04:00
10. Wasting My Hate 03:57
11. Mama Said 05:19
12. Thorn Within 05:51
13. Ronnie 05:17
14. The Outlaw Torn 09:48
Total playing time: 01:18:59

В 2-х частях


This post has been edited by satanath: Jan 29 2012, 20:12:09

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post Mar 21 2011, 21:36:28
Post #31

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ЦИТАТА(nbhfy @ Nov 24 2010, 16:30:50) *
тут всё намного проще, как говорил Ларс с Хетфилдом им захотелось сделать что нибудь в духе тех команд благодаря которым они заиграли тяжёлую музыку...... а это именно Блек Саббат,Леды...Даймонд Хед,Моторхед и т.д.

Влияний саббатов здесь хоть ложкой выгребай, но ещё больше мне кажется вот этого позитивного приблюзованного харда, какой так любят в Америке.
А так нормальный альбом, даже хороший, одна "Mama Said" чего стоит. Только балласта (типа "Ain't My Bitch" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/22.gif) ) многовато, его бы сократить песен на пяток (а они вместо этого выпустили ещё и компиляцию невошедших в альбом песен, котоаря "Релоэдом" зовется (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif) )

(1) vam1972,
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post Mar 21 2011, 21:50:38
Post #32

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(Deze @ 21st March 2011 - 23:36:28) *
"Ain't My Bitch"

чуть ли не единственная бодрая вещь на альбоме, её никак нельзя выкидывать (IMG:style_emoticons/default/23.gif) вот Cure, Poor Twisted Me, 2x4 и Ronnie действительно можно в утиль списать.

QUOTE(Deze @ 21st March 2011 - 23:36:28) *
компиляцию невошедших в альбом песен, котоаря "Релоэдом" зовется

и, что интересно, гораздо лучше Лоада (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)

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post Mar 21 2011, 22:04:59
Post #33

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ЦИТАТА(Old Vyaine @ Mar 21 2011, 23:50:38) *
...и, что интересно, гораздо лучше Лоада (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)

Совершенно та же хрень!!
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post Mar 24 2011, 23:12:41
Post #34

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/22.gif) /10

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post Mar 24 2011, 23:25:10
Post #35

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ЦИТАТА(Язва @ Mar 25 2011, 01:12:41) *

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post Apr 26 2011, 17:02:49
Post #36

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Больше десятка лет понадобилось мне, чтобы полностью проникнуться данным творением любимой в далёкой юности группы. Конечно, никто не ожидал от них тогда такого "хода конём", но что поделать, возможно, смена курса виделась им (и продюсерам) тем решением, которое вывело бы группу из кризиса, типичного для обычноно трэша в середине девяностых, хз. Новую стилистику я бы определил как смесь трэша, хард-рока и блюз-рока, яркие представители её - 2x4, House That Jack Built, Ronnie, Poor Twisted Me, Cure, да практически весь альбом, а The Outlaw Torn и Cure - сейчас мои любимые темы на альбоме (Cure в первую очередь - вроде бы ничего особенного, но в этих тягучих лаконичных риффах, неторопливых ударных и средней техничности соло мне слышится поистине великая гармония). Не нравятся Until It Sleeps и Mama Said как самые заезженные всеми, кто в теме и кто нет.

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post Apr 26 2011, 18:04:03
Post #37

Семь Литров
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post Apr 26 2011, 19:20:27
Post #38

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Один из лучших альбомов метлы
8 из 10
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post Nov 14 2011, 03:09:34
Post #39
RO till

flac 979 kbp / 553 mb
Metallica-Load-CD-FLAC-1996-PERFECT from scene

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post Nov 19 2011, 10:55:16
Post #40

Heavy metal to the world (c)
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ЦИТАТА(Old Vyaine @ Mar 22 2011, 00:50:38) *
чуть ли не единственная бодрая вещь на альбоме, её никак нельзя выкидывать (IMG:style_emoticons/default/23.gif) вот Cure, Poor Twisted Me, 2x4 и Ronnie действительно можно в утиль списать.

странно.... ни одну из перечисленных песен не рискнул бы спихнуть в утиль... все 4 (или 5, если и Ain't my bitch считать) нравятся
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post May 2 2012, 07:32:22
Post #41

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post Mar 1 2013, 18:55:25
Post #42

Трезвый мастер
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03. The House Jack Built 06:38 - единственное из альбома, что до сих пор считаю достойным называться Вещью (именно с большой буквы) того, что когда-то громко и без стыда звали Металликой.

