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> Mayhem, Black Metal
post Dec 1 2007, 10:32:06
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From: Київ
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Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Satanism, Death, Gore (early), Misanthropy, War, Darkness, Philosophy
Norway (Ski (early), Oslo (later))
Formed In:
1984-1993, 1994-present
Current line-up:
Necrobutcher Bass (1984-1991, 1994-present)
See also: ex-Checker Patrol, ex-Kvikksølvguttene, ex-&co., ex-Fleshwounds, ex-L.E.G.O., ex-Musta, ex-Septic
Hellhammer Drums (1988-1993, 1994-present)
See also: Age of Silence, Arcturus, Mortem, Winds, Mezzerschmitt, ex-Covenant, ex-Den Saakaldte, ex-Dimmu Borgir, ex-Nidingr, ex-Shining, ex-The Kovenant, ex-Troll, ex-Umoral, ex-Emperor (live), ex-Immortal (live), ex-Mysticum (live), ex-Tritonus (live), ex-Carnivora, ex-Descended
Attila Csihar Vocals (1993, 2004-present)
See also: Gravetemple, Sinsaenum, Tormentor, Nader Sadek (live), Sunn O))) (live), ex-Burial Chamber Trio, ex-Pentemple, Void ov Voices, ex-Aborym, ex-Keep of Kalessin, ex-Korog, ex-Plasma Pool
Teloch Guitars (2011-present)
See also: Nidingr, Teeth and Thorns, The Konsortium, Umoral, ex-NunFuckRitual, Condenado, ex-Orcustus, ex-1349 (live), ex-Gorgoroth (live), ex-Myrkur (live), ex-Shining (live), ex-God Seed (live), ex-Legions
Ghul Guitars (2012-present)
See also: Imperial Vengeance, Shining (live), ex-Cradle of Filth, ex-The Electric Hellfire Club
Former/Past Member(s):
Manheim Drums (1984-1987)
See also: Order, Maranata, The Residents & Big Robot, ex-L.E.G.O., ex-Musta
Per Nilsen Guitars (1984)
Euronymous Guitars (1984-1993), Vocals (1984-1986)
(R.I.P. 1993) See also: ex-Checker Patrol, ex-Horn, ex-L.E.G.O.
Ståle Redalen Vocals (1984)
Nils Brekke Svensson Vocals (1984)
Messiah Vocals (1985-1986)
See also: Order, ex-Death Fuck, Cockroach Clan, ex-Impostor, ex-Black Spite, ex-Within Range
Maniac Vocals (1986-1987, 1994-2004)
See also: Skitliv, Voluspå, ex-Bomberos, ex-Wurdulak, Maniac, Sehnsucht, ex-Eibon, ex-Fleshwounds, ex-Septic Cunts, ex-Status Fatal
Torben Grue Drums (1987-1988)
See also: ex-Kvikksølvguttene, ex-Vomit, Bony Maronie, Sister Rain, The Sniffercats, ex-Børre og Bløderne, ex-Crabtackle, ex-Horn, ex-Popcorn Explosion
Kittil Kittilsen Vocals (1987-1988)
See also: ex-Kvikksølvguttene, ex-Vomit, ex-Børre og Bløderne, ex-Schweinhund
Dead Vocals (1988-1991)
(R.I.P. 1991) See also: ex-Morbid
Occultus Vocals, Bass (1991)
See also: ex-Perdition, ex-Perdition Hearse, ex-Soul Transition, ex-Thyabhorrent, ex-Abhorrent, ex-Con Anima, ex-Depressived Carrots, ex-Einar Grimm Group (E.G.G.) (aka Einar Grimm Band), ex-Haunted Chapel, ex-Hitman Charge, ex-Kardinal, ex-Life, ex-Nice Mutilators, ex-Pussycunts, ex-Shadow Dancers, ex-Sidic, ex-Sorg, ex-SSS (Spretten Sprit Student), ex-The Other Side
Count Grishnackh Bass (1992-1993)
See also: Burzum, ex-Old Funeral, ex-Kalashnikov, ex-Satanel, ex-Uruk-Hai
Blackthorn Guitars (1992-1993)
See also: Thorns, ex-Stigma Diabolicum, Thorns Ltd., ex-Mann Skutt med Øks
Blasphemer Guitars (1994-2008)
See also: Aura Noir, Earth Electric, Twilight of the Gods, Vltimas, Gaahls Wyrd (live), Mezzerschmitt, ex-Ava Inferi, ex-In Silence, ex-Testimony, ex-Nader Sadek
Live musicians
Alexander Nordgaren Guitars (rhythm) (1997-1998)
See also: Fleurety, ex-I Left the Planet, ex-Transmogrification
Ihizahg Guitars (2004-2005)
See also: Images at Twilight, Maelström, ex-Perished, ex-Bloodthorn, ex-Wurdulak
Sanrabb Guitars (2004)
See also: Gehenna, Throne of Katarsis, ex-Mëkanïk, ex-Blood Red Throne, ex-Cobolt 60, ex-Satyricon (live), ex-Neetzach, ex-122 Stab Wounds, ex-Forlorn, ex-Incarnator, ex-Haggis, ex-Sworn (Nor)
Silmaeth Guitars (2008-2011)
See also: Goat Torment, Malhkebre, Sektarism, ex-Epic, ex-Warshades, ex-Abbath, ex-Detritum, ex-Vorkreist, ex-Arkhon Infaustus (live), ex-Satyricon (live), ex-Svart Crown (live), ex-Valkyrja (live)
Morfeus Guitars (2008-2012)
See also: Dimension F3H, Viper Solfa, ex-Ancient, ex-Limbonic Art
Manheim Drums (2016)
See also: Order, Maranata, The Residents & Big Robot, ex-L.E.G.O., ex-Musta
Maniac Vocals (2016)
See also: Skitliv, Voluspå, ex-Bomberos, ex-Wurdulak, Maniac, Sehnsucht, ex-Eibon, ex-Fleshwounds, ex-Septic Cunts, ex-Status Fatal
Messiah Vocals (2016)
See also: Order, ex-Death Fuck, Cockroach Clan, ex-Impostor, ex-Black Spite, ex-Within Range
Additional notes:
The band was billed as Wolf's Lair Abyss for a few secret gigs during the Wolf's Lair Abyss tour.

