Just some sketchy thoughts...
I'm sure everyone was anxious to hear the new Samael. To me, a disappointment. "We were just playing around", is basically their statement, if put into words or not. I do fully understand the sentiment for old black metal, but I don't understand how it is possible to jump right back into one's youth. To think it is already an anachronism. The legacy is within us and coming back to it - a vital necessity. But it is constant self-reflection that evokes that need, and it's a reflection enacted here and now, by our present beings. It is 30-something year-olds in 2008-2009 who revitalize the primal features of the genre in question. I see nothing vital about Above, it doesn't move me. Samael are playing around with rudiments. Satyricon, on the other hand, are at the forefront of black metal (is what they do anything BUT black metal!). They exploit the genre with modern means, industrialized at times, and employing the best musicians available. They are serious as hell. Isn't it something similar that we expected from Samael? With my deepest respect, I do hope they come back to business.
Абсолютно разочарован.
На мой субъективный взгляд, релизы группы, начиная с Passage, сильно выделялись, за счет интересных мелодических решений, с чувством прописанных ударных, приятных гитарных риффов в сочетании с достойной лирикой.
Теперь же вся их музыка свелась к тупому бластбиту, с тупым же гитарным чесом, так что получилось ни в *** ни в красную армию. С какой целью музыканты это сделали, и о чем при этом думали, мне абсолютно не понятно.
Вполне согласна. В этом альбоме никакая артикуляция, тупой шум и гам.
(А мой любимый - Reign of Light)
Неужели это MANOWAR TRVE-блэкметалл-а?
Under one flag, rise rise, march march, my people...oh yeeeah!