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  1. Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism (1992) (43 replies)
  2. Katharsis - Terror, Storm And Darkest Arts [demo] (1996) (9 replies)
  3. Teryky - Perish [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  4. Acherontas & Horna - Atavistic Resurgence [split] (2015) (9 replies)
  5. Horna & Sacrificia Mortuorum - Horna/Sacrificia Mortuorum [split] (2007) (8 replies)
  6. Cytotoxin - Condemnesia [single] (2025) (1 reply)
  7. Vociferian - Glorificia Bestials (2009) (14 replies)
  8. Vociferian - Beredsamkeit (2006) (9 replies)
  9. Made In Taiwan - A Loss Of Control [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  10. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Evoking A Decade [compilation] (2008) (11 replies)
  11. Satanic Nekro Forest - Vortex Of Insanity [demo] (2025) (0 replies)
  12. Steel Forge & Exiled Hope - Realm Of The Exiled [collaboration] (2025) (0 replies)
  13. Waifu Smashed - Monstrous Turbid Perversity [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  14. Insônia Sem Fim - Sanatorium Of Solitude (complete) [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  15. Pale - Our Hearts In Your Heaven (2025) (0 replies)
  16. A.M.S.G. - The Forbidden Transformation [ep] (2015) (12 replies)
  17. Sterbhaus - Hits For Dead Kids (2011) (4 replies)
  18. Mystruin - Gånget Äro Ljuset (2014) (14 replies)
  19. Ravenlight - Springtime Lament [single] (2024) (1 reply)
  20. Purified In Blood - Spiritual Thirst & Ascend To Nothing [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  21. Satan's Sigh - Impaled Nazareno (2025) (1 reply)
  22. The Cimmerian - An Age Undreamed Of (2025) (0 replies)
  23. Black Funeral - Waters Of Weeping (2007) (52 replies)
  24. Black Funeral - Az-I-Dahak (2004) (27 replies)
  25. Gernotshagen - Ode Naturae (2020) (4 replies)
  26. Inquisition - Magnificent Glorification Of Lucifer (2004) (33 replies)
  27. Legenda - Eclipse (1998) (16 replies)
  28. Inquisition - Invoking The Majestic Throne Of Satan (2002) (50 replies)
  29. Demon Sin - Kill Music Volume One [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  30. Black Tribe - Funeral Obsession (Raw Black Metal Mix) [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  31. Stradion - Holy Midnight Gloom (2001) (1 reply)
  32. Sarcofago - Hate (1994) (13 replies)
  33. Opferblut - Satanic Requiem [demo] (2022) (4 replies)
  34. Avulsed - Blood Monolith [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  35. Vyre - Voidserpent (2025) (0 replies)
  36. Barshasketh - Defying The Bonds Of Cosmic Thraldom (2010) (9 replies)
  37. Barshasketh - Barshasketh [demo] (2009) (5 replies)
  38. Barshasketh - As Flesh Becomes Earth [demo] (2009) (9 replies)
  39. Barshasketh - Barshasketh (2019) (16 replies)
  40. Kreator - Renewal (1992) (73 replies)
  41. Trisagion - Holy Orthodox Unblack [demo] (2025) (2 replies)
  42. Cult Of Erinyes - Æstivation (2019) (6 replies)
  43. Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back To Life (1990) (74 replies)
  44. Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth (1991) (66 replies)
  45. Cyhra - Superman [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  46. Korgonthurus - Vuohen Siunaus (2016) (17 replies)
  47. Pure Wrath - Flowers And Walls [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  48. Omnes Flammus - Empty [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  49. Karçaz - Black Metal Will Burn Your Soul (2025) (0 replies)
  50. Kult Ov Azazel - The World, The Flesh & The Devil (2005) (7 replies)
  51. Serpentyne - Prophetess Of Dreams [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  52. Obscure Sphinx - Emovere [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  53. Morbid Angel - Heretic (2003) (82 replies)
  54. Near Death Experience - Absolution [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  55. Myocardectomy - Carnophage [demo] (2025) (0 replies)
  56. WarWolf - Blood & Ice [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  57. Abyzou - Putridum [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  58. Onize Ayanami - Deus Ex Machina (2025) (0 replies)
  59. Vermilia - Veresi [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  60. Solemn Penitence - A Bitter Melancholy [demo] (2025) (0 replies)
  61. Lumnos - Na Santa Paz Da Aurora [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  62. Cryptic Brood - Outcome Of Obnoxious Science (2019) (3 replies)
  63. Ancient Ritual - Ars Goetia [ep] (2025) (1 reply)
  64. Mirror Of Deception - Consumed [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  65. Gloombringer - Dismantling Existence [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  66. Nephylim - Inner Paradigm [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  67. Teleost - Three Originals [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  68. Black Spell - Into The Darkness [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  69. Embracing - Dreams Left Behind (1997) (25 replies)
  70. Uruk High - Isenguardian (2025) (0 replies)
  71. My Lost Innocence - Desolated In Complete Darkness [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  72. Depravity - Silence Of The Centuries [best of/compilation] (2011) (9 replies)
  73. Kreator - Endorama (1999) (315 replies)