Founded by Jørn Stubberud (Necrobutcher), and Kjetil (Manheim) under the name Musta (Finnish for "black"), which they changed to Mayhem after Øystein Aarseth (Euronymous) joined in. The band name is taken from the Venom song, "Mayhem with Mercy".
During the early years, the band used either session vocalists Messiah or Maniac for live/studio commitments, and played either instrumentally, or with Necrobutcher or Euronymous on vocals during rehearsals.

By late 1987 both Manheim and Maniac had left the band, their positions were filled temporarily by members of Vomit, before vocalist Dead, and drummer Hellhammer took over in 1988.

Dead committed suicide in 1991 by shooting himself in the mouth with a shotgun after cutting his wrists with a knife. The shells were given to him by Varg Vikernes (Count Grishnackh), who knew that Dead used to practice with a shotgun in the forest close to the house where the members of Mayhem lived. His body, along with a suicide note saying "Excuse all the blood", was discovered in his room. Euronymous took some pictures (one of them appearing as the cover of the infamous "Dawn of the Black Hearts" bootleg album) of the suicide scene. A legend was born, and it was said that Euronymous had cooked and eaten pieces of Dead's brain. It was also said that fragments of Dead's skull had been collected and made into necklaces that both Euronymous and Hellhammer wore as a tribute to Dead. Of course it is doubtful that the truth was as macabre as people would like to believe regarding the cannibalism, but it is a confirmed fact that necklaces were made, and that pictures were taken.

With the media and police attention following Dead's suicide, Necrobutcher (Jørn Stubberud) decided to leave the band. Dead was replaced by Occultus (Stian Johansen), ex-singer of Thyabhorrent and partner of Euronymous in the "Helvete" shop. He sang and played bass in Mayhem for a few months, but soon left. With the band's need for musicians, Varg Vikernes (Burzum) joined as bassist and participated on the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album, along with Hungarian vocalist Attila Csihar who performed on the album but never fully committed to the band at the time.

