Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Loss, Frustration, Compulsion, Existentialism
United States (New York)
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Chris Grigg - Vocals, Guitars (Infiltrator, Unrest, The Green Evening Requiem, Algol)
Grzesiek Czapla - Bass, Vocals (Casket, Infiltrator, Infernal Stronghold, Stronghold, Absu (Live), Everwinter)
Matt - Guitars (Belus, Malstrom, Concussion)
Lev Weinstein - Drums (Anicon, Bloody Panda, Damnatum, Fischel's Beast, Geryon, Krallice, Pyrolatrous, Sallah, Astomatous, Hymn, Archon)
Former/Past Member(s):
Shawn Eldridge Drums
Shane Madden - Bass
Shawn Riley - Bass
Evan Madden - Drums
Ruston Grosse - Drums
Shawn Eldridge - Drums

Woe - Absinthe Invocation: Five Spells Against God [demo] - 2007
Woe - Land Of Piss & Poison [split] - 2007
Woe & The Green Evening Requiem & Sil Veth & Bereavement & Lethean & Monolith - Anthrosphere Volume 1 [split] - 2008
Woe - A Spell For The Death Of Man [full-length] - 2008
Woe - Quietly, Undramatically [full-length] - 2010
Woe - Withdrawal [full-length] - 2013
Woe - Hope Attrition [full-length] - 2017
Woe - A Violent Dread [ep] - 2019
Official Site:
Encyclopaedia Metallum