Что делает в теге "Modern Thrash Metal" абсолютно не понимаю - какой там трэш и уж тем более модерновый - прилизанный причёсанный и опрысканный дорогим парфюмом коммерческий хард-рок с элементами кантри. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/redp.gif)

При всём тёплом отношении к альбому (можно сказать первый услышанный их альбом), по прошествии более чем полутора десятка лет, мнение сложилось, что все эти 79 минут - большая потуга стремлений угодить всем "ползающим/перекатывающимся/прыгающим рядом" и при этом остаться на коне. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)
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post Mar 1 2013, 19:02:13
Post #43

Правь статус, ####!111
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прилизанный причёсанный и опрысканный дорогим парфюмом коммерческий хард-рок с элементами кантри.

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/15.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/15.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/15.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/15.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/15.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/15.gif)

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post Mar 1 2013, 19:12:02
Post #44

Да прибудет с Вами сила Z
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ЦИТАТА(Old Vyaine @ Mar 21 2011, 22:50:38) *
и, что интересно, гораздо лучше Лоада (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)

хрен редьки не слаще!
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post Mar 1 2013, 20:19:26
Post #45

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(Emm Human @ 1st March 2013 - 21:55:25) *
03. The House Jack Built 06:38 - единственное из альбома, что до сих пор считаю достойным называться Вещью (именно с большой буквы) того, что когда-то громко и без стыда звали Металликой.

По мне, самые "металликовские" здесь Bleeding Me и The Outlaw Torn.
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post Mar 1 2013, 20:20:11
Post #46

Три Литра
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Я не про жанр , а коммерческий ход.
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post Mar 1 2013, 20:29:10
Post #47

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(Soundgarden @ 1st March 2013 - 23:20:11) *
В соответствии с тем временем,звучание Load максимально приблизили к грэндж / хард року . Стоит отметить,что рыжий сделал тоже самое на 4 года раннее.

ORLY? Countdown максимально приближен к гранжу и хард-року?
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post Mar 1 2013, 20:44:34
Post #48

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ЦИТАТА(Soundgarden @ Mar 1 2013, 23:20:11) *
Стоит отметить,что рыжий сделал тоже самое на 4 года раннее.

В Countdown To Extinction только со звучанием поработали , а по музе ведь хэви с налётом тресха (IMG:style_emoticons/default/23.gif)
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post Mar 1 2013, 21:03:16
Post #49

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и вообще,чё ты трёшь свои сообщения?
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post Mar 1 2013, 21:05:59
Post #50

Три Литра
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Хотел дополнить и случайно грохнул )
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post May 12 2013, 05:25:43
Post #51

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Тексты песен/Lyrics

1. Ain't My Bitch

Out of my way
Out of my day
Out of your mind and into mine
It's no more
It's not born
Into your step but out of time

It's strong
What's wrong
I've already heard this song before
You're right but now it's time to kiss your ass good-bye

Dragging me down
While you were round
So useless

It ain't my fault
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch
Ain't my bitch

Down on the sun
Down on your fun
Down and out where the hell you've been

Damn it all down
Damn it unbound
Damn it all down to hell again

Stand tall
They fall
Never even meant it all before
You're right but now it's time to kiss your ass good-bye

Dragging me down
While you were round
So useless

It ain't my fault
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch

Out of my way

Out of my way
Out of my day
Out of your mind and into mine
It's no more
It's not born
Into your step but out of time

It's strong
What's wrong
I've already heard this song before
You're right but now it's time to kiss your ass good-bye

Dragging me down
While you were round
So useless

It ain't my fault
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch

No way but down
While you were round
No foolin'

It ain't my smile
It ain't my style
It ain't my bitch

Ain't mine
Your kind
Your stepin' out of time

Dragging me down
While you were round
No foolin'

It ain't my fault
It ain't my call
It ain't my bitch
Ain't my

2. 2 x 4

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you
I'm gonna be the one who breaks you
Put the screws into ya, my way
Yeah, c'mon, c'mon come and make my day
Make my day

Got some hell to pay you, steal your thunder
The joy of violent movement, pulls you under
Ooh bite the bullet, well hard
Yea, but I bite harder, so go to far
To far

Friction, fusion, retribution
I can't hear ya... talk to me
I can't hear ya... so talk to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya trying to be my lord
I can't hear ya talking 2 by 4

I'm gonna make you, shake you, take you
I'm gonna be that one who breaks you
Put the screws into ya, my way
Hey c'mon, c'mon, come and make my day
Make my day

Friction, fusion, retribution
I can't hear ya... talk to me
I can't hear ya... talk to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya while your talking to me
I can't hear ya trying to be my lord
I can't hear ya talking 2 by 4