On August 10th, 1993, Varg Vikernes murdered Euronymous in his apartment with Snorre W. Ruch acting as an accomplice. Their relationship before the murder was tense, as their friendship and musical relationship started going downhill. Vikernes, who had started to play bass in Mayhem, killed him due to a number of alleged reasons: over a girl, jealousy of Euronymous's position in the Inner Circle, Euronymous owing him money, Euronymous not releasing Burzum's albums on time. Euronymous was found in his underwear, with stab wounds inflicted with a knife. Varg was rumoured to try and outdo the murder Faust of Emperor committed. At his trial, Vikernes came into court with his long hair made into pigtails, and denying his involvement in Euronymous's death. He giggled and laughed throughout the trial. He was convicted of the murder and was sentenced to 21 years in prison (the maximum possible sentence in Norway). When police arrested Vikernes, he was found with over 150 kilograms of stolen dynamite and alleged plans to destroy Nidarosdomen, a large Christian church in Trondheim, on a religious holiday. Although, Varg Vikernes has a different story to the reasons for killing Euronymous (see http://www.burzum.org for articles Varg composed himself explaining the murder).

After the trial, Euronymous's parents asked Hellhammer to remove the bass lines that Varg had recorded. He told them he would record new bass lines himself, but the truth is that he didn't know how to play the instrument, so the album remained the same, featuring Varg on it. Other rumours about Occultus playing the new bass lines are also false, he never played a note with the band during his time in Mayhem, according to Hellhammer.

Despite the death of the band's founder and main driving force, Hellhammer later reactivated the band, with Maniac and Necrobutcher rejoining alongside new guitarist Blasphemer. Mayhem's musical style changed drastically over the years that followed. In 2004, Maniac left again and Atilla Csihar rejoined Mayhem on a full-time basis.

Mayhem's live show, particularly in the days of Euronymous and Dead, has always been known for featuring heavy atmospheric effects such as severed pig heads impaled on wooden spikes. Dead's clothes were buried days/weeks before the show, and were exhumed decayed, soiled, and full of insects. Pieces of rotting meat were thrown into the audience. Dead ravens were placed in a bag so Dead could continually smell decay and death. Members were also noted to cut themselves onstage. While the more extreme aspects of the show has been toned down in later years, Attila Csihar remains infamous for his theatrical performances and stage costumes.

Interesting fact: Euronymous is responsible for getting many nowadays famous bands (Darkthrone, Immortal, Emperor) into black metal and/or influenced them to change their musical style from death metal to black metal. He's considered to be responsible for sparking the whole Norwegian black metal movement and making it what it is today.

Despite once playing in the strongly anti-Christian band Mayhem, early vocalist Kittil Kittilsen (ex-Kvikksølvguttene, Vomit) left the music scene around 2000 and became a fundamentalist Christian and warns people of the dangers of playing in a rock/pop band regardless of what the lyrics/ideology is about.

Compilation Appearances:
- "The Freezing Moon" and "Carnage" on A Projection of a Stained Mind (CBR, 1991)
- "Pagan Fears" on Blackend: The Black Metal Compilation Volume 1 (Death Records, 1995)
- "Visual Aggression [Celtic Frost Cover]" on In Memory of Celtic Frost (Dwell Records, 1996)
- "Anno Vempyr" on Apocalypse, Livre 66, Chapitre Premier (Season of Mist, 2004)
- "Freezing Moon" on Lords of Chaos - The History of Occult Music (Prophecy Productions, 2002 / Index Verlag, 2008)
- "The Freezing Moon" and "Pagan Fears" on Nordic Metal: A Tribute to Euronymous (Necropolis Records, 1995 / Karmageddon Media, 2004 / Hammerheart Records, 2012)<span style="color:rgb226 216 207 fontfamily Verdana Arial sansserif fontsize 11px fontstyle normal fontvariantligatures normal fontvariantcaps normal fontweight 400 letterspacing normal orphans 2 textalign start textindent 0px texttransform none whitespace normal widows 2 wordspacing 0px webkittextstrokewidth 0px backgroundcolor rgb17 1 7 textdecorationstyle initial textdecorationcolor initial display inline important float none">[/color]