  74. The Perpetual Wound - Live (2024) [live] (2025) (0 replies)
  75. Alltid Allena - Broken Glass [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  76. Sarath - Siste Indre (2010) (25 replies)
  77. Vëlhtrhaq - M​é​r​é​nd​í​t [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  78. Kalashnikov - Todo En Lo Que Crees Está Muerto [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  79. Kreator - Cause For Conflict (1995) (124 replies)
  80. Hetsheads - We Hail The Possessed... (1994) (18 replies)
  81. Naglfar - Vittra (1995) (25 replies)
  82. Dread Majesty - Your Time Has Come [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  83. Blood Of Ysgramor - Demo III [demo] (2025) (0 replies)
  84. Saint Filth - Songs From Hell [demo] (2025) (0 replies)
  85. World Eaters - Hounds Of Blood (2025) (0 replies)
  86. Putrilence - Cystic Epidermal Pestilence [ep] (2025) (0 replies)
  87. Cosmic Church - Täyttymys (2018) (29 replies)
  88. Cosmic Church - Ylistys (2013) (68 replies)
  89. Necrosociety - Dead And Gone [demo] (2003) (0 replies)
  90. Waldseel - Rauhnacht Ritus [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  91. Destroyers Of All - Ritual [single] (2025) (0 replies)
  92. Death Of The Human Race - Black Knight (2024) (0 replies)
  93. Jack Slater - Metzgore (2004) (8 replies)
  94. Sad Legend - Searching For The Hope In Utter Darkness [ep] (2002) (23 replies)
  95. Withered Garden - Exhausted Eden [ep] (1998) (2 replies)
  96. Baptism & Uncreation's Dawn - Baptism/Uncreation's Dawn [split] (2004) (3 replies)
  97. Mezmerizer - Whispers Of Leviathan (2024) (2 replies)
  98. Currents - The Death We Seek (2023) (1 reply)
  99. Lurker Of Chalice - Lurker Of Chalice (2005) (41 replies)
  100. Darkside - Melancholia Of A Dying World [version 1994] (1995) (22 replies)
  101. The Berzerker - The Reawakening (2008) (25 replies)
  102. Withermoon & Sicarius - We'll Meet You Where The Ravens Circle [split] (2024) (0 replies)
  103. Stoneganj - Live At Stonehenge [live] (2024) (0 replies)
  104. Mortuorum - Dying In The Black Candle Light (2024) (0 replies)
  105. Outcast Angel - 15 Daghighe [single] (2024) (0 replies)
  106. Воля И Разум - С Судьбой Попробуй Поспорь... [ep] (2024) (30 replies)
  107. Blood Of Kingu - Sun In The House Of The Scorpion (2010) (140 replies)
  108. Blood Of Kingu - De Occulta Philosophia (2007) (39 replies)
  109. Evereve - Seasons (1996) (21 replies)
  110. Cold July - Spending The Rest Of My Days Longing To See You Once Again... [single] (2024) (0 replies)
  111. Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark (1987) (146 replies)
  112. Nightbringer - Hierophany Of The Open Grave (2011) (33 replies)
  113. Swordmaster - Moribund Transgoria (1999) (9 replies)
  114. Morgue - Vers La Potence (2016) (3 replies)
  115. Sabbat - History Of A Time To Come (1988) (31 replies)
  116. Lausea - Crystal Heart [ep] (2024) (1 reply)
  117. Edge Of Sanity - Purgatory Afterglow (1994) (53 replies)
  118. Eldrún - Svarid (2024) (0 replies)
  119. Acerbity - End Of The Line [ep] (2024) (2 replies)
  120. Obsidian Tongue - Live 2024 [live] (2024) (0 replies)
  121. Ethical Void - My Room: My Grave [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  122. Ehtëk - Drá N​ə​m​◊​nä S​∇​l [ep] (2024) (1 reply)
  123. Anapilin - Anapilin [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  124. Stone Of Scone - Punching Skies [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  125. Mayhem - Out From The Dark [compilation] (1996) (14 replies)
  126. Bathory - Bathory (1984) (61 replies)
  127. Bathory - The Return... (1985) (64 replies)
  128. Teitanblood & Necros Christos - Teitanblood/Necros Christos [split] (2006) (5 replies)
  129. Labyrinthus Stellarum - Lost In The Void [single] (2024) (1 reply)
  130. Azzaya - Raging Satanic Aggression [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  131. Brüle - Live At El Mediator [live] (2024) (0 replies)
  132. Post A.D. - Death Incarnate [demo] (2024) (0 replies)
  133. Oath Of Sin - Bleeding Catholics [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  134. Trhä - Faj Den En​Ω​ë​ton​ë​ghappan Nvona T​ó​varba D​ë​hajnva Ëfpalte∫ Eh Y​ë​n​á​º​£​les §an​ë​nbe Cetmac Eh Den L​é​hams Selb'​º​e N​ê​bam'o​∫​n​ë​b ◊u​∫​an D​‡​é​f§ [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  135. Nocturnal Avernus - Coven (2025) (0 replies)
  136. Dark Fortress - Ylem (2010) (88 replies)
  137. Dark Fortress - Profane Genocidal Creations (2003) (22 replies)
  138. Animus Mortis - Testimonia (2014) (13 replies)
  139. Ruin Dweller - Ancient Ruin [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  140. Kuusuo - Curse Still Lingers On [single] (2024) (0 replies)
  141. A Somber Funeral - Celestial Child [single] (2024) (0 replies)
  142. Hacksaw Tracheotomy - Demo 2024 [demo] (2024) (1 reply)
  143. Эпидемия - Звон Монет [single] (2024) (5 replies)
  144. Omega Purge - Ashes [ep] (2024) (0 replies)
  145. Dark Fortress - Spectres From The Old World (2020) (19 replies)
  146. Fyrgast - Is Och Köld (2024) (0 replies)
  147. Imprecation Of Love - Insomnia​.​.​. (Endless Thoughts Of Eternal Love) (2024) (0 replies)
  148. Excommunion - Superion (2001) (35 replies)
  149. Terrorizer - Caustic Attack (2018) (143 replies)
  150. Zlam - Pressured By Acquired Images (2012) (2 replies)
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