Friction, fusion, retribution
I'm going to make you... talk to me
I'm going to trick you... so talk to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya are you talking to me
I can't hear ya trying to be my lord
I can't hear ya talking 2 by 4

3. House Jack Built

Open doors so I walk inside
Close my eyes find my place to hide
And I shake as I take it in
Let the show begin

Open my eyes
Just to have them close again
Well on my way
On my way to where I graze
It swallows me
As it takes me in his home
I twist away
As I kill this world

Open doors so I walk inside
Close my eyes find my place to hide
And I shake as I take it in
Let the show begin

Open my eyes
Just to have them close once again
Don't want control
As It takes me down and down again
Is that the moon
Or just a light that lights this deadend street?
Is that you there
Or just another demon that I meet?

The higher you walk
The farther you fall
The longer the walk
The farther you crawl
My body my temple
This temple it tells
"Step into the house that Jack built"

The higher you walk
The farther you fall
The longer the walk
The farther you crawl
My body my temple
This temple it tells
"Yes this is the house that Jack built"

Open doors as I walk inside
Swallow me so the pain subsides
And I shake as I take this in
Let the show begin

The higher you walk
The farther you fall
The longer the walk
The farther you crawl
My body my temple
This temple it tells
"Yes this is the house that Jack built"

The higher you walk
The farther you fall
The longer the walk
The farther you crawl
My body my temple
This temple it tells
"Yes I am I am I am"

Open my eyes
It swallows me
Is that you there
I twist away

4. Until It Sleeps

Where do I take this pain of mine.
I run but it stays right by my side.
So tear me open and pour me out
There's things inside that scream and shout,
And the pain still hates me
So hold me until it sleeps.

Just like a curse, just like a stray.
You feed it once and now it stays,
Now it stays.
So tear me open but beware
There's things inside without a care,
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me until I'm clean.

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you so hold me
Until it sleeps.

So tell me why you've chosen me
Don't want your grip
Don't want your greed
Don't want it
Now tear me open make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone,
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me, until it sleeps

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you, holds you, holds you until it sleeps

Don't want it want it want it want it want it no
So tear me open but beware
There's things inside without a care,
And the dirt still stains me,
So wash me till I'm clean.

Now tear me open make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone,
And the hate still shapes me,
So hold me until it sleeps

5. King Nothing

Wish I may
Wish I might
Have this I wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold
Dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger, but there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the King
But the castle's crumbled and you're left with just a
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

Hot and cold
Bought and sold
A heart as hard as gold
Yeah! Are you satisfied?
Wish I might, Wish I may
You wish your life away
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger, but there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the King
But the castle's crumbled and you're left with just a
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?


Wish I may, wish I might
Have this wish, I wish tonight
I want that star, I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how

Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish you may regret it
Careful what you wish you just might get it

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger, but there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the King
But the castle's crumbled and you're left with just a name
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

Oh, You're just nothing
Where's your crown King Nothing?
Oh, you're just nothing
Absolutely nothing
Off to never, never land

6. Hero Of The Day

The window burns to light the way back home
A light that warms no matter where they go
They're off to find the hero of the day
But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Do you feel your name?
Did you hear your babies crying?
Mama they try and break me
Still they try and break me

Excuse me while I tell them how to feel
These things we turn to me that still seem real
Now deservingly this easy chair
But the rocking starts the wheels of this play

Don't want your hate
But the fist I make
For you still no fear
No not on me
So please excuse me while I tell them how I feel

But now the dreams end
And now the dreams end
They everlast the night
So build a wall
Behind it crawl
And hide until it's light
So can you hear your babies crying now?

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Did you hear your name?
Did you hear your babies crying?

But now the dreams end
And now the dreams end
They everlast the night
So build a wall
Behind it crawl
And hide until it's light
So can't you hear your babies crying now?

Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try
Oh they try
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try and break me
Oh they try
Oh they try

7. Bleeding Me

I'm diggin' my way
I'm diggin' my way to somethin'
I'm diggin' my way to somethin' better

I'm pushin' to stay
I'm pushin' to stay with somethin'
I'm pushin' to stay with somethin' better

I'm sowing the seeds
I'm sowing the seeds I take
I'm sowing the seeds I take for granted

This thorn in my side
This thorn in my side is from the tree
This thorn in my side is from the tree I've planted
It tears me and I bleed
And I bleed

Caught under wheels roll
I take the leash
I'm bleeding me
Can't stop to save my soul
I take the leash that's bleeding me
I'm bleeding me
I can't take it
Caught under wheels roll
Oh, the bleeding of me
Of me
The bleeding of me