Mayhem - Death Blow (Rehearsal) [bootleg] - 1990 by jimicok
Mayhem - Live At Jussheim [bootleg] - 1990 by AjiDahak
Mayhem - Live In Gleisdorf '90 [bootleg] - 1990 by ancientlair
Mayhem - War & Sodomy - Live In Zeitz, East Germany [bootleg] - 1990 by bogecmoon
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Intrumental Version) [bootleg] - 1992 by Zaephar
Mayhem - From The Darkest Past [bootleg] - 1992 by Rockhell
Mayhem & Thou Shalt Suffer & Zemial - The True Black [bootleg] - 1993 by Arashi
Mayhem - Ha-Elm Zalag [bootleg] - 1994 by ptlm
Mayhem & Morbid - A Tribute To The Black Emperors [bootleg] - 1994 by nihil
Mayhem - Book Made Of Human Flesh [bootleg] - 1996 by Velkaarn
Mayhem - Freezing Moon/In Memorium [bootleg] - 1996 by ptlm
Mayhem - Rehearsal [bootleg] - 1996 by ptlm
Mayhem - I Love Transylvania/Acient Skin/Live [bootleg] - 1997 by ptlm
Mayhem & Darkthrone - True Legends In Black [split] [bootleg] - 2000 by Келебрин
Mayhem - Up From The Tomb It Comes [bootleg] - 2000 by Келебрин
Mayhem - Sometimes They Come Back [bootleg] - 2001 by Oskulum
Mayhem - Freezing Moon/Carnage [bootleg] - 2002 by ptlm
Mayhem - The True Armageddon [bootleg] - 2003 by Funeral Frost
Mayhem - Live At Wacken Open Air 2004 [bootleg] - 2004 by Nerguth
Mayhem - Live In Gothenburg (04-09-04) [bootleg] - 2004 by ptlm
Mayhem - Live In Tampere, Finland [bootleg] - 2004 by GloomyDeath
Mayhem - Last Breath [bootleg] - 2006 by Абигор
Mayhem - Live At Brutal Assault [bootleg] - 2006 by Nerguth
Mayhem - Live In Svojsice, Czech Republic [bootleg] - 2006 by GloomyDeath
Mayhem - Live in Tochka, Moscow, Russia, 14.11.07 [bootleg] - 2007 by ptlm
Mayhem - Vomit From Helvete [bootleg] - 2008 by 0x13
Mayhem - Live At Blackened Fest, The Clubhouse Music Venue - Tempe, AZ 05.30.2009 [bootleg] - 2009 by Абигор
Mayhem - Of Lord Satans Mysteries [bootleg] - 2009 by skylakos
Mayhem - Helvete (The Occultus Sessions 1991) [bootleg] - 2011 by Occultas
Mayhem - Mayhem 2017.03.30, Academy 2, Manchester [bootleg] - 2017 by AlexStorm

Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon [demo] - 1986
Mayhem - Deathrehearsal [demo] - 1987
Mayhem - Deathcrush [demo] - 1987
Mayhem - Studio Tracks [demo] - 1990
Mayhem - Live In Leipzig [live album] - 1993
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas [full-length] - 1994
Mayhem - The Dawn of the Black Hearts - Live in Sarpsborg, Norway 28/2, 1990 [live album] - 1995
Mayhem - Freezing Moon [single] - 1996
Mayhem - Out From The Dark [compilation] - 1996
Mayhem - Ancient Skin / Necrolust [single] - 1997
Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss [ep] - 1997
Mayhem - Live In Bischofswerda [live album] - 1998
Mayhem & Zyklon-B - Necrolust / Total Warfare [split] - 1999
Mayhem - Mediolanum Capta Est [live album] - 1999
Mayhem - Grand Declaration Of War [full-length] - 2000
Mayhem - U.S. Legions [compilation] - 2001
Mayhem - Live In Marseille 2000 [live album] - 2001
Mayhem - European Legions: Live in Marseille 2000 [live] - 2001
Mayhem - European Legions [compilation] - 2001
Mayhem & The Meads Of Asphodel - Jihad / Freezing Moon [split] - 2002
Mayhem - The Studio Experience [boxed set] - 2002
Mayhem - Legions Of War [compilation] - 2003
Mayhem - Cult Of Aggression [video] - 2004
Mayhem - Chimera [full-length] - 2004
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao [full-length] - 2007
Mayhem - Life Eternal [ep] - 2008
Mayhem - Pure Fucking Mayhem [video] - 2008
Mayhem - Psywar [single] - 2014
Mayhem - Grand Declaration Of War / European Legions [compilation] - 2014
Mayhem - Esoteric Warfare [full-length] - 2014
Mayhem - A Season In Blasphemy 2000-2007 [boxed set] - 2015
Mayhem - Live In Zeitz [live album] - 2016
Mayhem - The Analog Collection [boxed set] - 2016
Mayhem - Sathanas / Luciferi Tour Ep [split] - 2016
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Alive [live album] - 2016
Mayhem - Live In Guatemala City [live album] - 2017
Mayhem - Live In Sarpsborg [live album] - 2017
Mayhem - Live In Jessheim [live album] - 2017
Mayhem - Cursed In Eternity [boxed set] - 2018
Mayhem - Live In Montreal [live album] - 2018
Mayhem - A Season In Blasphemy 2018 [boxed set] - 2018
Mayhem - Henhouse Recordings [compilation] - 2019
Mayhem - Daemon [full-length] - 2019
Mayhem - Atavistic Black Disorder/Kommando [ep] - 2021