Caught under wheels roll
I take the leash
I'm bleeding me
Can't stop to save my soul
I take the leash that's bleeding me
I'm bleeding me
I can't take it
Caught under wheels roll
Oh, the bleeding of me
Oh, the bleeding of me

I am the beast that bleeds the feast
I am the blood
I am release

Come make me pure
Bleed me a cure
I'm caught, I'm caught, I'm caught under
Caught under wheels roll
I take that lease
I'm bleeding me
Can't stop to save my soul
I take the leash that's bleeding me
I'm bleeding me
I can't take it
I can't take it
I can't take it
Oh, the bleeding of me

I'm diggin' my way
I'm diggin' my way to somethin'
I'm diggin' my way to somethin' better

I'm pushin' to stay
I'm pushin' to stay with somethin'
I'm pushin' to stay with somethin' better
With somethin' better

8. Cure

The man takes another bullet
He keeps them all within
He must seek no matter how it hurts
So don't fool again

He thinks the answer is cold and in his hand
He takes his medicine
The man takes another bullet
He's been fooled again

Uncross your arms
Take and throw them to the cure, say...
I do believe

Uncross your arms now
Take them to I say...
I do believe
Yeah, I do believe

The lie is tempted and she follows
Again she hits him in
She must believe to feel the hollow
She's been fooled again

Uncross your arms
Take and throw them to the cure, say...
I do believe

Uncross your arms now
Take them to I say...
I do believe
Oh yeah, I do believe

Betting on the cure
It must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Yeah everyone's gotta to have the sickness
Cause everyone seems to need the cure
Precious cure

Betting on the cure
Cause it must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Yeah everyone's gotta to have the sickness
Cause everyone seems to need the cure
Precious cure

I do believe

Betting on the cure
It must get better than this
Need to feel secure
Yeah it's got to get better than this
It must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Everyone's gotta to have the sickness
Cause everyone seems to need the cure
I do believe

9. Poor Twisted Me

Oh poor twisted me
Oh poor twisted me
I feast on sympathy
I chew on suffer
I chew on agony
And swallow whole the pain
Oh it's too good to be
All this misery
Is just for oh poor twisted me
Poor twisted me

Poor mistreated me
Poor mistreated me
I drown without a sea
I'm filled with sorrow
Once filled with misery
And hated the deep dark blue
Such a burden to bear
Poor mistreated me

Finally reached the shore
Survival's gone
Now your feeling cold ever since he was born
Your pain is so over you

Finally reached the shore
Survival's gone
Now your feeling cold ever since he was born
Your pain is so over you
Could ya be my friend
Such a pain to see
Oh poor twisted me

10. Wasting My Hate

Ain't gonna waste my hate
Ain't gonna waste my hate on you
I think I'll keep it for myself

Ain't gonna kill no more
Ain't got the time to help you score
I think it's time you pleased yourself

Doing dead
I would do in the same
A smile to you

Don't waste
Waste your breath
Now I will waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you

And I think your working now
You think enough to even raise the brow
And to life that tip that you belong
Come on

When I see my hate I see my feet
I feel that blood that pumps in me
Where the hell's my mind
Don't know
Don't know now

Doing dead
I would do in the same
A smile to you

Don't waste
Waste your breath
Now I will waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you

Then I'll keep it for myself

Ain't gonna waste my hate
But I don't clean it when they say
Better to give then to receive

Ain't gonna waste my hate
Ain't got time to waste my hate on you
I think I'll keep it all for myself
For myself

Doing dead
I would do in the same
A smile to you

Don't waste
Waste your breath
Now I will waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you

Think I'll keep it for myself


11. Mama Said

Mama, she has taught me well
Told me when I was young
"Son, your life's an open book
Don't close it 'fore its done"
"The brightest flame burns quickest"
That's what I heard her say
A son's heart sowed to mother
But I must find my way

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Let this heart be still
Yeah, still

Rebel, mind your last name
Wild blood in my veins
They bring strings around my neck
The mark that still remains
Left home at an early age
Of what I heard was wrong
I never asked forgiveness
But what is said is done

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Let this heart be still

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness that I'll take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness that I'll take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
A mother's love for her son
Spoken, help me be
I took your love for granted
Not a thing you said to me
I needed your arms to welcome me
But, a cold stone's all I see

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Let this heart be still

Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go
You never let my heart go
So let this heart be still

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness that I'll take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness that I'll take to my grave
Let this heart be still

12. Thorn Within

Forgive me father
For I have sinned
Find me guilty of the life I feel within

When I'm branded
This mark of shame
So I look down disgraced for saying I know that you must

I am, I am the secret
I am, I am the sin
I am, I am the guilty
And I, I am the thorn within

Forgive me father
For I have sinned
Find me guilty with true guilt that's from within

So point your fingers
Point right at me
For I am shadows and will follow you whatever see my way

I am, I am the secret
I am, I am the sin
I am, I am the guilty
And I, I am the thorn within

I do your time
I take your fall
I'm branded guilty for a soul

So point your fingers
Point right at me
For I am shadows and will follow you whatever see my way

I am, I am your secrets
I am, I am your sin
I am, I am your guilty
And I, I am the thorn within
I am the thorn within

13. Ronnie

Stories taught
Quiet town
Small time for big time crowd
Never talks
Never plays
Different path
Lost his way

The streets are red
Red I'm afraid
There's no confetti
No parade
Nothing happens in this boring place
But oh my god how it all dismays
And they all pray
Blood stain wash away

He said
"Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way"

I heard it
He said
"Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way"
Oh please wash away
But blood stains the sun red today

I always said
Something wrong
Little strange
All day long
Never laugh
Never smile
Talked alone for miles and miles and miles...

Yellow comes
Sun I say
Keep your smile and laugh all day
He falls again in this foreign place
For little boys how they do chase
And they all pray
Blood stain wash away

He said
"Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way"

I heard it
He said
"Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way"
Oh please wash away
But blood stains the sun red today

Yeah, well all the green things died
When Ronnie moved to this place
He said
"Don't you dare ask
Why I'm cursed to wear this face"
I know why the children called him Ronnie frown
When he pulled that gun from his pocket
They all fall down down down...

He said
"Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way"

I heard it
He screamed
"Lost my way
This bloody day
Lost my way"
Oh please wash away
But blood stains the sun red today

All things wash away
They all fall down
But blood stains the sun today

All things wash away
They all fall down
But blood stains the sun today

14. The Outlaw Torn

You know I wait my whole lifetime for you

I ride the dirt I ride the tide for you
I search the outside search inside for you
To take back what you left me
I know I'll always burn to be
No one seeks so I may find
And now I wait my whole lifetime
My whole lifetime

So on I wait my whole lifetime for you
So on I wait my whole lifetime for you

The more I search the more my need for you
The more I blast the more I bleed for you
You make me smash the clock and feel
I'd rather die behind the wheel
Time was never on my side
So on I wait my whole lifetime
My whole lifetime

And I'm torn
And if I close my mind in fear
Please pry it open
And if my face becomes sincere
And when I start to come undone
Stitch me together
And when you see me stretched remind me of what left this outlaw torn

And if I close my mind in fear
Please pry it open
And if my face becomes sincere
And when I start to come undone
Stitch me together
And when you see me stretched remind me of what left this outlaw torn
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post May 12 2013, 07:14:23
Post #52

Два Литра
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post May 12 2013, 11:54:33
Post #53

_ - = # Thrashogolic # = - _ ... а давайте поржём все вместе
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Phobophoby, Эмм.. Хьюман?
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post May 12 2013, 12:06:17
Post #54

Два Литра
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TheThrasher, топикстартер вроде как.
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post May 12 2013, 18:27:58
Post #55

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ЦИТАТА(TheThrasher @ 12th May 2013 - 14:54:33) *
Phobophoby, Эмм.. Хьюман?

Да не, Эмм Хьюман нашёл здесь кантри откуда-то... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sirt.gif)
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post Jun 5 2013, 17:17:40
Post #56

Трезвый мастер
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09. Poor Twisted Me 04:00
11. Mama Said 05:19

13. Ronnie 05:17

Что это по вашему? Метал?! Трэш?! Кантри-блюз и ничего более.
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post Jun 5 2013, 17:29:16
Post #57

Шесть Литров
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никогда не любил металлику...с этого альбома ток первую песню можно выделить
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post Jun 5 2013, 18:36:50
Post #58

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Как по-мне, то весьма неплохой альбом, правда к концу сильно утомляющий песнями The outlaw thorns и Mama said, но смело скажу, что несколько боевичков на диске есть, они даже в моём персональном TOP-list, как и песни с предыдущего Чёрного альбома, а вот следующий Релоад - чепуха несусветнейшая, ничего в нём я так и не нашёл, сколько не пытался, вроде и альбом-близнец сабжа, но отнюдь.... Дальнейшее творчество группы для меня ускользнуло - почти не знаком с ним....
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post Oct 24 2015, 11:52:18
Post #59

Guests team

ну получше трэша 80-х. ахаха
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post Oct 26 2015, 14:37:29
Post #60

I will kill you
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mirror in 320

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