Official site:


This post has been edited by Borderline1991: Aug 9 2021, 18:45:16

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post Sep 11 2011, 18:58:43
Post #31

BlaSk MetaliK
Group: Металариец
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Mayhem - Rehearsal 1995 [demo] (1995) by Velkaarn

Darkthrone & Mayhem - The True Legends In Black [split] (2004) by lars666

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post Dec 3 2011, 18:56:36
Post #32

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нужно обновить картинки!

лого, фото, облоги

группа (old formation):



Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin):


Euronymous (Oystein Aarseth):


Necrobutcher (Jorn Stubberud):

Hellhammer (Jan Axel Blomberg):

Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon [demo] (1986) (обложка кассеты здесь):

Mayhem - Deathcrush [ep] (1987)

Mayhem - Live In Leipzig [live] (1993)

Thou Shalt Suffer & Mayhem & Zemial - The True Black [bootleg] (1993)

Mayhem - De Misteriis Dom Sathanas (1994)

Mayhem - Dawn Of The Black Hearts [bootleg] [live] (1995)

Mayhem - Freezing Moon [single] (1996)

Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss [ep] (1997)

Mayhem - Ancient Skin/Necrolust [single] (1997)

Mayhem & Zyklon B - [split] (1999)

Mayhem - Mediolanum Capta Est [live] (1999)

Mayhem - The Grand Declaration Of War (2000)

Mayhem&darkthrone - True Legends In Black [split] [bootleg] (2000)

Mayhem - Up From The Tomb It Comes [bootleg] (2000)

Mayhem - European Legions [best of/compilation] (2001)

Mayhem - U.S. Legions [best of/compilation] (2001)

The Meads Of Asphodel & Mayhem - Jihad (split)

Mayhem - Chimera (2004)

Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao (2007)

Mayhem - Life Eternal [ep] (2009)

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post Dec 4 2011, 11:27:53
Post #33

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все картинки обновлены (теперь лично мной (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif) ).
так же добавлены ссылки на группы, флажки норвегии и прочая мелочь!
самое главное - исправлено название легендарного альбома (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)

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post Dec 10 2011, 13:48:35
Post #34

BlaSk MetaliK
Group: Металариец
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Mayhem - Legions Of War [best of/compilation] (2003) by Абигор (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)

(1) satanath,
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post Mar 22 2013, 19:29:21
Post #35

Group: Металариец
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Russian Federation

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post Apr 25 2013, 22:52:13
Post #36

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Про Аттилу
He graduated as an electrical engineer, and is a former private teacher of mathematics and physics.

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post Apr 25 2013, 23:31:23
Post #37

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Russian Federation

ЦИТАТА(Mahmud_1 @ Apr 26 2013, 01:57:56) *
Мне интересно, когда он успел его получить?)) Не, ну правда, маладой был - не до учебы.Вырос - нафига эта учеба, если будущее и так предопределено. Учитель значит)) Это как Вальдик, только в математике)))

Когда в Норвегию перебрался, ему уж где-то 21 был. До этого вполне мог выучиться. А Вальдик, это кто?
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post Apr 26 2013, 05:04:16
Post #38

Guests team

He graduated as an electrical engineer

Коллега (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)

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post Aug 27 2016, 09:23:46
Post #39

Forever Underground
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Someone could add "Live in Zeitz", please?
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/true_black.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Aug 27 2016, 10:16:15
Post #40

Правь статус, ####!111
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thenecromancer, уже добавлен
Mayhem - Live In Zeitz [live] (2016)

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post Mar 4 2017, 17:56:07
Post #41

Forever Underground
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Thank you Lucifer, but I have intention to buy the vinyl version of this reissue edition (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif)

Now, another 2 questions: why it has never been added the "Deathcrush" Demo tape? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/hmm.gif)
It's this one:
EDIT: now added (thanks Persian Gorgrinder) --> Mayhem - Deathcrush [demo] (1987)
Also, why on D-W "Out from the dark" has been added as "demo" instead E.P.? All the world knows: this is NOT a demo at all... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/normal_Homerdisgust3s.png)

(1) DarkHorde,
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post Jan 29 2018, 22:24:41
Post #42

Group: Металариец
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United States

Does anyone have bootleg lives with Attila?
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post Feb 8 2018, 19:41:26
Post #43

Forever Underground
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Mayhem - Out From The Dark [ep] (1996) added by bogecmoon
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post Apr 30 2018, 18:26:05
Post #44

Forever Underground
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QUOTE(Persian Gorgrinder @ Nov 7 2009, 08:09:51) *
Mayhem - Deathrehearsal [demo] - 1987
Album Page on Metal-Archive.com

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/look.gif) https://www.discogs.com/Mayhem-Deathrehears...release/2024523
New link, @192kbps:

(1) Neel,
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post Dec 3 2018, 22:50:07
Post #45

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Hi ! Does anyone have the bootleg "De Mysteriis..." Instrumental Version ' 92 ??

THANKS in advance !!
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post Dec 3 2018, 22:54:00
Post #46

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Russian Federation

ЦИТАТА(mayhem666 @ Dec 4 2018, 01:50:07) *
Hi ! Does anyone have the bootleg "De Mysteriis..." Instrumental Version ' 92 ??

THANKS in advance !!

Here you go

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Intrumental Version) [bootleg] (1992)

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post Dec 3 2018, 23:02:30
Post #47

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QUOTE(vosmidesijatye @ Dec 4 2018, 00:54:00) *


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post Jun 20 2019, 15:35:39
Post #48

Forever Underground
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Mayhem - Helvete (The Occultus Sessions 1991) [bootleg] (2011) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/true_black.gif)

(1) Occultas,
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post Jun 21 2019, 12:33:30
Post #49

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Наверное, излишне лишний раз будет расписывать то, насколько легендарен и крут этот коллектив. Отмечу лишь, что для меня он в большинстве своём жив по 2004 год включительно. Последующее творчество до сих пор не цепляет. Хотя на первых порах я вообще только релизы с Маньяком признавал. Потом и к Аттиле привык и к Дэду. К слову, Аттила - выдающийся вокалист, просто он порой уж чересчур разнообразен. Я и сейчас не назвал бы ДМДС его лучшей работой. Ну, учитывая то, что я и к некотором классическим работам не сразу приобщился, может, ещё и распробую позднее творчество. Но на данный момент больше всего у группы я ценю "Deathcrush", "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas", "Wolf's Lair Abyss" и "Chimera". Немного в меньшей степени студийную демку с Дэдом и "Grand Declaration Of War".

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post Jul 24 2019, 10:29:55
Post #50

Правь статус, ####!111
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Russian Federation

Кароче, тема такая - музыканты шарятся по муз. магазу и выбирают крутяхи по их мнению, а операторы снимают это все с короткими комментами музыкантов и отрывками произведений из пластинок которые они выбрали. Достаточно необычный выбор порой.

На канале этом еще всяких других интересных музыкантов полно.

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post Aug 19 2019, 01:15:33
Post #51

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Жду щитсторм по предстоящему альбому (IMG:style_emoticons/default/spitggis0.gif)
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post Sep 2 2019, 01:44:49
Post #52

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ЦИТАТА(damage666 @ Sep 2 2019, 01:22:21) *
Походу новый трек

Хм, видимо, да.
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post Oct 29 2019, 09:28:43
Post #53

In Reality Suffer
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Added & Form Updated:

Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon [demo] - 1986 by arianfinist
Mayhem - Deathcrush [demo] - 1987 by aVoid
Mayhem - Studio Tracks [demo] - 1990 by necroscum
Mayhem - Live In Leipzig [live album] - 1993 by Akhenaton
Mayhem - The Dawn of the Black Hearts - Live in Sarpsborg, Norway 28/2, 1990 [live] - 1995 by kremator
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas [full-length] - 1994 by fenryr
Mayhem - Out From The Dark [compilation] - 1996 by bogecmoon
Mayhem - Ancient Skin / Necrolust [single] - 1997 by frost192
Mayhem - Freezing Moon [single] - 1996 by pan3o
Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss [ep] - 1997 by St6por
Mayhem - Live In Bischofswerda [live album] - 1998 by ptlm
Mayhem & Zyklon-B - Necrolust / Total Warfare [split] - 1999 by Varggeth
Mayhem - Mediolanum Capta Est [live album] - 1999 by St6por
Mayhem - Grand Declaration Of War [full-length] - 2000 by Orchus
Mayhem - European Legions: Live in Marseille 2000 [live] - 2001 by ptlm
Mayhem - U.S. Legions [compilation] - 2001 by ptlm
Mayhem - European Legions [compilation] - 2001 by ptlm
Mayhem & The Meads Of Asphodel - Jihad / Freezing Moon [split] - 2002 by ahmetov357100
Mayhem - Legions Of War [compilation] - 2003 by Абигор
Mayhem - Chimera [full-length] - 2004 by 74261700027
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao [full-length] - 2007 by blacklord666
Mayhem - Life Eternal [ep] - 2008 by gorg
Mayhem - Psywar [single] - 2014 by Kvass
Mayhem - Esoteric Warfare [full-length] - 2014 by necroscum
Mayhem - Live In Zeitz [live album] - 2016 by Velmi
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Alive [live album] - 2016 by rom666
Mayhem - Daemon [full-length] - 2019 by RADeus

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post Jul 30 2020, 09:19:01
Post #54

Forever Underground
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Persian Gorgrinder, there's another official release still missing in the 1st post:
https://www.discogs.com/release/14668006 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/9.gif)
Mayhem - Live in Montreal
From The True Mayhem newsletter:
"Digital single - recorded live 20.01.2017 in Montreal, Quebec @ Club Soda during a De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas set."
Also, the discography until 1987 have to be listed in this way, in my opinion:
Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon [demo] - 1986
Mayhem - Deathrehearsal [demo] - 1987 (it's a semi-official release, though...)
Mayhem - Deathcrush [demo] - 1987
Mayhem - Deathcrush [ep] - 1987
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post Aug 2 2020, 06:13:45
Post #55

Правь статус, ####!111
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QUOTE(thenecromancer @ Jul 30 2020, 10:19:01) *
Persian Gorgrinder, there's another official release still missing in the 1st post:
https://www.discogs.com/release/14668006 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/9.gif)
Mayhem - Live in Montreal

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post Jul 10 2021, 13:24:06
Post #56

Wrath of God 2
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Mayhem - Atavistic Black Disorder/Kommando [ep] (2021)

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post Aug 9 2021, 15:33:44
Post #57

Forever Underground
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Mayhem - Atavistic Black Disorder/Kommando [ep] (2021) added by Samaritianin
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post Oct 27 2021, 08:58:48
Post #58

Forever Underground
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QUOTE(GloomyDeath @ Sep 11 2011, 19:58:43) *

This link doesn't exist anymore; correct link for this split bootleg is THIS:
Mayhem & Darkthrone - True Legends In Black [split] [bootleg] (2000) [post #10323] (IMG:style_emoticons/default/t2017.gif)

(1) Occultas,
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post Aug 3 2024, 15:18:20
Post #59

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Russian Federation

Сыграли несколько песен для телевидения, как понимаю, не вникал... - https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nrk-scenen/sesong/2...de/MKDU44001424
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post Aug 7 2024, 09:14:43
Post #60

Forever Underground
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Mayhem - Daemonic Rites [live] (2023) added by necroscum

(1) Occultas,
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